dom i cannot get wat happend to u out of my head the pain it has caused wont leave it seems the anger gets worse every year that goes past without u hear. my daughter will be 2 on november 4th u never got to meet her but i will see u again 1 day mate and ill tell u all about her i miss u wiv all my heart want u back so much but this will never happen your in my heart forever mate god bless love mark eckersley xx

As we approach the fourth anniversary of Dom's death, I'm still asking the same question..... Why? Why did it happen? Why was he taken so young in life? It is still hard to believe you're gone Dom, we all think of you every single day and I always wonder, what if? What could have been? I find it so hard not to get angry about the circumstances of what happened and I'm asking myself why it was you who had to suffer the most...... But that helps nobody and doesn't bring you back, which if I could, I would do in a heart beat.
Rest In Peace my friend.

i miss you so much dom i would give anything to have you here. its my sons 3rd birthday on monday you never got to meet him and i wish you did as u are the most amazing person i have ever met.
miss u forever my best friend
love sam xx

I'll never forget Dom, it's been two years now and everyone who knew him will be hurting today, some still upset as to how things happened, some even angry about what happened. You're one of a kind Dominic, I miss your sarcastic wit, your insults, everything. I've often thought about going back into the wheelchair racing, but I can't bring myself to do it because it would be so weird not having you there, giving your support and me giving you my support. My thoughts are with Dom's family and friends all the time, and especially today.
I thought I'd pick the football as an icon to go with this message, as I know Dom would be proud of his Man City side doing so well, and I know he'd be ripping me to pieces over them signing one of Everton's best players!
Miss you always pal.

One year on and i still can not believe your gone the world carrys on and you are not here to live it, Spoke to Eliene the other day and we are both still can't believe you gone. I then went to your grave side on Friday as i look at it you were not alone you had so many flowers off friends and family you inspire so many people in your short life and memory will always live on in us all and you are in our thoughts god bless Love Em xx

It's been a year exactly since your death, and not a day goes by where I don't ask why? Not a day goes by where I don't think about you and the good times and the laughs we had, me, you, Ste, Jon, Helen and the rest. You always made me laugh with your sarcastic wit. But you were also very supportive of your teammates and opponents. You were one of a kind and I shall remember you always.

dom still cant believe your gone, it's hard thinking of all the memories like canada, newcastle etc... and your stupid little jokes (i was always the little S*** with the fat head). and then remembering the morning of when you left us.
always miss you and never forget you mate.

I can't stop thinking about the day that i was told that you had died i nearly fell to to floor, and i still can't believe that your gone. I always had these What if i done this, what if i had invited you to my 21st birthday. back then probably thought i would have had to say goodbye so soon. The other thing that runs though my mind and probably everybody else who knew you what happen that night the night you left.guess we never not know and i don't think we would want to know. To family and friends of Dom i am doing a tribute to Dom that will be sent to The Link which is a Magazine for People with Hydrocephalus which also has a website www. love and miss you Dom Emma

Im missing you like mad Dom, if anybody is interested there is another remberance site which has been set up for Dom on if you just search for his name then the page should come up. it would be really nice to hear everyones memories. He was my best friend and im missing him like mad, it will be gud to hear how other people saw him. love you loads babes. xXx

I hope you had a gr8 night last night and you didn't get too drunk! im missing you loads darlin, thinking of you always. love always carrie xXx

I would like to wish all Dominic's friends and family a merry christmas, but I also know that for the family, it is yet again going to be a hard day but what we must do is think about what Dom would have been like on Christmas day, and share the happy times. However, I am thinking of you all on this day. I hope you will be laughing and joking with everyone up there Dom. Missing you more than anything. Andy

We went out last night me, mark and lisa. We went to celebrate with your mum, dad ,ryan, leanne, amber and some of your other friends and your basketball team. They held a charity wheelchair basketball match for you in memory of your 21st bithday. It was so funny because your dad and mark joined in, your dad did really well but i just couldnt stop laughin at mark! it was so funny i had the sense that you was watching to, and if you was there you would of fell outta your chair laughing! I miss you so much darling it was so unfair coz i woke up on wednesday which shoulda been ur big 21st birthday and you wasn't around for me to wish you a happy day. Just remember your in our thoughts always. i love and miss you loads xXxXx

I woke up today and remembered your birthday as i always have. Wishing we had kept in touch and wondering how you were. Now I no longer wonder but wish you were still here. Spoke to manda, she took some flowers to your grave. We cant believe your 21 today, time flies so fast. Our thoughts are with your family today and our hearts are, as always, thinking of you. Candy

I was up early thinking 'oh it's Dom's 21st today' then the reality kick in and i realize you were gone, i stood @ your graveside thinking that you should not be down there laid @ rest you should be up here with the people that love you celebrating 21 years on earth, celebrating life, celebrating your niece's life and her first Christmas, you should be with your family and friends today and next week for Christmas but instead people have come to your grave side and wept that your not here on this your 21st birthday. Rest in Peace Angel Luv Em xx

Today is the birthday, what should have been a special birthday, of Dominic. I don't know how to put it into words but my thoughts are with the family on this day. 21 years old, and yet, no longer with us. I hope that many of you will raise a glass to Dom and his family who will no doubt be finding today very hard. RIP Friend.

You have been the bestest friend in the world, ill never forget u or the silly things we did! You've been an inspiration to every1 with ur determination to succeed and not let things get the better of u. I found sum pics yesterday of us in school that was strange we both changed so much but still stayed good friends u with ur car & me with my daughter you was 1 of the only 1's that stood proud wiv me wen i was pregnant, i cant believe youv been taken from us, but i guess jp was gettin bored & need his best friend, i hope you have fun together and dont get in2 too much trouble, i love you always GBNF xXx

my memories of Dominic is him use to come into a room and he new how to brighten it up a room was never quiet for long when Dom came into it. I remember when we went to Oasis a few years ago there was

I have known Dom since the day he was born I am a month older than he is & we have always been close friends. I am so lucky to have so many memories of Dom & i will never forget them. No words can even come near to explian how special Dom was to me & all my family. We shared smiles, We shared laugs & We shared many tears. I will miss you so much Dom & our days out...Frankie & Benny's wont be the same without you. You will always be in my thoughs Dom & you are part of my heart. You are with JP now so I kno you will be happy & having fun...Love & miss you both so much. Rest In Peace Dominic! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx P.S I will have a drink to celebrate your 21st. xx

rest in peace Dom you were such a great laugh you will be sadly missed by many u were such an inspiration to us all.

we were always out n bout late dom lol we drove to blackpool one nite jus for takeaway we used 2 get so bored n do daft stuff. im never going to forget u dom every 1 loved u always xx

Well Dom
The place you now go is a far better place than here.
When you arrive you will not be the only great wheelchair racer mate, as many great names have gone before you with many more to follow with time, but you will always be known as the one that fought the most.
Keep fighting as you always did, as one day I hope to join you and check those miles once again.
God Bless you Dom

Dom, went to lay flowers where the accident happened tonight.. Was amazing to get in insight into how many people liked you, there wasnt any room! Its still strange to think that you wont be poppin up on msn any time soon, or that i wont get a random text asking how i am... Things like this make you realise how short life is.. I'll miss you,
Jasmine xXx

Dominic was great. He was funny, such a great character, an amazing athlete, seriously the best I ever saw.
The best memories of Dominic I have will be from competing at Blackpool. He dominated the field and there were a couple of years where it was me and him who used to dominate the field but this guy was a special talent.
It is so very sad and such a great shock that this has happened.
I miss you always and forever. RIP

R.I.P Dominic
I'm lost for words, i never fort this day would come so soon, you are a good mate dom, u always had a smile on your face, you will be missed mate, hopeful i will see you again soon, so bye bye for now

Your parting was so sudden I often wonder why.
Dominic always had a ready smile and was always energetic about everything he undertook.
We worked together for months in the lead up to Athens Paralympic games and during this time he was very supportive and we had a lot of memorable times together.
Dominic proved to me that with hard work and determination even the most daunting of obstacles can be overcome.
Miss you more than works can say

rest in peace!

I have many memories of Dominic as a child, racing on the prom in Blackpool, sports day at school, being in goals in the playground. I remember his sense of humour and his amazing abilty to always see the funny side of the worst situations. His out look on life and his determination to succeed was amazing. He will be remembered as one of the children who changed my life forever and for that i am eternally grateful.

dom was a good mate. i enjoyed going to bingo with him in stockport. i will miss him . what a guy ps when is his funaral i would like to be there

Loved by everybody that met him, a truly good friend.
Amber would have had a wonderful uncle.

I was a friend of Dom's for a few years.. Spoke to him recently and he was so happy, had a car, new independance... That's the real heartbreaker. I am so proud to have known Dom - He was one in a million and won't be forgotten.

I was a friend of Dom's for a few years.. Spoke to him recently and he was so happy, had a car, new independance... That's the real heartbreaker. I am so proud to have known Dom - He was one in a million and won't be forgotten.

I was a friend of Dom's for a few years.. Spoke to him recently and he was so happy, had a car, new independance... That's the real heartbreaker. I am so proud to have known Dom - He was one in a million and won't be forgotten.

Dominic was truly an inspiration! He loved sports and was a great person. He will be missed.

Rest in peace. I read the news and know you were a great inspiration.

What an amazing man. I wish I had seen him compete.