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9 years ago

Happy be-lated birthday Dave, we all miss you. your cuz, Guillermo

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10 years ago

Yesterday, my friend Rob and I hiked the new section of the trail connecting the Bayden trail near Indian River Road and sat on David's gorgeous bench. Thank you to the family for creating such a fantastic tribute to David for all of us to enjoy. Coleen Quinn, hiker and naturalist

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10 years ago

It's been just over two years, and it still hasn't hit me. I hope that wherever you are is a beautiful as you.

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11 years ago

Hi David, Hope things are great where you are, we miss you down here. G.

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Dear David, We were part of a large group of people who gathered to say goodbye to you yesterday in a beautiful and emotionally heart-wrenching two-part tribute. The first part was a funeral mass. Saints Peter and Paul was crowded and your sister Nicole did you proud with her eulogy reflecting on your life in a brave, loving, proud and poignant way. The second part was lunch at the Royal Vancouver Yacht Club where friends and family regaled us with funny and "badass" stories about you. It was a day full of love and laughter, pain and tears. everyone held you close in their heart. We felt your presence. We will miss you at family parties. May you rest in peace. Wendy & Robert

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12 years ago

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John McNamara
12 years ago

David was one of my best friends throughout elementary school. I think I spent one of my only sleepovers at his loving family's house in Indian Arm and we took the boat over to the nearby island once or twice. We also watched the original Footloose on video which I kept a secret from my parents (because of the R rating) and had some of the thickest buttermilk pancakes ever for breakfast. He was a great friend and it was heartbreaking to hear of his passing. He will be in my prayers.

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12 years ago

Nicole , I am still unbelieving of all this. There are no words ...of mine possible to share the anguish, nor words to comfort your sorrow . ....I feel my heart has been wrenched from me....and cannot bear to think of your Father & Mother's suffering, and yours knowing,, growing with him, sharing his presence, his grace. Dad and I shared our love.. our tragedy.. still thru tears and sobbing I cannot believe this My darling Nicole .... I love Dave dearly... Thank you for having a contact here. Lv You M~

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I met Dave Jr. on a few during the week I travelled from London for Nicole & Toby's wedding, in 2006. My memory of him that week I was in Vancouver are ones of a charming and delightful gentleman, very much looking forward to the wedding, full off life and love for his family and a real credit to them all. Our love, thoughts and prayers go to all the family, Joan, David and Eltie, Nicole, Toby and Jackie and all family and friends. Even though so many miles away, we are near you. Love, Malcolm & Paula

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12 years ago

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12 years ago

This was taken in indian arm on a long weekend a couple years ago. Cheers Dave

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12 years ago

This was taken in indian arm on a long weekend a couple years ago. Cheers Dave

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12 years ago

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12 years ago

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12 years ago

Dave, I will miss the good times we had. Thank you for cooking me some of the best food I have ever eaten. The rack of lamb you made this night was out of this world good. Take care my freind

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12 years ago

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12 years ago

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Auntie Tricia
12 years ago

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Auntie Tricia
12 years ago

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Auntie Tricia
12 years ago

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Auntie Tricia
12 years ago

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Auntie Tricia
12 years ago

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Auntie Tricia
12 years ago

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Auntie Tricia
12 years ago

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Auntie Tricia
12 years ago

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Auntie Tricia
12 years ago

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Auntie Tricia
12 years ago

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Barb Miller
12 years ago

I can't begin to express how so very saddened I am that the world has lost such a wonderful human being. I met Dave at Aerco in 2002 and had the pleasure of getting to know him over the 2 1/2 years I worked with him. As our desks were only a few feet away, I got the benefit of his witty sense of humour to carry me through the day. Having fun at work was important to him. I remember getting in trouble from the boss a few times for laughing too much while we were supposed to be working :-) Dave had an amazing sensitivity toward people, and was not afraid to let them know that he cared. A genuine deep soul and good heart. I have not seen Dave in a few years, but had always hoped our paths would cross again one day. If I am lucky, maybe again in another life.

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Kate Paterson
12 years ago

One of the things that always stood out to me about David was that he was a very gentle soul who had such a kind presence. I remember being at my Dad's house for dinner with Eltie, David Sr. and David Jr and remembering David having a permanent smile on his face and observing and listening to everyone around him. I remember at my brother Toby and Nicole's wedding, David took an active part in the ceremony in the church and I remember watching the ceremony and thinking he was such an endearing person. May you rest in peace David.

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12 years ago

Dear Dave Were we a day or hour earlier, a few minutes to phone, and asked for his companionship. I’ve not known you deeply enough to know more. Of you I know your conscience to be clear, pure in life and vital. There are the unspoken things that may have added to our silence. The words of reality chasing, wondering who and what you are here for … have not been discovered. Even in the few hours of our sharing amidst decades ...I learned that loving him came easily, his knowing age and yet innocence, his ever well wishing nature. My guilt of absence … not knowing…. the cause of his angst, too speak as uncle and friend of more breadth to our shared sorrows and our fragile existence. To live through the pains of knowledge...conditions…..where Joy still evokes Love. 
Not enough good advice about his needs and journeys view. We spoke …. far too little. Enjoying a puff on occasion and a few drinks, so long ago… in conversations we did not reach towards the depths of human existence, ... he seemed to have a set vision of designed reality, non-mystical, technically logically defined terms of reference for Being. I don't know his psychic realms but as an adult, now on reflection, Dave's gaze may have been hewn from his travels. His eyes sometimes foggy pools. like those having seen the world's other side, foreign rites, places, conditions, religions and ways, … maybe a contemplative silent outside, a sense of being and non-being, seeing some of the visual proofs of this age of Humanity. I just wish to see him again. What in his mind beyond … and in not speaking with him. Wrong to cutoff talking when we were just meeting. Yet the rare family dinners were too, too silent of any depth, the unspoken...those thoughts of why, and answers as we have experienced and tested, aegis sense of control was not fun evoking. What a waste of vitality...of his company on the journey. We speak to ourselves at times like this. Envious of the end of suffering thoughts, world visions of nature’s destruction and mankind’s darker sides, we cry for his loss of hope, determination to live within this star crossed short moment, Life. So much more to learn and see. Visions of futures that must needs be his strength and steadfastness. Actions to be accomplished forged from youth’s stamina, direction, not too distant goals. There are no more horizons for Dave….and in time, our hearts may be kinder, less broken by this anguish felt by your leaving us. He has passed thru Haides and hope whispers that he has reached a Nirvana. You were one of the few grandchildren who journeyed to the birthplace of our oriental beginnings, rare jewel and golden stupas, post colonial Myanmar. Here he learned where the dreams of the people are. The Burmese and visitor perspective. Oh how we should have All greeted him home with garlands and embraces. He said he had thousands of photos and I had seen so few of these with his comments to sense its moment. How can I forgive myself for not taking the time to hear more of his journey's stories and after he'd enjoyed a rest, view a collage the whole family could experience, though the reality of his impressions was so different than our grandparents age, stories and times. Reining in his warrior youth like all subjugated by injustices within our world love, we never saw but a minuscule fraction of recordings of this precious mission. No Garlands alone for Dave's rare worldly excursion...a gracious time missed with him as an uncle. I've missed him long before he left.

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12 years ago

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12 years ago

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12 years ago

Subject Line: David Ross Peder is putting together a slideshow ... so if you have any tucked away pictures please send to above .... love to all Suz xo

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linda paterson
12 years ago

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linda paterson
12 years ago

At Nicole and Toby's wedding

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linda paterson
12 years ago

I shall always remember David as being a kind, fun, caring and gentle soul. At family occasions he was always there to make you feel at home and welcome. Only a year and a few months ago we had a hilarious Christmas out at Woodlands, certainly a memory I shall cherish. We had lots of laughs organizing and delivering the flowers for Toby and Nicole's wedding. I shall miss him.

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linda paterson
12 years ago

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linda paterson
12 years ago

Brunch at 1054 W. 22nd.

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12 years ago

Although we met at Brentwood, we didn`t get to know each other well until our college years. Back then we would negotiate every week on whether you would come to West Van or I would drive to Woodlands to watch a movie or just hang out. I remember spending time with you in many different contexts – father & son nights at the Vancouver Club or at the Lynnwood hotel with friends. You were someone I could always count on whether it be standing up at my wedding or rushing out to the highway when my 3000lb boat came off its hitch. In every case you were a good friend – putting me or my boat back into its place. The dinners you made out in Woodlands were always light on the veggies but heavy on the `deep` conversations. We had so much in common and yet led completely different lives. Thank you for being such a great friend - you will be sorely missed.

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Ellissa Stevenson
12 years ago

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12 years ago

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12 years ago

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DR Wingham
12 years ago

Man did we laugh!! I will never forget our shared sense: of humour of duty to family of brotherhood. You were my big brother. I will always, with great fondness, remember our times at Takla, Mexico, in the trails of North Vancouver and in the Hoof being Co-Chiefs of the Swine. Thank you for teaching me that I am (was) Early. I'll miss our conversations that always ended too soon. Oh and thank you for teaching me the fuel:oil trick you wise Mariner! I'm going to miss you! Thank you for sharing yourself with me ... for sharing your ideas, your insights and that raucous music those many years ago. I know you're looking down - radiant with that impeccable smile. I hope you know just how deeply you are loved and now, how much you are missed ... my brother. Daniel Roi .... DR2

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DR Wingham
12 years ago

Man did we laugh!! I will never forget our shared sense: of humour of duty to family of brotherhood. You were my big brother. I will always, with great fondness, remember our times at Takla, Mexico, in the trails of North Vancouver and in the Hoof being Co-Chiefs of the Swine. Thank you for teaching me that I am (was) Early. I'll miss our conversations that always ended too soon. Oh and thank you for teaching me the fuel:oil trick you wise Mariner! I'm going to miss you! Thank you for sharing yourself with me ... for sharing your ideas, your insights and that raucous music those many years ago. I know you're looking down - radiant with that impeccable smile. I hope you know just how deeply you are loved and now, how much you are missed ... my brother. Daniel Roi .... DR2

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Megan Walker
12 years ago

David was a gentle, quiet soul, who took everything in and listened far more than he spoke. He was always kind, and a joy to be around. He could light up a room with his amazing smile. It was like a window into his beautiful soul. My only hope is that we can carry on his legacy by being kind to one another and taking the time to tell our loved ones how we feel about them every chance we get. For you never know what tomorrow will bring. May you rest in peace now David, feeling not only the love of us you've left behind, but those you are blessed to join in heaven.

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We love you so hard and miss you so. You are now amoung the angels in heaven looking over the rest of us.... Gamma, Papa, Jane, Lala & Papa, Emmanuel ...and more. Give them all warm hug for us all as we will be asking for your help to stay strong and guide us when in need as well as when we laugh and cry, I know you will be there. Cheers, Salute, Love, Smile, Love you, Love you, Love you.

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Peder Sande
12 years ago

David had a gift. His ability to care for those around him and listen made me continually reflect on what kind of person I wanted to be. You could count on David for a thoughtful reply on any subject and a kind smile whether you were being crazy or you were talking about the weather. I remember all the dinners he would listen to my ramblings on the brain and connect with me on that excitement. Thank you David for your kindness you brought into our family and especially to my Mom. David is with us always and we will continue to see him through the acts of genuine love we give to others in honour of him.

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Suzanne MacKay-Dunn
12 years ago

David is my friend ... Auntie was my role but friends came first for us. He would listen and I would listen .... Last two months we did many things ... And a few were Thai restaurant and The Hobbit which at the end we didn't want to leave our seats .... Tim Horton's where we shared our dreams and ideas for future businesses we would work on together ...also our sadnesses that we never wanted to let anyone down ... Text messages of love you ... Night night ... Hope your day is going well ... I am his kooky aunt who he loved unconditionally and I him ... He was so smart ... Loving , gentle and the last hug outside of Tim Horton's about three weeks ago he left me was the best hug ever .... Thank you David for being there for me ... You are closer than ever now ... And free of sadness and pain ... As I said to you at Tim's with all my heart "I love you so much" and I am your 150% supporter and that will never change.

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Nicole-Anne Boyer
12 years ago

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Nicole-Anne Boyer
12 years ago

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Jill Prescott
12 years ago

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Jill Prescott
12 years ago

David has been a part of my life since I moved to Vancouver in 2000. The first time I saw him what went through my head was "Wow. Now that is a gorgeous man!" That never changed and the more I got know him the more attractive him became. You see, it wasn't just on the outside. He really was one of the beautiful people through and through. When we were together he was happiest when he knew he'd made me happy. That really defines him. Yes, he struggled through the years with depression yet even at his most troubled times, he did his best to care for people. I knew from the beginning and always that he loved me. One of the things I will miss the most are his hugs. I'm blessed to have had him in my life for the time that I have and the tears I cry are for the loss of him. I'm clear he is in a better place now, happy and fulfilled, watching out for us all.

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Nicole-Anne Boyer
12 years ago

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