The time with you was all too brief, Five years have passed and we still grieve. Missing you is still very strong, Although the years have come and gone. Your memory is deep within our hearts, Until the day we're no longer apart. We love you, Alan

Happy Birthday ,son! We love and miss you so much. There's not a day goes by, that I don't see those big blue eyes and that big smile. Alan, you will always be in my heart and soul, and I will always keep your memory alive. I'm sure that you and Meatball are probably chasing each other around, and having a good time. Alan, I love you and will see you again.... Forever in my heart, Mama

It's hard to believe it has been four years now, since you got your wings. I miss you so much. It's a struggle for me to make it through each day, but it does make me feel better each time I think about you walking those streets of gold, without any worries, peace and quiet, and being with your daddy and grandmama. I can see you now, walking around with your hands in your pockets, hat on backwards and a big smile ...kicking up gold dust!!
We all love you!!
My heart still aches in sadness,
and secret tears still flow.
What it meant to lose you,
no one will ever know.

Mother's Day will never be the same without you. I love and miss you so much...

We all miss you Alan..

I think about you all the time. Often wonder what it would be like today if you were here. You have a new niece now, Brookelyn. She's nine months old. And you would love her so much.
Today's grandmama's birthday, so give her a hug from us all. I bet you two have been celebrating big. I love you son and will always keep you deep inside my heart.

I know all of you are having a big celebration in heaven today....I'm sure you are "kicking up gold dust", and Mama, Keith and Shannon are right there with you. And, of course, we had your traditional party today...made your favorite cake.
There's not a day goes by that I don't think about you, Alan. We all miss and love you so much, and will see you again.

Alan, I miss you so much! And think about you all the time. It has been three years since you left us, and seems like only yesterday. I relive that day, everyday. I pray that some day, I will find the answers to questions that are eating at me. Alan, I know that you are alright . I can see you and Meatball running down the streets of gold and having a good time.
Well Alan, you have a new niece now. Brookelyn was born April 7, and she is beautiful. She looks just like Ashley. Ashley and Ankur are doing great.
We love you and miss you, Al........will see you again!

Missing you so much on Mothers Day Alan. But I know you are always with me, everyday. We all miss and love you so much.

Today is grandmamas birthday and I'm sure you have been celebrating with her and all the angels. We sure miss you two. It's hard to make it through each day without yall. I will see you again, and what a glorious day that will be. Alan, you just keep watching over everybody and take care of grandmama. We love you.

Twenty seven years ago today, God gave me a precious gift. It was a very happy day for me. My heart was broken the day he called you home. I know you are with me everyday, because I have you deep inside my heart. I miss you and think about you every minute of everyday.
Alan, I know that you are having a great time with Meatball once again. I'm sure you two are rolling in the clouds right now....celebrating your birthday with your buddy. We love and miss you so much, and life without you will never, ever be the same again.

Alan, I think about you all the time. I miss you so very much. You had talked about wanting a dachshund ... so when a co-worker of mine had found one and needed to find him a home it was a simple decision. You named him Meatball. I'll never forget the I brought him home to you. You two were so cute together.
After you were gone, he spent weeks looking for you. There was a guy with a mustang who visited across the street ... every time that car came around Meaty ran to the door looking for you.
Now you and your pup are back together. Yesterday I had to send him to be with you because he had degenerative disk disease and his back end was paralyzed. That was no life for him. I knew he needed to be with you.
He has been a wonderful companion through the most difficult time of my life. I miss you terribly. I know you will take good care of our Meatball. I find peace knowing that he will be with you, in a better place, where he can lick people on the mouth and have his belly rubbed all day long!
I'll always love you, Alan,

Alan, I think about you all the time. I miss you so very much. You had talked about wanting a dachshund ... so when a co-worker of mine had found one and needed to find him a home it was a simple decision. You named him Meatball. I'll never forget the I brought him home to you. You two were so cute together.
After you were gone, he spent weeks looking for you. There was a guy with a mustang who visited across the street ... everytime that car came around Meaty ran to the door looking for you.
Now you and your pup are back together. Yesteday I had to send him to be with you because he had degenerative disk disease and his back end was papralyzed. That was no life for him. I knew he needed to be with you.
He has been a wonderful companion through the most difficult time of my life. I miss you terribly. I know you will take good care of our Meatball. I find peace knowing that he will be with you, in a better place, where he can like people on the mouth and have his belly rubbed all day long!
I'll always love you, Alan,

Well Alan,
It's been two years now since you got your wings. Although it only seems like yesterday for me. Time is at a standstill. We all miss you so much, and your memories will never die..
Shannon has joined all of you this week, and I know that you and mama are taking care of him. He also left us way too soon. You take care of everybody , and continue to watch over all of us. Alan, you will always be right here in our hearts.We love you !

One of the greatest memories I have of you, Alan, is our last Christmas spent together. I remember sitting beside you on the love seat, as we usually did, opening our gifts. You gave Mama your camera to take pictures and I'm glad you did because the pictures she took of us were the last ones of us together. You helped me open my gifts and made me so happy. I never told you, but the day you came by to give us our gifts, I was deeply depressed. You met me half way as I was coming out of my room to give me the card you got me. I remember you asking me if I read it and made me tell you exactly what it said before you believed I really did. So that tells me you took your time to pick it out and wanted it to be special for me. You were the only person to put a smile on my face that week and that is why this memory is one of the most vivid I have of you and I. I love you, Alan, more than you would ever know.

We love you!!!!!

As I sit here today reminiscing about the last Valentines Day I spent with you, I
can still smell the flowers, and see the smile on your face. That was the best surprise ever. I love you so much. You are always in my heart and on my mind, every minute of everyday.
On an Angels wing,

Alan, I miss you more everyday. The pain I feel is unbearable. Your famous words..."Ah, mama, you can make it", echo in my head all day long..everyday. And that's what I cling on to. But, I don't know if I can make it this go round.
One thing about it, I know yours' and grandmamas' memories will never die, because I keep them alive Everyday.
We love both of you.

Today was very hard for me. Seems like this is just a nightmare that I can't wake up from.
We had your traditional party and I made your cake like I have every year. I would give anything to see you blowing the candles out once again. And if I could hug you and touch your face again, I would never let go.
Jaden and Alana were here today. Alana looks just like you. Big blue eyes, and smiles all the time, just like you. She reminds me so much of you.
As I sit and look at your picture all the time, I touch your face and ask WHY? It rips my heart out again and again.
I can't wait to be with you again, Alan. We all love you so much. And I keep your memories alive everyday.

We miss you so much. I think about you constantly. Every minute of everyday, I relive June 8, 2008. And I can still hear your last words to me..I love you too, mama. I just wish you were still saying them.
You have a new niece that you never got to meet. Her name is Alana. She has blue eyes just like you and smiles all the time, just like you always did. She favors you a lot. It would have tickled you to play with her. You always loved kids.

One year ago today marks the day everyone's life drastically changed. It seems like only yesterday that I last saw those big blue eyes, and that smiling face. My heart is so dark and grim. I feel like I am at a standstill on my new journey. Just traveling a long, dark ,road without any direction, no light in sight.
I know that you are amongst all the Angels in Heaven right now, celebrating your day, and I know that you are O.K., and I know you have Grandmama right beside you.
We love you two so much, and it's so hard to deal with this.

Today was the longest day of my life. I always looked forward to your call to say, "I'm coming over there in a little while". I'm so broken hearted . It just rips me to pieces not to have you here. This is a nightmare. Alan, we all miss you and love you so much. I feel like you are watching over me. And I know if you could talk to me right now, you would say, "Ah, everything will be alright, mama".

No farewell words were spoken,
no time to say goodbye.
You were gone before we knew it,
and only God knows why.

It is so hard to deal with you not being in my life. So many times, I think, "I'm gonna call Alan and see what he's up to today". I know you can hear me when I talk to you everyday, because I can feel your spirit all over this house. I can only dream of touching your face, and giving you a big hug. My heart is filled with so much sadness. I know that you , Grandmama, and your daddy are all watching over the rest of us, and everyday when I start crying, I think to myself...I know Alan hated to see me cry, so I need to quit. I can always hear you telling me, "Ah, moma you'll be alright, you can make it". It's just so hard to make it through each day. This pain is so unbearable. Alan, I love you so much, you were my life.

Alan, Today was an especially hard day for us. You we're always at Grandmamas every Easter. But, this year, you and Grandmama spent Easter in Heaven together. It was a sad day for us...we miss both of you so much. The memories will never fade.
Love you two,
rodger johnson
15 years agohappy birthday allen you are miss alot down here we no you and mommy are together in heaven i hope you had a great birthday we all love and miss alot.