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15 years ago

Sending prayers and heartfelt love and comfort to all who lost loved ones in these dreadful fires aswell as those who lost their homes etc Pam Queensland

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sharon dalby
15 years ago

my heart goes out too all of you that have lost houses and loved ones,and belongs that you cant replace.and thank god for the firefighters,it must be so hardfor you guys and girls,seeing the lost houses, the heat,we can never prodict the weather,and the bad things it can do.god bless all of you, love sharon,fritz,and our 2 kids,darren and jackson. n.s.w

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15 years ago

Our sympathy for what you are going through.

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15 years ago

Our prayers and thoughts are with all the families and friends who have lost their lives/families/friends/properties in this horrible3 days. May good God give you enough strength to look forward to your lives in a positive note. Also salute to the brave firefighters/doctors/nurses/volunteers who are risking their lives to give to protect people. People please donate generously to the needed ones. They all need us !

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15 years ago

I am lighting a candle for evry life lost in the Victorian Bushfires, may you all rest in peace. I thank all the volunteers today, without them all being dedicated more lives would be lost. God bless. Colleen.

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15 years ago

Our thoughts & best wishes go out to all that have been touched by this enormous tragedy. The efforts of those that have faced these fires head on & saved so many are heroes of the highest order. Just remember that the number of great people far outway the sick minority that in some cases, are responible for this dark period. Stick together & know that not only the State, but the country as a whole is behind you.

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15 years ago

"We still call Australia Home" Sorry to all the victims & their families in Victoria, our thoughts are with you even thought we are all in different parts of the world, we are all Melbournian at heart and remember with sadness that we took our school trips in what is now Fire-devastated area. Peace & Compassion to those in mourning.

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sister eman
15 years ago


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kahla webb
15 years ago

gippsland is ravaged by bushfires almost every summer, but this is by far the worst. my heart goes out to all who have lost loved ones and homes. may they rest in peace. i hope the arsonist who started the churchill fire is caught and charged with murder. and to the families of nathan charles and luke jacobs (hazelwood and koornalla respectively) my heartfelt condolences for the loss of 2 beautiful young men taken much too soon. thank you to the cfa and dse for all your hard work. xxx

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sister eman
15 years ago

I feel very sorry for the people who started the fires. You are from satin and may God have no mercy onto your soles when you eventually pass away. As for the victims may god have mercy onto the decised and the survivors. May the whole community support your needs and bring you all back onto your feet in the near future. I will be praying for all of you for comfort and support. Thank God for all the support you are getting from strangers and volunteers. God bless the ritious and condemn the evil. Love from your muslim sister

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15 years ago

We are all devasated by the news that so many people have lost their lives. We have requested our staff to pledge from their pay packets and the company will match dollar for dollar. So far we have raised over $5k and that is only from 32 staff and we have about 160. We hope that this can help everyone affected to rebuild their homes and their lives.

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Helen Osterman
15 years ago

My heart goes out to all the people that have lost loved ones and friends, and to all those dedicated firemen and women who are battling these blazes. For everyone involved please stay safe. I cry everytime I see this on tv. Its so devastating to all involved.

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frances mackers
15 years ago

i'm in northern queensland watching rain drench my town and half of queensland. such a contrast between here and the devastation of the south. i send out my deepest condolences to all who have lost homes and especially to the families of those who have perished. it is shocking and terrifying to hear of the scale of destruction but to be there must be like hell. i and many of my class mates at school are thinking of all. keep your hopes up southerners and hold tight.

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Andrea Qld
15 years ago

To the brave and grieving wonderful people of Victoria. My heart aches for you and I will never forget your courage. You are in my thoughts. Andrea Qld

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stephen taylor
15 years ago

My heart goes out to every single australian person at the moment to all the familes who have lost loved ones and their homes and i like to say what a good job all the emergency services are doing at the moment to try and get the situation under control. Myself have been to australia 3 times in the last 12 years and i know what wonderfull people you all are and very welcoming. So i know that you all have the strength to pull together and rebuild your lives,because australian determination is whats going to get you through this. To the best nation on earth my heart and soul is with you and ive been moved to tears all weekend,my love goes out to every single australian. regards stephen taylor chessington,surrey,england

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15 years ago

I have only just seen the news!..My heart goes out to everyone in Australia! Please stay safe! I hope the fires are over soon! I send my Angels over to comfort all those who have lost and all who are in need! I wish there is something I can do I feel so sad and useless! Please take care and stay strong! Charlee xxx

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Sylvia Harrison
15 years ago

Love and thoughts of my cousin and his wife and family in Bundoora. Hope that town is escaping the horrendous fires. Deepest sympathy to all the bereaved families.

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Watching the horrifying news on television I really feel for all of you who have lost family or friends or your homes. My aunt lives in Cobden on the Camperdown road and although I don't think Cobden is affected(not certain as it seems hard to discover exactly where the fires are) she is elderly and must be very upset. Please know that here in England we are thinking of you.

User avatar
15 years ago

AT this time Cobden is a few hundred kilometres to the west of the carnage

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15 years ago

Cobden is a few hundred kilometers to the west

User avatar
15 years ago

AT this time Cobden is a few hundred kilometres to the west of the carnage

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Lady Sky
15 years ago

Our famlies are praying for you. Our hearts are broken that this is happening to such a beautiful country and to such beautiful people. I have friends in Melbourne and hope they are ok. Much love from your American cousins.

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We express our deepest sorrows to you.the people of Australia.We visted,in the past ,Adelaide, shortly after the fires destroyed that area.You have survived these disasters in the past ,as you will this one.Your "NOT TO WORRY MATE' attitude will carry you through as it did during the bombing of Darwin in times past.Australia,a country in the sad times of today, in which you can proudly call home.

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15 years ago

tasmanian is thinking of you all

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15 years ago

hi i am very sorry and all of tasmania is thinking of you all we are very sad we are sending fire men over to hellp

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15 years ago

My heart goes out to all who are suffering at this time.

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pauline hairsine
15 years ago

Hi Pat, we are hoping and praying that you and the family are not near to the awful fires and would like to hear from you to let us know you are safe. We are so sorry for the people who have lost their lives and we send love and support to them

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Amanda Ryan
15 years ago

Amanda - My heart and prayers go out to you all - stay strong.

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Marnii and Loo
15 years ago

I was born and raised in Echuca, I know how bad the fires in Vic can get. I am thinking of you all and praying that the rains will come, to all those who have lost loved sincere condolences. This tribute page will not bring back all you have lost but it will remind you that there are people in the rest of Australia and the world who care and are thinking and praying for you all. Marnii and Loo and Brenton Bundaberg QLD

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15 years ago

I cannot say any more than has already been said, but know that you are in our thoughts, and that we are truly saddened by your loss. Fiona (Midlands, England, UK)

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Cathy Probst
15 years ago

I am so deeply saddened at the terrible disaster that has befallen such a beautiful country and such wonderful people. Prayers are going out from here in California, USA and doubtless from all over the world for those who have lost their homes and those who have died. God be with you and may this disaster end soon Cathy

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Catherine Ross
15 years ago

I was only 8 when the Ash Wednesday fires went through the Macedon Ranges were I lived and was evacuated from, but I still remember the shock and horror of it all. My thoughts are with you all in the areas affected by thses fires. I'm so upset by this. I will find something I can do to help, in someway, whatever that may be.

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15 years ago

My hart go's out to evey one . i don;t no what to say nathink will bring back the people how has past away . all i can say is this . we sent our trops out to help in the sep 11 and the any ather country thay need help so why is it we need help and thay are not hear sham on them we are lossing our familys and mates . HELP US . the ather countrys use us when thay need help but thay dont pay it back when we need them . hang in there my fellow australians if no-one we will help us just remember we look after each ather good luck and stay safe.

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Bernadette Dungey
15 years ago

MY thoughts and love go out to all those who have lost loved ones in this terrible tragedy, I have family in the Vic area and so far they are safe and well. thank god. all the best. and thanks to all the brave firefighters.

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Erin Nothdurft
15 years ago

All the very best of wishes to all Australians caught up in this disaster at the moment. My heart is with you, please try and keep each other safe!

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15 years ago

As I watch the destruction and learn of the loss of lives, my heart breaks for the people of Australia. I live in California and know the devastation that fires can bring. My thoughts are with you at this tragic time. I know you will help each other rebuild and find strength in the kindness of strangers. I hope the worst is over.

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Katie Browne
15 years ago

Thinking of everyone involved in this tragic situation. Having visited some of the areas inviolved, last year, it hits home even more as we watch the reports on the TV here in the uk. To all those who have lost family, friends and homes my heart goes out to you all. To the firefighters and all emergency services - thank you for all you are doing, you must be exhausted., please stay safe.

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Rose Metcalfe
15 years ago

We are in flood water and I only wish that we could send some to you. My thoughts, prayers and tears are with you.

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Joanne Melia
15 years ago

I visited this area last April, so sorry for everyone who has & who is suffering. Joanne Ireland

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Kathy Garraway
15 years ago

I went through the '83 Fires with 2 young children & a demented Red Setter. It had nothing on this fire. A lot of people don't seem to have had a chance. My thoughts are with you, the people who have lost loved ones, lost property and those who are frightened. I am in Drouint, I have relatives & friends who are in Kinglake, Heathcote & Cranbourne. To the fire bugs:What goes around comes around.

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c kenney
15 years ago

In our prayers we have no comprehension of the enormity of your problem keep safe

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15 years ago

We are so sorry for your loss, our hearst and thoughts are with you.

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natalie erentz
15 years ago

As an aussie mum in the uk, my thoughts go out to you all. My family are in Cairns troubled by the floods, and yet fire rages. My relatives live all over the country. I worry for you all. I hope this terrible thing brings you all together and you gain strength.And what an amazing job the fire service and volunteers are doing. Our prayers are with you all.

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15 years ago

. Having myself survived the Ash Wednesday fires and knowing the dreadful sight and sounds of a approaching fires, my thoughts are with every one in Australia, especially the folk I lived among in Little River Township / Victoria and my friends in the surounding area. Bernice

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15 years ago

Our hearts go out to our cuzzie's bro's in Australia - and I'm sure this comes from every New Zealander - we've had some bush fires as well, but nothing compared to the horror you are facing right now - May God be with everyone involved in this crazy time.. we hope and pray that this comes to an end soon and that no more lives have to be sacrificed.. Marc - New Zealand

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Deborah Staniforth
15 years ago

We're thousands of miles away in Yorkshire, England, but we watch the news and can't believe what we're seeing. To all my family in Victoria - stay safe. My heart goes out to all those affected.

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keith wingrove
15 years ago

I have relatives in that area and caanot contact them as yet but am sure they will be all right. However my thoughts go out to everyone who has either lostsomeone or there homes we in England are thiningof you all God Bless Keith

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15 years ago

This situation is the most horrific natural disater that has ever happened to our wonderful country. I prays and thoughts are with the people of Victoria . May God give you all strength and courage to move forward and on. Chrisanthy Freshwater NSW

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Jane Craig
15 years ago

The fire has hurt you all so much -we are feeling very sad for you. We wish the arsonists would go away and leave your country alone. We hope that no other people get hurt in the fires. We hope you can all stay safe and look after yourselves. We hope the fires get put out soon. From all of the caring concerned children in Room 15 (Year 3) Point View School Howick AUCKLAND New Zealand

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Jane Craig
15 years ago

The fire has hurt you all so much -we are feeling very sad for you. We wish the arsonists would go away and leave your country alone. We hope that no other people get hurt in the fires. We hope you can all stay safe and look after yourselves. We hope the fires get put out soon. From all of the caring concerned children in Room 15 (Year 3) Point View School Howick AUCKLAND New Zealand

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Jane Craig
15 years ago

The fire has hurt you all so much -we are feeling very sad for you. We wish the arsonists would go away and leave your country alone. We hope that no other people get hurt in the fires. We hope you can all stay safe and look after yourselves. We hope the fires get put out soon. From all of the caring concerned children in Room 15 (Year 3) Point View School Howick AUCKLAND New Zealand

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Rose Galbraith
15 years ago

To all our Australian `family`, we share ancestors and friendships across the world.. Our thoughts are with you at this awful time. Your beautiful country must bear this natural phenomenon that is bushfires - those disgusting creatures who start fires deliberately do not stop to think of the conseqences to life and families - do they not have people they care about who sould be devastated if this touched their lives... Your memories will stay in your hearts, anything material can be replaced - life is precious.. Take care of each other and stay strong - you are known for your strength as a people! Love and best wishes, Rose, Scotland X

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dennis jagroop
15 years ago

I ma really shocked that such a fire can cause such damaged to such a beautifull cuntry , May god grant all the austrailian people garce and mercy to help put out this fire soon , people are evil thier nature to do such things , god be with all those who are suffering and all those who ahve lost thier homes because of some stupid idiot mistake , the whole world is praying for all those who lost thier loved ones this tragerdy

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meredith grey
15 years ago

To anybody reading who has lost loved ones, my heart goes out to you. I'm in North Queensland where the floods are and I have to say that what we've been going through seems like nothing compared to the horror of what those in Victoria are experiencing. can't imagine the terror and I just want you all to know that you're in my thoughts and my prayers and that the whole of Australia is behind you.

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Sarah Sparkles
15 years ago

My family has been under threat from these fires for the last two weeks, due to their area being rife with arsonists. It's so good to have someone as influential as yourself posting about our hereos in the CFA/DSE/MFB, giving them the recognition they deserve by everyone the world over. To those of you with family in the fire ravaged areas and cannot pass the road blocks, stay strong. Some of the major blocks are being disbanded and access to the Gippsland communities will be available to you as of tomorrow morning.

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15 years ago

my mum grew up in the country where it's all happening, and my grandparents only moved out of there farm last year. i am so gratefull they arn't still there. it's been horrible, my mums been on the phone constantly trying to find out if her friends who still live out there are okay. we had a phone call from my mums friend, who was her maid of honor at her wedding, last night saying that her farm was surrounded by fire and they we're trying to keep the fire away from the house, luckily the fire fighters came and rescued them. but 3 of my grandparents friends are missing, 2 of whom taught me how to horse ride. i just pray that they are safe and alive. this thing is so surreal, like it's something out of a movie.

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15 years ago

My thoughts are with all the CFA crews out there working hard!! I have friends and family out there now foghting the fires and I'm really worried for them as these are the worst fires in history. Atleast 100 people have died including Brian Naylor (all Victorian know Brian!) And with the people who have lost loved ones from the fires. This will be a sad day for Victorians, Australian and everyone who cares!!

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15 years ago

If anyone can donate, the request has been put out by the Red Cross who have got an appeal going. They are also catching people who have started some of the fires. Atm there are fires in Vic and NSW and floods in Qld. Thoughts from WA to all those and fingers crossed fires near Beechworth don't go out of control or affect my family

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15 years ago

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15 years ago

Whoever lit these fires know this, it will only be a matter of time before you are caught and will face the punishment you deserve. You are a mass murderer and will be judged, whether it be this lifetime, or the next.......

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15 years ago

It freaks me out...what happened to the people driving them? What goes around, comes around and whoever is responsible for some of these fires (I know they weren't all deliberate) will get what they deserve, I just hope it's soon before anymore devastation.

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15 years ago

How do they know it was asonists? email me at

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15 years ago

How do they know it was arsonists? email me at

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15 years ago

the person and /or persons who lit these fires the punishment is NOT harsh enough for you, after the fires this time the punishment should be harden up fast. this is by far worse than the ash wed.

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