We first met on the ballfield sitting through the hot days, cold days and rainy days. Marion and Max would sit in the bleachers with everyone. We would cheer our hearts out for the team and have many laughs.
Marion was so dedicated to Ethan bringing him to every game. Max was so dedicated cheering Ethan on and we loved to hear about his guitar lessons and what songs he was learning to play.
Marion just beemed from head to toe watching Ethan and listening to Max.
Ethan and Max, your mom is never gone, she is always with you. She will send you signs from above and embrace them. You mom loves you so very much.

Dear Max and Ethan,
We want to tell you how deeply sorry we are for the loss of your "Beautiful MOM", she was a couragous lady, and a mom who loved her boys. Her strength was so evident by her devotion to you boys. Remember you both will always carry her in your hearts and we know you boys will keep her strong legacy alive. God Bless you Max and Ethan, we all love you .

it was very hard watching the beautiful pictures of marion and the boys, what a wonderful person she was, a terrific companion to jimmy who was so devoted to her and the boys.such a beautiful person ,such a waste of her short life with her max and ethan whom she adored, we will miss her dearly.
our condolences to her family especially to you jimmy.

It's been four years since Jim brought you home to meet us...four years filled with such happiness....our hearts became connected with you, Ethan and Max and memories will never be erased. We had such great times with you and the boys and we shall always be impressed with how much the boys were your reason for being. I remember when you worked overtime a couple times a week and we would babysit the boys..taking care to feed them..do their homework..shower and bed. They always wanted to stay up past their bedtime so they could see mom when she got home. When you walked in the door drained from your long days, the boys would yell "mom" "mom" and the days fatigue left you immediately as you went in to tuck them in for the night..All was right with the world for you..Your reason for being was right there in that bedroom..We were always happy to include you in our family reunions as the boys had a great time with Hannah, Sam and all the little cousins. They were always well behaved and a pleasure to take care of..You accomplished so much in your short life..concert pianist..dancer extraodinaire..and medical professional..but your greatest accomplishment and the one that meant the most to you was..mother. God bless you my darling Marion, you are forever in our hearts...
Estelle & Omer

We thought Marion was a wonderful companion to Jimmy and a wonderful mom to Ethan and Max. Our deepest sympathy to her family and friends. She will forever be missed.
Diane & Tim

Our memories of Marion will always be at the baseball field with Max watching Ethan play baseball. Steaming hot, freezing cold, rain or shine, you were always there for Ethan and Max. Always smiling, always proud. We only wish that we could have spent extra innings with you. Ethan and Max, please know that we are here for you...anything you need.

We wil always remember our trip to New York City. We especially recall the evening together having dinner and drinks and having the two boys fall asleep on either side of Ray with his arms around them.
I have never in all my life seen a sweeter and understanding Mom for her boys.
Marrion you will always remain in our thoughts and prayers.

To Ethan and Max and all of Marion's friends and family - we extend our most hearflelt condolences.
I will always admire Marion for her grace, dignity, strength, and courage these last few months, and above all for her devotion to Ethan and Max. She saved every ounce her strength to be with her boys as much as possible, and even came to as many of Ethan's games as she could. Less than two weeks ago, on Saturday July 25th, Jimmy brought her to Ethan's All Star game, and I will never forget her smile as she waved to Ethan in the outfield and he smiled and waved back. After a late night swim and celebration after their win, I stoppped by on Sunday to return Ethan's uniform. Ethan and Max were with her, and she beemed in their presence.
Although she did not make it to any more games, Ethan and Max will forever have their guardian angel with them, may she now rest in peace.
Jo Belli
15 years agoEstelle & Omer: I can not thank Jimmy enough for all he has done for the boys. Thanks for everything. Jo
Harry J. Gaffney
15 years agoEstelle & Omer Thank you so much for being part of Marion's life and thank you for having her and the boys in your home. What wonderful memories for all of you and I especially want to thank you so much for Jimmy, your son. He did so much for Marion and the boys and is there to help Ethan and Max and support Pastor John and Nancy Taylor. Thank you for all that you have done............Blessings, Harry