It is very difficult to know even where to start to commemorate Chris and the big personality he shared so liberally with all his friends and family. It would be very easy to remember the sociable, witty, funny and gregarious Pells who always made every night out more fun, and every social ocasion more memorable. It would also be easy to remember what a social gatherer he was and the host of so many good get togethers, BBQ’s, drinks nights, coffee sessions, sports events.
But Chris also had a soft side that made him incredibly giving and thoughtful,
and as a result was a fantastic friend to me whose memories I will cherish forever. In my years in Sydney there is probably no one else I have shared more coffee’s with, and as a result have had amazing conversations covering all topics from religion to renovations in one sitting. We had talked about his depression and anxiety at length, which I know had been a very hard road for him to travel, and I can take comfort in the fact that he is now at peace. The world will be an emptier place without his presence around. He will be forever missed and in our thoughts.

I met Pels a decade ago in Qld when I was living with his "keeper" - Luke. The two shared a magnificent bond and a lust for life, that's until I pointed them in the direction of Char steaks and Bundy. As the decade progressed we caught up from time to time, some of the more incredible memories were at "Homebake" as he tried to avoid being sighted by his students! We both ended up in Melbourne as part of "The Smooths". This is a touch football team that has grown in stature with the quality of larrikin rather than the quality of football. Chris was a quality larrikin but his footy was on the improve too and god help those steppy kiwis if we were actually playing tackle, he reminded me of "Coal Train" at times wit these thundering runs.
Pel's best ever round of golf was a 70 at The Dunes, a golf club ranked 13 in Aust. It is also a beautiful piece of land on The Mornington Peninsula and I was able to take him back there on the 13/08 when he WON the open comp with 36 pts in very tough conditions with a wipe on the last. The open comp does not attract too many non members and when Chris was called to say that he had won a voucher for $15 he was excited by the result and told me that I had a "tight ar$e" club!
Anyway I hope that he is watching over me in the future and pushing my wayward shots back out on to the fairway. I also look forward to drinking his "$15".... I miss you Pels

My memories of Chris go back to his days as a student teacher. I supervised him in his final practicum as a PE teacher and spotted some genuine talent, in the way he related to the boys. It was great working with Chris at the Scots College - his irreverent sense of humour, coupled with his ability to call things as he saw them, made him very enjoyable company. There was a serious side to Chris, and his determination to learn and to improve his practice accelerated his progression to a leadership position - he was very capable and loved his interactions with the students - who liked and respected him. One of my favourite memories of Chris was his introduction of a bad taste dress day for teachers - he managed to get a large number of conservative male teachers to find some really hideous stuff - and wear it to class for the day. Naturally, Chris' multi-coloured jacket and garish, clashing polka dot tie was second to none! Chris was fond a a good red, and I will never forget our long discussions on the merits of a Hill of Grace, as opposed to a Mount Mary Quintet. I never really worked out if Chris knew what he was talking about - but the wines he shared were unbelievable. Chris was a special guy, who wanted to suck the most out of life, and was not content with mediocrity. I am gutted how things have ended and will always remember the coffees and times that we shared over the years. Andrew

We meet so many people in our lives; a blur of faces, names and personalities. Some we can know for decades and never truly connect with, others connections can seem fleeting but teach us so much. My time with Chris was the latter. I worked with Chris at nab; the first day of training we instantly clicked as mates. I never had an older sibling; but I had found such a connection with Pells. We quickly bonded with catch phrases and in-jokes including but not limited to: “What game are you playing?”, “Bizzarred” and “Throwing chips at punks” and “Hotdog!”. After many drinking sessions, expensive dinners and other assorted entertainment conventions, we became known amongst our team as ‘The Terrible Twins’; not Wingmen – but Wing-pa and Wing-son – a relationship so close that out for coffee he’d order a long Macc’, while I’d order a short Macc’… Out on the town I was always amazed that he seemed to have previously met every woman that walked passed him, “There you are…!” he would exclaim, striking up a conversation with a complete stranger. This was a credit to his character – he was a very likable guy who could get along with anyone. I can only aspire to have these qualities which he wielded day to day. His work ethic, intelligence, zest for fun and all round brilliance really rubbed off on me. He had an amazing insight into much of the world; his stories never failed to hold my attention. It is unfortunate to lose such an amazing individual; the weight of his demons was just too much to handle. I can never begin to comprehend where his mind was, but only hope that he is now free and at peace. We all learned so much from him, and from such a tragedy I hope we can find our own solace; our own story or experience which will help shape the who we become; always in the memory of such a remarkable individual. Dear Wingpa, I hope wherever you are, there’s nandos and post-it notes. You have had a dramatic effect on my life and you will never be forgotten. Much love – Wing-Son.

My many trips with Pels will always be one of my greatest memories. Vegas, Cuba, New Orleans, Portugal, Spain, London, New York, Batemans Bay, Tasmania....the list goes on. I have always enjoyed our times together and I will always hold these close to my heart. You have always been a great friend and I will miss not being able to compete for the 'Pinka Cup' or just sit around and talk about nothing for hours on end. I will miss our friendship so much.

We meet so many people in our lives; a blur of faces, names and personalities. Some we can know for decades and never true connect with, others can seem fleeting but so teach us so much. My time with Chris was the latter. I worked with Chris at his time with nab. On the first day of training we instantly clicked as mates. I never had an older sibling; but I had found this connection with Pells. We quickly bonded with catch phrases and in jokes: “What game are you playing?”, “Bizzarred” and “Throwing chips at punks”, “Hotdog”– not to mention a few others. After many drinking sessions, expensive dinners and other assorted entertainment conventions, we became known amongst our team as The Terrible Duo; not Wingmen – but Wing-pa and Wing-son. I was always amazed that he seemed to have previously met every woman that walked passed him, “There you are…!” He would exclaim, striking up a conversation. His work ethic, intelligence, zest for fun and all round brilliance really rubbed off on me. He had an amazing insight into much of the world, his stories never failed to hold my attention. It is unfortunate to lose such an amazing individual; the weight of his demons was just too much to handle. I can only hope that his mind is now free; at peace. We all learned so much from him, and from such a tragedy I hope we can find our own solace; our own story or experience which will help shape the people we become – always in the memory of a remarkable individual. Dear Wingpa, I hope wherever you are, there’s nandos and post-it notes. You have had a dramatic effect on my life and you will never be forgotten. Much love – Wing-Son.

I had the pleasure of meeting Chris when we recently started our new roles together at nab. My first impression was of a confident, smart, intelligent funny man who always told great stories. He seemed to have it all, living life to the full, but sadly it appears I only saw one side of Chris. Janet, I am so sorry you have lost your little brother and my thoughts are with all the family during this difficult time.

I met Chris earlier this year. But I felt as if I already knew him because I love his sister Janet, one of my best work colleagues and friends. Chris, you wore your Michael Jackson outfit with style and charisma, both of which you had in spades, apparent from the moment I met you. Thank you for your help and advice when I was leaving Australia – even though you mocked my really cool convertible. And yes, it sold at exactly the price you recommended, not a penny more. I wish I could have known you better. All my love to you and to your family. You are all in my thoughts. Love Caroline xxx

Chris. Your lovely sister Janet often spoke of her wonderful siblings. I didnt meet you but i'm sure if you were anything like Janet your presence would have enriched all those around you. Beautiful beautiful thoughts to you xxxxxxx

I met Chris at a gathering of friends after my recent return to Melbourne in June this year. The first thing I noticed was his eyes - shining, blue, smiling - and his little boy eyelashes. There are some men who retain the look they had as the boy their mother loved. The next thing was his engaging manner at a table full of people he was meeting for the first time. I thought to myself, 'this guy is obviosly from a large family!' (as I am) - well-versed in including everyone in a joke and comfortable around a dinner table full of people. I could clearly see the younger brother much loved by his older siblings and I really looked forward to getting to know Chris better.
I'm so sorry that you've lost your brother... obviously a special man in many ways. I'm sorry I didnt get to know him better and obviously wish I'd had an opportunity to reach out to him and help. I've shared my impressions of Chris with my family and we all send our love to Chris's family.
We're here for you
Gabriel and Family x
April,2011. Theresa Jory's 40th. Chris came as one of 5 Jacksons (if you count the toy chimp and werewolf as numbers 4 and 5)