one of the photos – in big sweater – by Canadian photographer Yousuf Karsh (1908 – 2002). Also – oops, my entry appears twice (maybe webmaster can correct this) – problem with Verisign code -- & this reminds me, Hemingway, & all writers before him, of course wrote without PCs, word-processing programs / spellcheck, for better or worse -- & in fact picture there, him with notepad -- Whenever there are PC Problems, maybe all of us wonder, maybe the ‘good ol days’ better? – all one needed was pen & paper, imagination, & modicum of discipline!

1) ‘heroic battle with depression’ – I’ve had similar problems, also alcoholism (now sober in AA) – but in Ernest’s case, from what I know, the treatments at the time did more harm than good – unsophisticated electroshock etc., maybe was a contributing factor; 2) wanted to ask – read somewhere that he said, ‘Taras Bulba’ (N. Gogol) one of 10-best books ever – is this is true, what are the other 9?

1) ‘heroic battle with depression’ – I’ve had similar problems, also alcoholism (now sober in AA) – but in Ernest’s case, from what I know, the treatments at the time did more harm than good – unsophisticated electroshock etc., maybe was a contributing factor; 2) wanted to ask – read somewhere that he said, ‘Taras Bulba’ (N. Gogol) one of 10-best books – is this is true, what are the other 9?

Ernest Hemingway lived a life complete. He was a man of the world, well traveled, well read, and close to nature. He smiled often, drank more, and never lost a chance for adventure. This video is a mini-biography, presenting the highlights of his life. For a more complete story, read a book, or visit Music: Edith Piaf - L'Hymne a l'amour Albert Farrington - It's a Long Way to Tipperary Georges Brassens - Le vieux Leon Ignacio Pineiro - Echale Salsita Frank

Hi, I found this site while surfing the web, and wanted to say that you have the true birth date of Hemingway as wrong. He was born July 21, 1899, and died about two weeks from his 62 birthday. His struggle with depression throughout his life was heroic.
Scott Rossi.

spread your wings and prepare to fly for you have become a butterfly so fly abandonly into the sky

you believed in your self to the very end i believed in you great job

I found this site that pays homage to Ernest, and his literature. It is a very nice site.

I found this site serfing the web.
It has more information about Hemingway, and it also has books for sale. I brought a lot back from it.

I visited the pub in which he used to drink his daily cocktail

Community Manager
15 years agoHi Scott; thanks for the heads up. We asked the owner of this trib, Richard, to make the change. Mel.