My Condolences go to the family of Cruz Donato.. I never knew her but...
Oh God!! My grandmother passed away in 2000. She was a cousin of Meliton Donato. Her name was Enriqueta Donato. Sister of Ruth Donato. Anyone remember her? My condolences go to Cruz Donato because I know she is related to my grandmother. She looks sooo much like her!!!

My cousin was a very joyful and spiritual person. I know our family and especially me will now be missing a piece of joy in our lives. I wished I had spent more time with her. She was instrumental is my quest to keep searching for our family roots. Thomas Cambell said, "To live in the hearts of those we leave behind, is not to die." God bless us all!
Joaquin, son of Rev. Meliton Cruz Donato

Thanks for your tribute. Hope all is well with you.
14 years agoI remember the names, My dad would always talk about his coucin Enriqueta. And I am quite sure that my cousins in Pennyslvania remember her. Elenor Donato lives near me, along with most of her children. GOD BLESS US ALL!