God alone knows why he decided to call you back home, if only Gods ways were human ways only then we'll understand. My dear sister may your soul rest in the Lord until we meet again, from dust we were made, and unto dust we shall return

Small Anwi, So sad to write this tribute. Last saw you about 15 yrs ago in Jos, Nigeria or in Limbe after that. Words cannot express the pain right now. Just after we are trying to heal from the void Tina Kwo ( my big sis) left.. now the wound has been pinched open again.. Oh death where is thy sting ?
Blessings and my condolence to the Fomukong family.
Yvonne Kangong

Dear Anwi , i don't know you but your story breaks my heart. i know your family so well and i pray that Godcomforts them and receives you in his kingdom. i am sure you have left your daughter in good hands. Rest in Peace!!!!

Smallie, when we separated 16 years ago in Nigeria, little did I know it was the last time I will ever see you.
When I talked to you 8 hours before you passed on (while you were in labor), you were so full of life and looking forward to having your baby. I remember you promised to call me the next day (something I now know will never happen). I just have to get use to the fact that you are gone.
I learnt so much from you while we were together in Nigeria. Sometimes I cry, other times I smile when I think about you. You were so young and so full of life when you left us. I hope baby Anwi grows up to be like you. Doris asks me to say hi. Bye and see you soon.

You may be gone in the eyes of your family and friends, but God has you resting in a better and peaceful place.You left a very wonderful gift behind for your family and friends to watch over and you will always be remembered in their hearts. May your soul rest in perfect peace.

Smallie, I,ve finally come round to wish you farewell 22 days after you passed away but I still can't help the tears streaming down my chicks. I wish I didn't have to but I've got to do this.You remember when Captain Felix in Nigeria gave you this name saying there cannot be two Anwis in one family but that's our dear paps for you. We shared a lot when we spoke on the phone because we had a lot of issues about life in common so we strengthened each other. I wish God had given you the opportunity to raise your child with the values you stood for but God's ways are not our ways. We will accomplish that for you. Thank you for living behind baby Anwi.
I will always love and remember you my dear. You troubles are over! Rest In Peace.

My heartfelt condolence to the Foukong and Dinga families at this grieving time of Anwi. May the good Lord who comforts the grieving comfort you all at this time. May God bring healing to the families and continue to guide you all through this journey. Anwi, it's hard to ask God why, but I guess you will ask Him that. Adieu until we meet again.

we don't know why so we won't question God .we know that one day We will all be together .Say hello to big Mamie ,uncle Martin and Emmanuel auntie Rita ,Martina,Mama Anasta,Ndia Mary, Veronica,Jude,Ndia Celestine,Charlie,All the Ndeso's And Angel Baby Ndeso's . God we can not take another Ndeso loss .Heaven knows we have had enough .we love you Watch over all of us .Good bye sister ,Good bye sister .

Late Anwi:
It's weird to imagine that you have departed! It came to me as dream and it's hard to deal with. My first meeting with you, Simon, bianca and your husband was fun and I saw in you care, love, concern and the unique qualities of a lady. You have inflicted pain in our minds because we feel we love you BUT God loves you more and has a reason for everything.
As you go to your resting place we pray that you get peace and prepare a place for us until we meet again!
My heartfelt sympathy to the bereaved family and friends.

Dear Anwi:
You have created a vacuum in hour hearts. We still find it hard to belief that you are gone and are now resting in the Lord's House. We wish to assure you that we love you very much, but God loves you more. May God's will be done!
We will continue to think of you in our prayers. Additionally, may the Lord grant the strength to the Fomukong and Dinga Families to withstand this sudden shock.
We love you!!!
Dr. Christopher Atang,
For, and on behalf of the Atang Family in the USA.

' Dearest squared' yes for you were my second wiffy , You showed and told us all about love. Thats what brought me to Houston were we spent your last days. It is hard to believe but as christians we accept for the will and love of God is above human understanding. Yes let the love you showed be, when tears i remember your retorics about family life which you defended and could dei for, the excellent healthy meals, the people you called every day to say hello, the bible and praying nights and morns, our driving practices and road runnings to your physician, me learning to rub the baby, the timing of arrivals and departures of Bianca's trip so as to prepare us good cocky beans, your wonderfull taste of fashion..ohh i cant continue for i am full of tears. But i am comforted for you accomplished Gods great command -loving and caring for anybody you came across and wishing the best ever. You left us love and this love we shall continue to share till you are pleased with us, and as the Almighty wishes, as we pray that you rest in peace with Him and the others till we meet again. We know you will be there as you left a little love with us.

when we lose someone we love, it seems like time stands still. what moves through us is a silence, a quiet sadness, a longing for one more day, one more word, one more touch. we may not understand why you left this earth so soon or why you left before we were ready to say goodbye, but little by little we begin to rember not just that you died, but that you lived. and that your life gave us memories too beautiful to forget. I remember when I used to visit you in ferrara, how we spend the night talking about old days in LONGLA. and when you used to come to visit usb in Padova (Italy) when I had the baby. thank you for such happy moments shared with you. you were a special friend. but why so soon Anwi? rest in peace untill I see that sweet smile again. we will one day meet again. To baby Anwi and the fomukong family, me and my family are praying for you. God be with you

with pains and tears in my eyes anwi i cant real know what to tell but i believe God best know why he decieded to take you at this piont of time bcause i remember when i lastly saw you and u a no more.may ur soul rest in the hands of the Almight God!may ur baby be grow up strong and bless in the lord.my condolence to the Fomukong,s family and the dinga,s family may the good God consold u at this hurrible point in time for he knows best.may her sold rest in peace.

Dear Anwi as you left us here below and the cold hands of death took you from loving ones..rest assured that it was a joyous day for you because it was your first birthday in heaven....your guests of honor were God, Jesus Christ and all the heavenly angels. You will be missed but your sweet spirit will forever linger in your very beautiful baby and familes and friends...My sympathy to the Fomukong and Dinga family especially baby Anwi..God has a special plan for her.....May your soul rest in peace....


I don't know you Anwi, but I can relate to you as a big sister and as a woman. I remember Evelyn from Saker and CPC Bali and you look alike. I remember seeing Pa Fomukong every Sunday as we walked down Saker Hill to the Down Beach Presbyterian Church. I have sat here and read every single memorial to your tribute and each tells a beautiful story about you. I sit here and struggle with the thought of a young woman dying in childbirth at this age and time, and answers fail me......I am feeling a deep sadness for your baby Anwi who will never feel your soft touch.I think of your husband, possibly paralyzed in grief and I ask God if it is a compromise to lose a wife and have a daughter,what a mixture of emotions!! I think of Pa Fomukong,to bury his child...
To you all the Fomukong and Dinga family, these are very trying moments that may cause your faith in God to wane, but I trust that if God brings you to it, He will lead you through it. May you all be comforted.
rest in the Lord Anwi

There is time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven; a time to born and a time to die, a time to plant and a time to uproot. a time to to heal, a time to hear down and a time to build,a time to weep a a time to laugh, a time mourn and a time to dance, a time to scatter stones and a time to gather them........

Ma Anwi, you were special, great and a wonderful wife. May your life, works and spirit live within us.To my family, yes...she may have left soon but to God she lived a full life. As the Bible mentioned, we shall meet to depart no more. May God Almighty sustain and lessen your pain.To everyone, we need to live a fullfilled life in CHRIST. Love always...Edmond,Rita &Kayla

Anwi, you will be missed. May you find peace in Gods house. there are many unanswered questions, the God Lord always has the answer. my family continue to pray for Baby ANWI, she will rise and shine .
May GOD continue to heal and bless the Fomukong family.

Dear Anwi, I saw a condolence message on facebook and followed the posted link only to get to your unbelievably tragic story. If for more than an hour now I cannot stop weeping, I who know you not, I wonder what your family is going through at this time. WHY? WHY? WHY? My human mind cannot comprehend God's thoughts here. May your gentle soul rest in God's perfect peace and may He restore your little angel to health. May He keep your family members very close to His bossom. Peace be with you always.

His Grace is sufficient.
May the love of the Almighty fill your hearts, comfort and strengthen you in these darkest hours.
May you find solace in Baby Anwi; and may she eclipse your hearts with joy and peace, as you celebrate the life of her beloved mother, Anwi.
Most of all, may you find comfort and contentment in knowing that she spent what were her last moments on earth, with her beloved family!
It is well.

Anwi, we love you, but then the Lord Almighty loves you most. May you find peace , and comfort in the Lord in your new home.
Be assured that the dream God has put in your baby's heart, can't be shut down.

2 Corinthians 5:8 "We are confident, yes, well pleased rather to be absent from the body and to be present with the Lord."
Rest now Anwi and God be with you till we meet again at Jesus' Feet.

Heartfelt condolence to the Fomukong and Dinga families during this very difficult moment. God's comfort, stay strong and hope you continue to see Anwi in the daughter she left behind.

May the LORD who has called you home welcome you with open arms and may HE stretch HIS arms to your Baby Anwi to survive, beat all odds and keep your memory alive as she blossoms.
To the entire family, may you be comforter at this time and may blessings be pour on you to give you the ability to carry Anwi's memories to other generations after her.
Lambe Family
Keller, Texas

It is very tragic and senseless in this day and age to die courtesy of childbirth.
My heart goes out to the daughter who will grow up never knowing a mother’s love, and the husband whose joy of a new life is compounded by the sadness of the loss of a wife. To the Dinga and Fomukong families may God give you the strength to bear this loss and in due course overcome it.
With all my heartfelt condolences,

Anwi, we are today in a state of shock and regret as we know we shall never see you again.God are heavenly father got much love and concern for you.we gona pray for you as a family and as love ones.we hope and shall one day be able to meet again in the world beyond.

I have lost a friend and a sister,because that's who Anwi was to me.We used to lived in Italy and she was a mother to many of us,very caring and always making sure that everybody around her was happy.she will always cooked on weekend and call her friends and family to come and eat in her house.
Anwi, I never knew you were just pulling my legs when you told me on Tuesday that after you give birth you will come back to DC you and your family will move to Virginia.I guess the Virginia you were talking about is a city in paradise were you now with the Lord Almighty.
Anwi,it's hard to accept your sudden departure my dear but we know the Lord who is the alpha and omega,the giver and the taker have decided you should come by his right hand side my dear.We thanked you Lord for everything because only you knows best what's good for us,and we thank you Lord for the Angel Anwi's pretty daughter baby Anwi that you have given us lord for our sister,friend,and mother Anwi memories will lived forever.Anwi my dear may your soul rest in perfect peace until we meet again,One love,One spirit.