It doesn't seem real. I still can't fathom it. I feel like I know him. If my brother had died I would feel the way I do now.

My heart and prayers go out to you, your family, and your little girl. You are now their Angel. R.I.P. You were too young to go and you have a legion of fans, family, and friends who will always remember you and make sure Matilda will know you as well.


I am in complete shock over all of this. He was my absolute favorite actor/person and I have to admit that I've had a slight crush on him ever since he made the movie "10 Things I Hate About You", okay huge crush. I am terribly saddened by this accident, which I am sure it was not intentional, as it was not in his character to take his own life. I will always wonder what he would have done/been if only he had been allowed to live longer. My respects and heart goes out to his family and to Michelle's family.


you were an amaising actor an u will be missed by millions , always in our thoughts... Heath Ledger xxx

Heath was absolutely amazing in that he always won the hearts of his viewers. I will miss him greatly.

Heath, say it isn't so. You will be missed but your memory will be remember through your movies and the impact you have left on the word. Rest in Peace.

i'm from a little island called st. vincent LOCATED IN THE CARIBBEAN even so many miles away he touched me,my favorite actor of all time,gone but not forgotten. I LOVE YOU HEATH. Lord, clearly you see my struggles; and know too well, my flaws. But even so, You saw fit to choose me; in spite of all I have wrong.
You lovingly saw past my shortcomings, and looked deeply into the center of my heart; and gazed upon the fragments of a heart so torn apart.
A heart in need of mending, by Your love, warmth and care; one so desperately in need, of the Savior’s great repair.
You took the fragments and brokenness; and carefully one by one, began to re-create…a heart that would glorify Your Son.
And as the tears were woven; by Your fingers of gentleness; You filled the gap within my heart of such deep emptiness.
You replaced the emptiness with love; as You engrafted Your signature upon, a heart that was once in desperate need; now changed by the touch of One.
Who cared enough to take the time; that was needed to bring repair; so that now being healed, this heart could reach; others held in the Abyss of despair.

I like others was shocked to hear of his passing, My first thought was say it's not so! The second was sadness for his family, and his daughter. I can't imagine what they are feeling but my prayers are defintely with them. He will be missed terribly. So So Sad!

When my brother passed @ 26, the same feeling is back now. A loss that will always be missed, a void.He played my life roll in B.M.He help me not to be afraid any more of my sexuality. he helped me understand life is to short to worry ,what others think.i can say, even though i didnt know him personally ifelt like he was my brother for teaching me how to love &care aboutmyself &other through his movies.I will miss him &may GOD be w himand family always. A BROTHER AND FRIEN FOREVER !!!!!

I still can't believe it.. He was one of my favorite actors. This is an incredibly sad day :( May he rest in peace..

Such a sad day for the Ledger family. I was shocked to hear of Heath's passing. My thoughts and prayers are with you all. Rest In Peace..

I thought that it was a Joke, I could not believe it. My heart Matlida all your and family. RIP.

A great actor, full of life. who will be truly missed. condolences to friends, family and your little girl. may you rest in peace and your memory live on.

This shouldn't have happened to you. You are too young to die! My feelings are with your daughter. ='(

What a great lose for Australia, you will never be out of our minds and hearts. Why do only the good go early.

all my prayers and thought are go out to heath his family and friends. heath was an amazing man and although he is gone he will never be forgotten. find your peace heath

my heart is broken! You were a special man to so many.An angel to me!

That such a young and talented actor was taken from this life before his time hurts me to my very core. I adore Heath and my prayers and deepest sympathy go out to his family. He will be sorely missed by more than you can imagine.

My heart was in my throat when I saw the breaking news. My thoughts and prayers are with his family and friends.

my prayers are with his family and daughter, rest in peace with God

My prayers and thoughts are with his family and friends. Rest in peace.

My heart sank, when i seen the breaking news of such a beautiful face of Angel X X He as gone back to Gods beautiful garden were he will be watching over is family and guiden is own little earth Angel as with this Angel on her shoulder she will never come to harm. This Angels work as not finished he as had to go back were he started is work. god bless is friends and family x x x x x x

my prayers r with his family n friends, hope one day we all be together in heaven.

It is not appropriate to grieve in an hour of joy . . . You all
weep, but is there any cause for grief? We should look
upon a sage as a person escaped from a burning mansion. . .
It does not matter whether I am here or not; salvation
does not depend upon me but upon practicing the
Dharma, just as a cure depends not upon seeing the doctor
but upon taking his medicine . . . My time has come,
my work is done . . . Everything eventually comes to an
end, even if it should last for an eon. The time of parting
is bound to one day come. I have done what I could for
myself and others, and to remain longer would be without
purpose. I have trained all whom I could train. My
teachings shall last for many generations, so do not be
disturbed. Recognize that all that lives is subject to the
laws of impermanence, and strive for eternal wisdom.
When the light of knowledge dispels ignorance, when
the world is seen as without substance, the end of life is
seen as peace and as a cure to a disease. Everything that
exists is bound to perish. Be therefore mindful of your
salvation. The time of my passing has come.

A tragic loss to all who knew and loved him. His memory will live on forever in all our hearts and minds. Prayers will be given for his family and friends.
A moment on this earth, yet a lifetime in our hearts.

Heath Ledger was a beautiful man, not just in looks, but in every sense of the word. Although he is mostly noted in the gay community for his role in Broke Back Mountain, he was a wonderful actor in all his works. It is always tragic when a person so young, talented and full of potential is "called" from this life. Regardless of the circumstances that led to his death, he is gone forever, but if it is discovered that we lost Heath to suicide, that would just add to this tragedy. Every life is precious, every one leaves an imprint on someones heart. If it was suicide, it's a shame that Heath wasn't able to reach out to a friend or loved one and deal with whatever demon he was facing. In this tragedy, may it remind us that we never know when it may be our "last time...", life is short, let the people in your life that matter to you know that you love them, life doesn't always give you a chance to "tell them next time". "To the world, you are just somebody, but to somebody, you just might be the world." Good bye Heath, you left us way too soon.

Australia has lost a great actor and daughter has lost a wonderful father.

First, I want to say that my thoughts and prayers are with Heath's family, especially his daughter, Matilda. I was wakend this morning with the news of his death and feel in a state of shock! When I first saw him in "Roar" all those years ago, I could see he had that special star quality so few are blessed with, and was convinced he would go on to do great things. Ever since then, he has been one of my favourite actors and I watched with great joy and little surprise as his career went from strength to strength. We don't know the all facts surrounding his death yet, but the undeniable truth is that we have lost an amazing and talented human being. It breaks my heart to know he still had so much to give to the world and has been cut off in his prime. However, it is some consolation to know that he will be remembered by many generations to come, as talent like his is so rare and timeless. He will be very sorely missed.

"heath was a legend an amazing actor a beutifull man and a father my thoughts go out to his family what a shock! what a waste!
going to be sadly missedxx

Such a terrible loss. My thoughts go out to his family and to his little girl. He was an amazing actor

I remember him first in 10 things i hate about you. he was such a great actor and i was so excited to see him play the joker. now im just going to be sad watching it

"You are a LEGEND Heath!! Tragic and sad for the world and anyone who has known you. Your passion will go on and never be forgotton, will miss you mate."

I knight tale stands out when i think of his work. I loved watching him on screen and how he captured me eveytime i watched hime. It was such sad news learning of his death. My thoughts are with his parent, Michelle and his daughter. Matlida will grow up to know her father was a great man

My thoughts go out to his daughter and family.A fantastic person who inspired my two sons to ride there pony`s like knights!Hard to think he is not with us anymore.So so sad.God bless always.X.

We cant believe your gone, you brought us so much joy through your acting. You will be missed deeply and our thoughts go out to your family and daughter Matilda

What a loss to the film world your friends and family.
Your performance in Brokeback Mountain will haunt me forever. May God Bless you, my man. RIP.

i just cant believe it. I'm absolutly gutted. I've been a big Heath Ledger fan for years now and it's simply devastating to think that we wont see him on the big screen any more. He'll be sorely missed by millions. R.I.P mate, thanks for everything.

I´m shocked! I hope you rest in peace and i hope much more that youre little Dauhter doesnt receive much from the press!
You died to early!

Was so sad to hear that heath had died,what a waste of a handsome talented young actor,my thoughts are with your family...only the good die young

It is not important what happened that fateful afternoon, what is important is the way you lived mate, you bought joy to moviegoers, your family (who I'm sure are so proud of you) and your precious little girl Matilda. I hope she remembers you as her Dad and the special times you had and your family tell her about you and the person you were. Its sad but true, we cannot turn back the clock no matter what. I hope your little girl gets told the truth because that is what is important, luckily she is too young now to listen to the "c*#p". Go well young man, watch over your girl..............

Our thoughts go out to Matilda, Heath's daughter from our daughters Matilda and BJ, and to the rest of the family. A young life cut short is tragic whenever it happens but when one goes when it has such promise it's felt very deeply. "A Knight's Tale" is a real favourite of ours and we'll continue to have lots of joy because of this young man's efforts. A bright, brief flaming talent. Rest in peace.

I was incredibly devastated to read the article about Heath Ledger dead on a news site this morning. My first reaction was this has to be some kind of horrible joke so i went on another website and it said the same thing heath ledger dead. I said what!!! and just started to cry. I have been crying all day and i feel sick to my stomach. I have loved heath ever since i saw him in 10 things i hate about you. I loved the fact he was still the boy from Perth and wasn't arrogant just because he was a "celebrity" a term he never really liked. I was so happy when Michelle started dating heath i liked her from dawsons creek. I was over the moon when they had Matilda. Now i am devastated Matilda has lost a father, his family has lost a cherished son, friends have lost a great guy with a heart of gold and the industry he was in has lost a fantastic actor. He will be sorely missed and he death is reminiscent of another Australian legend, Michael Hutchence. RIP Heath, my deepest heartfelt condolences go out to his family and friends. I love you Heath

Heaven has another beautiful angel! so so sad, was gutted when i heard the news. My thought are with your family and baby daughter!

loved every film, think your fantastic, just so sad you were taken early xx

I just cant believe that such a fine young Aussie Actor is gone. My thoughts go out to Heath Ledgers family and friends. He was truly a remarkable young man and actor. He will be sorely missed both on screen and off the screen ... RIP Heath

So profoundly affected by your talent and so deeply saddened by your death. You will now live forever!

I can't think of words that could make those who are close to you feel any less pain, but I do believe that you were a wonderful man. No one can act so well, so beautifully and so honestly without being beautiful themselves.
Oh Sir, you will be missed terribly. I shall think of you an your family for a long time yet.
R. I. P

I still cant believe it's happened :(.
It really does suck when good ppl like Heath die young.
My deepest thoughts go to the family and friends. I am a Aussie and he is very much loved by all Aussies and everyone around the world.
Good luck to his daughter..