Hi Mum, Sorry Jeanette and I haven't been up to the crematorium for a while, we have no way of getting up there as our car is off the road and I can't see when I can get it working again. Although we haven't been there, you and Dad are always in our thoughts and will never be forgotten. We haven't heard from Rita and Sue for a while but know they both go to the crematorium as often as they can. We both miss you terribly and our love for you will forever be in our hearts and fond, loving memories will always be in our thoughts. I hope you and Dad found each other and will be together for the rest of eternity as you both deserve to be. Remembering you at Christmas and every day. All our love to you, forever. We miss and love you always. Bill, Jeanette and all the family. XXX XXX XXX

Hi Mum, Ras, Alan and I went to the crem on Thursday 7th March. We left some beautiful flowers for you and Dad. It doesn't seem possible that you left us all 2 yrs ago and Dad left us 4 yrs ago. We also left some flowers at the chapel where the book was opened on your's and Dad's page. We remembered you for Mothers Day as well. Ras and I are going to Spain again this year for a holiday, as you know Alan will not be going with us because of the flying thing. Ann and Bill have gone out to Spain for 6 weeks, they said they are taking a page out of your book. We all miss you and think of you every day. love you lots Rita and Sue. xx

Hi Mum, sorry to have taken so long but the traffic was bad !! ha ha. Ras Alan and I met up at the Crem on Thursday we left some flowers for you both. The gardens looked beautiful. Ras goes to the Crem monthly to leave flowers from both of us and I try to get there every other month. The three of us went to lunch at the little garden center near by then Alan went home and Ras and I came back to Bridgham. We have been out and about visiting garden centers wishing you were with us so that we could use your little scissors for cuttings etc. HAPPY THOUGHTS.
Ras and i went on holiday to Benidorm in May, we were not able to stay at the Pueblo Hotel but went there every day. We met up with lots of old familiar members of staff that knew you and Dad.
We took a bus to Javea with you in our pocket, then a cab to the beach, had a lovely lunch and walked along the waters edge until we got to the Paradore Hotel. We wrote in the sand MUM RAS AND SUE WAS HERE we scattered your ashes over the message and watched as the water lapped over you and took you out to sea to reunite you with Dad once again. We hugged and cried then both took a small rock each to take home and put into our fish tanks.
The next day we walked into the old town, we found a beautiful little Church up on the hill. We lit candles for both of you. You were together again and Ras and I felt at peace.
We are planning another holiday for next year to Germany, but will get together many times before that for long weekends etc.
We both miss you and wish that you were back with us again. Our hearts are heavy but light when we think of you.
All our love forever. Ras and Sue the ( now ) 2 musketeers

I'd give the world if I could say
Merry Christmas Mum to you today
To hear your voice and to see your smile
Would be my wish this Christmas time

If roses grow in heaven, Lord Please pick one for me. Place it in my Mother's hand And tell her it's from me. Tell her I that love her And when she turns to smile, Place a kiss upon her cheek And hold her for a while. Remembering her is easy, I do it every day. But there's an ache within my heart That will never go away.

You felt so very lonely Mum, Ever since Dad died But you can walk together now, Forever side by side.

Love says little,
But means so much,
Love is a feeling. a look, a touch,
Love is a gift, and I give it to you
From a Son whose heart
is broken in two.

Hi Mum, Yesterday was the most beautiful day, probably the best of the year so far. Even though it was a sad day for all of us, your loving family. Sad for 2 reasons, one being because we were all gathered to say our final farewells to you on the day we laid you to rest, and second, because we remembered that 2 years ago our Dad, your ever loving Husband and best friend, no, soul-mate, left us all to go to a better place. Mum, I'm sure Dad was waiting at the gates of Heaven to welcome you back into his arms, you can both now spend the rest of eternity together as you both wanted. I can only begin to imagine what it was like for you both to be separated for such a long time after spending 64 years of your lives together, never apart for too long. We all remembered different times that we had as children whether it was day trips out at the weekend or family holidays together. I am sure we would have to go a long way to find anyone that had a better childhood than us. I promise you Mum, and Dad, we will all keep in touch with each other and all gather together on special, and even not so special occasions, to enjoy being part of a very loving family and also to share fond memories of being part of such a loving and caring family. I love you Mum, and miss you so very much. Love you to bits, Goodnight, God bless. Bill xxx

To My Nanny 2, I love you so much, you are the best nanny 2 I could ever have wished for. I miss our little cuddles and poking our tongues out at each other. You will be forever in my heart. Lots of love always Kharis xxxxxxx

Nan, I really don't know what to say. Your so amazing. I unfortunately only got to know you for 5 years, but those 5 years with you were the best. You were the best nan ever. Your such a kind, gentle, loving lady and I am so proud to call you my nan. I know I can't see you, but you haven't gone, you're in my mind, my heart and my soul 24/7. I sit here and think about you of a night time and I smile at the times we used to come up and see you & granddad and all used to have a laugh. You used to tell us about all the old times when Rita, Sue & Bill were little and how you and Granddad met. I loved them talks Nan, I miss you so much. Love you with all my heart xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Mum, I miss you so much, each night at around 9 o' clock I go to call you to see how you are, but then I remember, and an empty feeling comes over me. I will never again call and hear you say "Goodnight, Godbless, love you, bye". Jeanette and the girls all miss you too so very much. Kharis, your newest Great Granddaughter, will never see what a wonderful, caring and loving person you were. I know that Joanna will tell her all about you and Dad and what a perfectly matched couple you truly were. The last words you said to me that I was able to understand on that day were, "Dad keeps calling me", Mum, I am so happy to think Dad came to help show you the way and that you are both re-united after almost 2 lonely years you had without him. We are all so very heartbroken that you are gone but at the same time we are overjoyed at the thought of you and Dad being together once more, your love for each other can never be equalled, it was so pure and so complete, and this great love you had for each other overflowed and was spilled on us, your children, your Grandchildren and your Great Grandchildren. I love you Mum, speak to you soon, Goodnight, Godbless XXX

She always leaned to watch for us Anxious if we were late, In winter by the window, In summer by the gate. And though we mocked her tenderly Who had such foolish care, The long way home would seem more safe, Because she waited there. Her thoughts were all so full of us, She never could forget, And so I think that where she is She must be watching yet. Waiting ‘til we come home to her Anxious if we are late Watching from Heaven’s window Leaning from Heaven’s gate.
13 years agoThe meal at seabrights, in loving memory of the late great Douglas held aka grandad 2. We ate, we drank, we in pure Doug style. We were there for Nanny 2 . We love them both and now they ARE together. Love Steve, Jo and Kids. xxxxxx