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10 years ago

hey buddie just another day in my life i really miss you u always had the right answers to give me!!! this year wasnt the same at all gramp barly went out and its not the same i miss u buddie so much i just want one more day with you. to show me how to live life cuz u always new how to u were never upset about girls u always just moved on with no problems i love u man ill be up there someday to join you!!!!

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11 years ago

Dear Scottie, I remember the day you were born little cousin and I remember the day you died, you were special in so any ways, we loved you and you are missed, but I know your Gram, and Great Gram are there with you, taking care of you in God's house until we meet again, love always, sherry

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11 years ago

Hey Buddie its almost hunting season again another year with you there, I hope for u to come down again like you did last year and give me the luck that u always had. i had it last year. me and meg went out one Saturday gramps like cam get your ass out and go hunting and i was like no im waiting so about 12 i went out meg had just got out of the shower we were walking down the old rock wall and talking to her i look at her and in the corner of my eye i see it. it was like you were there with me!!! I miss and love u Buddie. U will always be there with me!!!!

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12 years ago

Dearest Scott, Mom is right; it was to soon.!!! We were supposed to be hanging out like old times.!!!! I remember you saying "i wonder what it would be like if i died? who would come? would people cry?" Then we would crack jokes about nobody being at your funeral or laugh at our selves mimicking people crying over you. Well, as you know from looking down from above you saw that the outcome was huge and YES there was people crying but no, i was not there. you know that. i couldnt do it scottie, and i know you would of rather me not. you would rather me being home, laughing at something or singing a song, maybe one of the ones we used to sing together or dance,like we used to dance up in my bedroom as kids and thats what i did. i sang a song.that we sang together many times, that once you even sang in my arms crying, drunk. you were like my little brother,you were my dear friend. it was always jess and ash. me and you. you and i practicing the same dance moves till we got them down just like on the movies we would watch, sneaking cigs behind moms barn, walking your moms pasture, the morning times waiting for the bus, the times on the bus, first time experimenting..."do i look like a wearwolf?", kick the can, basketball, hide and go seek, scaring me by getting all of moms dogs barking and then jumping in front of the window, swimming, the garage,my first and your first little kiss. a pec., the pond parties i can go on and on but im crying now. i see nobody has posted in awhile and i just wanted to let you know that you are still in my thoughts everyday,exspecially now being back at home. the memories i hold are very dear, just as if it was yesterday, they are very clear. I miss you you and those times so much it hurts, i shall keep them near. love you scott.

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12 years ago

I wrote to you Scottie about a month ago on here. Dont know what happened to the message? I remember as kids you would say" imagine if i died, i bet nobody would show up" then said " i bet if there was people they would be crying.. "and you would copy how they would be crying, laughing as you pretended to cry and call out your own name. As you saw from the heavens just about everybody came to your funeral and yes they were crying. i told you! i feel bad that i didnt go but you know Scottie i couldnt. it would have ripped my heart out. it rips my heart out just sitting here thinking of you and the times we used to share. it was always me and you. we would practice dance routines up in the bedroom and sing to each other.You were best friend, like a brother to me. i remember fondly you lifting me up in the air and swinging me around, smoking our first cig. together, scaring me by getting all the dogs barking and then pressing your face agianst the glass window, the bus rides, the tent, "do i look like a werewolf?" crying together, pond parties, cellar parties, the night crawlers, Yuk!, kick the can.etc.. the list keeps going. your time was to soon Scottie. i cry now and almost everyday cause i miss you so much. exsp. being back to the house. i love you scottie, i wish i got a chance to tell you just how much.

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12 years ago

Hey uncle i miss you so much, i had a dream last night that we were hanging out like the old day just me and you in the wood liken old times. i just wish i had tie to say good bye. i wish you were still here with me today. its never going to be the same ever again. i hope that u shine above me and give me your angle and guide me through my life to be safe!!!! I love u uncle Scotty!!!!!

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13 years ago

Thinking of you today.....Hope your looking over your family they are missing you so much. It's been 2 years and today is your birthday....we will all be toasting to you today. Keep your family strong Miss you...

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Sherry Oliver
13 years ago

Scottie, You are missed and you were loved by so many you didn't even know loved you. I loved you first as a little boy with a sweet smile and devil in his eyes, And as a young man who always showed respect to those who resepcted him, and I love you for the way you always were so good inside, if people would have only taken the time sometimes to look deeper in your heart, SO RIP my dear cousin, Rest in the arms of God and may you always be at peace, In loving memory, Sherry

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Lori Campbell
13 years ago

I still think about you all the time and wish I could pick up the phone and talk to you, I only new you for a short time but you touced my life and I will never forget you. I hope that your at peace and smiling down one all that loved you.

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malinda jewett
13 years ago

scott, wow this month has flown by so fast. I wished it could have been longer because i know your presence was here with us!! I know u wold not miss a day of hunting and that nothing would stop u. U keep them coming and i will keep shooting! Love you and miss u lots and i hope that ur resting peacefully! Ive added a couple pictures that I know u would enjoy!

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malinda jewett
13 years ago

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malinda jewett
13 years ago

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13 years ago

this hunting yeah was good i hunted just for u Scott, every this and all the deer we shoot is all for u. my mom got an 8 pointer this year just for u. i hoping i can get something for u too. in loving memory Scott i love u.

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13 years ago

Hi my boy. It's Friday Oct 29th. Hunting season starts tonorrow and I no you will be there with all of them. I haven't been on your web sit for a while. It makes me said to see your face. But I know you no I think Of you all the time. Sometimes I wish you could let me know that your ok. I will always miss you. I Know you miss your mom to. Love you mom.

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14 years ago

Scotty you are so sadly missed by everyone it will soon be a year that you have been gone. There is never a day that your family & friends don't think about you, I hope you are at peace and you can help everyone remember the good memories that they all share. You are a star in the sky and are looking down apone us all .

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Austin Ruest
14 years ago

I remember when you and my dad would hang out and go snowmobileing. those were the days i no i didnt really see you much but i saw you enough to see you were a good guy we miss ya

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amanda doughty
14 years ago

i remember joe used to play the guitar when u would come over and u would always set me on your lap and sing to me when i was little...and the time oscar ran away after you gave him to me and you came over in the middle of the night to help me find him.. and it turned out he was sleeping under my bed the whole time..:) i love you and miss you..your baby cousin

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14 years ago

Scott I can't believe it's all most been a year sence I have lost you. I am crying now. I miss that I never got to hold you in my arm one more time.I wanted to but everyone told me no. I feel like I never got to say good bye to you. But I no in my heart you no how much I loved you. I think of you all the time,and I no you think of me to. I believe you are happy now in your new life. Mom will see you again some day,and get to hold you. Till then my son I will be thinking of you.Love your mom.

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14 years ago

Scott I can't believe it's all most been a year sence I have lost you. I am crying now. I miss that I never got to hold you in my arm one more time.I wanted to but everyone told me no. I feel like I never got to say good bye to you. But I no in my heart you no how much I loved you. I think of you all the time,and I no you think of me to. I believe you are happy now in your new life. Mom will see you again some day,and get to hold you. Till then my son I will be thinking of you.Love your mom.

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14 years ago

I've been thinking about you alot the last few weeks. in a couple weeks it will make a year since you've been gone and it still feels like only yestorday I was standing on the bridge looking out into the water, praying that some how you made it out.I would have to say that those three days were the hardest for me. I still miss you and think about you often. I know no matter what we would have been great friends. i miss the way you made me life at some of the crazy things you did. I still hold you in my heart and hope that you truely are in a better place. You always put up a brave face but you had so much hurt inside you. Someday we'll meet again and you can do that little dance you did so well.

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14 years ago

Hey Scotty, I keep you in my heart every day, I miss you so much. Its not the same without you. with this warm weather makes it even harder as I remember the warm days and nights when you would be coming up the drive way, or siiting on the deck when we came home. I would give anything to see you sitting on our deck and share supper with us. Its so hard to not see you and I miss that grin and hug.I have a hard time going by the Androscoggin River All I think is if I had been there I would of stopped you. So many times the tears just roll down my face I miss you so much, a piece of my heart went with you.I know your in a better place but its so hard without you around, so many memories and i hang on to those memories to get thru, Im just so heartbroken I don't think you realize how much you were loved, well maybe you do. You were always a part of my life and living without you is so sad and empty. you left way to soon. just not ready to let go I quess Miss you and love you

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14 years ago

Scott I just want you to know that mom was thinking of you today. It is mothers day at that. I no you where not hear to call. But felt you where here with me. It was a sad day for me anyway. Mom misses you so much. I no how much you loved me. I think thats way I felt like I have today. You where letting me no you where here. Thank you for shareing it with me. love mom.

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Susan Martin
14 years ago

I remember a vibrant little boy scooting around on his butt chasing his grampa! I know you smile down on your mom while holding Willies hand! You were such a sweet little boy with all that hair around those little eyes playing in the sand at the foot of the stairs! in peace! You always bring a smile to my face with memories of your child hood... You are dearly missed! Susan Martin...

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14 years ago

Just want to say helo to my son,and let you no moms thinking of you. I miss ya and no I always will. Time goes by so fast. Spring is upon us snow is gone but you will live on in my heart for ever. Love mom.

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14 years ago

Just want to say helo to my son,and let you no moms thinking of you. I miss ya and no I always will. Time goes by so fast. Spring is upon us snow is gone but you will live on in my heart for ever. Love mom.

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14 years ago

I'm thinking of you as I do each day wondering how you are doing. I no you are happy in your new place where ever that is. I no you no what's going on. Things get crazy don't no why. But doing the best I can. If you where here you would say mom cool you going to ride that bike. You better be carefull. I can hear you saying it as if you where here. You will allways be here looking over me, But I wish I could see you and talk to you. Never got the chance to see you before you left. Or to hold you one more time. That I will allways regreat. Did get to talk to you that morning. I remember you saying mom just want you to no I love you mom. Scott I new that you loved me more then some, you where more like me. You had a great hart for many. Buba's dad died , Cheryl and I went to see her. She really misses you thought of you as a son also. I'm sure you'll catch up with him. Love you mom.

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14 years ago

Sitting here thinking of you today. Winter is about over,summer will be here soon. How the time has past sence you left me. It"s hard to believe that it's been 7 months now. It still seems like yesterday to me. I miss you everyday that goes bye. I so hope you are happy in your new life,and with the ones you loved so much? I know they are happy to have you my son. Love you forever and ever.

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Lori Campbell
14 years ago

Scott, It's now been almost 7 months since you've been gone and alot has changed in my life. I hope your looking down on me and are proud of the changes I've made. I also hope that you can be happy for me for findin love again. No one can ever change the way I felt about you and the time we had together will always be apart of me. I will always think about you and miss the person that I know you were(even if other people didn't see it) I knew the real you. you were a very kind and caring person with a huge heart. We all miss you very much

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14 years ago

Scotty, Every night when i lock the door I think maybe scotty will come and i should leave it unlocked for you!!!! tootsie's birthday is sunday and it never goes away, i know your mom's pain and pray for her!! I know that where you are there is no pain & your happy. I love ya buddy and miss you!!!! love, Nana

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14 years ago

Scotty, Every night when i lock the door I think maybe scotty will come and i should leave it unlocked for you!!!! tootsie's birthday is sunday and it never goes away, i know your mom's pain and pray for her!! I know that where you are there is no pain & your happy. I love ya buddy and miss you!!!! love, Nana

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14 years ago

Scotty, Every night when i lock the door I think maybe scotty will come and i should leave it unlocked for you!!!! tootsie's birthday is sunday and it never goes away, i know your mom's pain and pray for her!! I know that where you are there is no pain & your happy. I love ya buddy and miss you!!!! love, Nana

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14 years ago

Good morning Scott. Just want you to know that Im thinking of you this morning. Its never good bye. My love will follow you. Stay with you baby you will never be alone. You are in my thoughts every day. Love you mom.

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14 years ago

Scotti I want you to know that you are in our thoughts, you are no longer in the present time but your spirit still lives on.... You are greatly missed! There are times that I have dreamt of you, and you were there like you were never gone. When I woke I realized in my dream that you were ever so present... Why didn't I hug you, hold you in my dream? I think now it's cause you are never really gone... You are here with all of us everyday, watching, looking on.... Until we may see each other again. We love you.... Love always, Ash & Jacob

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14 years ago

So another day has passed no differant then the others. I think of you each and every day. I don't think that will ever stop scott. I miss the calls we hours of the nite. I would get up set with you for calling so late. because i had to go to work in the morning.But i now wish my phone would ring, and it would be you. Still somedays it doesn't seem real. You and i went through many things together and you no what i'm talking about. I no you do. We had many talks about gramp,Greta, The things tha hurt you so bad. I would allways tell you not to let it boughter you but you couldn't let it go. Scott i no you had a big hart and it hurt you,and got the best of you, But i no, now your hart has healed. NO more hurt , You are with those that loved you no matter what. I was one of them,and i will be with you again my son. I miss you so much. Love mom.

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14 years ago

To my one and only son that i miss each and every day that passes. They say as the days pass it gets easer. For me i have found that i miss you more and more. But i now in my hart you are happy in your new life. you are with family that you loved so much. I know you loved me with all your hart as you did so many others. we will be together again someday. With all my love mom.

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14 years ago

Christmas is almost here and I'm trying to get in the spirit of things for my kids but It's been hard because Im still missing you like crazy. I even miss when we would argue. Im trying to get myself to move on, I know that you wouldn't want me to just sit around feeling sorry for myself. I've gotten a job and will be taking classes real soon to go further in what im doing. I know if you have been looking over me the last few months that you would be disappointed on how I've been handleing myself and I'm disappointed in myself to. The one thing your mom keeps telling me is how pround you were to find what you said " a good girl" that didn't drink and I had a good head on my schoulders. I've been drinking and doeing alot of stupid things that are just not like me, since you died. When I found out that you were gone and after your service, I let myself shut down and just didn't care anymore. I can't do that anymore. I think I blamed myself for you not being here. If I would have just picked you up when you called that morning. The last thing you said to me was how much you loved me and I wish with all my heart that I could go back and tell you that I truely loved you too. But I can't go back and I need to move forward, I want you to be pround of what I'm doing when you look down on me. By the way both of my kids miss you very much too. Addie still talks about you all the time, Everytime we drive by The bridge to go to the daycare she says hi to you. They even named their new kiiten after you. I hope that when people writ on this site somehow you know what was said and I want you to know I will always think about you and the memories I have will always be in my heart. I miss you babe

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14 years ago

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14 years ago

It's kinda hard wit you not around Know you in Heaven smilin' down Watching us while we pray for you Everyday we pray for you Till the day we meet again In my heart is where I keep you friend Memories give me the strength I need to proceed Strength I need to believe My thoughts, Scott I just can't define Wish I could turn back the hands of time Us and the car journeys you use to take me on You and me singing to all the jams You kissing me on the head telling me "i love you cuz" Still can't believe you're gone Give anything to hear half your breath I know you still livin' your life after death Every step I take Every move I make Every single day Everytime I pray I'll be missing you (I'll be missing you) Thinking of the day When you went away What a life to take What a bond to break I'll be missing you On that morning When this life is over I know Ill see your face Love you scott <3 I just heared this song, and fiddled with it a little to show memorie we had. Its huntting season and no one has got anything yet. Waiting to hear how many you have already gottan and what places you have hidden them in haha. tell gram i love her. and i hope you two are having a blast. its not the same since you both have been gone..... <3

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Evelyn Hart Brine
14 years ago

THY WILL BE DONE "I'll lend you for a little time a child of mine" He said, "For you to love the while he lives, and mourn, for when he's dead. It may be six or seven years, or twenty two or three, But will you, till I call him back, take care of him for me? He'll bring his charms to gladden you and should his stay be brief, You'll have his lovely memories as solace for your grief. I cannot promise he will stay, since all on earth return; But there are lessons taught down there I want this child to learn. I've looked the wide world over in My search for teachers true, And from the throngs that crowd life's lanes, I have selected you. Now will you give him all your love, nor think the labor in vain, Nor hate me when I come to call, to take him back again?" I fancied that I heard them say, "Dear Lord, Thy Will Be Done! For all the joy Thy child shall bring, the risk of grief we'll run, We'll shelter him with tenderness, we'll love him while we may, And for the happiness we've known, forever grateful stay. But should the angels call for him much sooner than we've planned, We'll brave the bitter grief that comes and try to understand." LOVE YOU, NANA

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14 years ago

Scott, Ther's not a day that goes by That I don't think about you and wish that you were her with me. Meeting you was one of the best things to happen to me. I will always be grateful for the time I had with you. I miss you so much and my girls miss you too. Love you always

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Evelyn Hart Brine
14 years ago


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Jason Libby
14 years ago

It feels like your going stop over anytime to play a few games of chess or Talking me into going on some crazy adventure.The thing we did and the things we shouldn't have done in the first place will alway be special memories in it own special place. Miss you cuz

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14 years ago

There isn't a day that goes by that I don't think of you. I wonder how you are doing and know that you are in a safe place. I miss hearing the stuff I used to hear and it leaves such a vacancy in my heart. But I know that you are in the best of places to be. The weather is getting very fallish. Bringing my memories beck to all the hunting times we have shared. Just want you to know that I will be missing not having you wihth me scouting the woods for deer. Please now that if I do see one it is gonna be shot for you! Love you and miss you deeply!

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