God blees you in heaven. You will not feel lonely there.
会永远记住你的歌声和微笑.....望你的爸爸,妈妈, 哥哥保重....
Wish you have a peaceful life in heaven.
What do we need to carry on from Ryan- In memory of my friend II Dr. Qiao said that he could not sleep or eat well after he witnessed Ryan’s passing. I too have been suffering from insomnia since last Sunday it was a shock to everyone, what happened. I was so depressed I thought about giving up everything and going back home to be with my family. Sadness, disappointment, sorrow, all kind of negative thoughts filled my head. Yet fear dominated me for a while though I knew he was already gone. Then I started to think about what Ryan left us behind: his happiness, his friendly smile and his positive attitude, his thoughtfulness, his braveness and caring sense. Whenever I complained to him about life being tough, he always encouraged me to hang in there. He always painted a bright future for me. “Just study hard and graduate,” he said. When I told him that I was so tired from working long hours, he just responded “Another day another dollar”. “We can relief much burden from our parents if we work hard over here”. Whenever I complained to him about being treated unfairly by my school or in different situations, he always used his kindness and words to calm me down. Although I disagreed with him in sometimes, I understood what he said was all for my benefit. I guess his cell phone is his favorite. All of his friends knew he was always on the phone. He helped his friends and offered phone consulting to them. Where can we get a good insurance policy, where can we eat authentic Chinese food, which website we can help us to book a cheaper airline ticket and what was the direction to certain places, Ryan was acting as a yellow book master and always ready to share his information to his friends. Ryan was a role model for us to learn in different prospective. He was a hard working person and even opened his on line business coordinated with his brother. The profit he made paid was for his tuitions and sent back home to help his family. He was so proud of supporting himself instead of asking for money from his family. He was such a people person with a big heart. He loved his family, his girlfriend, all of his friends, his work and his study. Positive attitude is the first thing I would like to carry on from him. I will be more confidence to face the difficulties in the future. I hope people he liked and cared before and all of his friends will be strong and carry his spirit to live a better life. Lord our God, You are always faithful and quick to show mercy. Our friend Ryan-Zhiyuan, Chen Was suddenly taken from us. Come swiftly to his aid, Have mercy on him, And comfort his family and friends By the power and protection of the cross.
愿你一路走好,你的音容笑貌永远留在我们心中! 希望在美学子注意安全,多多保重。 江苏南京
Please do not fight here. Just let him rest in peace. Thanks.
"罗阿姨, 拜托你不要上纲上线,不要提劳民伤财的北京奥运会,你的纪念文章disgusting" 中国办奥运不好,中国做什么都不好。那你说说看,中国应该干什么呢?不如中国不要存在了。在美国了,观点就牛了!你倒是非常disgusting!
好可惜! 希望你在天堂过个开开心心的好年~~!
弟弟,我是你的哥哥!我来了!我来看你了!.......... 内心对你的思念无法用言语表达。我看到大家都这么祝福你,为爸爸妈妈能有你这样的儿子感到高兴!也为有你这么优秀的弟弟而觉得无比自豪!你是我们全家的骄傲! 陈植润
Dr. Qiao said that he could not sleep or eat well after he witnessed Ryan’s passing. I too have been suffering from insomnia since last Sunday it was a shock to everyone, what happened. I was so depressed I thought about giving up everything and going back home to be with my family. Sadness, disappointment, sorrow, all kind of negative thoughts filled my head. Yet fear dominated me for a while though I knew he was already gone. Then I started to think about what Ryan left us behind: his happiness, his friendly smile and his positive attitude, his thoughtfulness, his braveness and caring sense. Whenever I complained to him about life being tough, he always encouraged me to hang in there. He always painted a bright future for me. “Just study hard and graduate,” he said. When I told him that I was so tired from working long hours, he just responded “Another day another dollar”. “We can relief much burden from our parents if we work hard over here”. Whenever I complained to him about being treated unfairly by my school or in different situations, he always used his kindness and words to calm me down. Although I disagreed with him in sometimes, I understood what he said was all for my benefit. I guess his cell phone is his favorite. All of his friends knew he was always on the phone. He helped his friends and offered phone consulting to them. Where can we get a good insurance policy, where can we eat authentic Chinese food, which website we can help us to book a cheaper airline ticket and what was the direction to certain places, Ryan was acting as a yellow book master and always ready to share his information to his friends. Ryan was a role model for us to learn in different prospective. He was a hard working person and even opened his on line business coordinated with his brother. The profit he made paid was for his tuitions and sent back home to help his family. He was so proud of supporting himself instead of asking for money from his family. He was such a people person with a big heart. He loved his family, his girlfriend, all of his friends, his work and his study. Positive attitude is the first thing I would like to carry on from him. I will be more confidence to face the difficulties in the future. I hope people he liked and cared before and all of his friends will be strong and carry his spirit to live a better life. Lord our God, You are always faithful and quick to show mercy. Our friend Ryan-Zhiyuan, Chen Was suddenly taken from us. Come swiftly to his aid, Have mercy on him, And comfort his family and friends By the power and protection of the cross.
虽然我们素未谋面,但是做为一名留学他乡的学子,得知同胞的不幸,我的心情十分沉痛。即此致哀! 法国
Ben Taub hospital 是houston仅有的3家公立医院,因为大部分枪伤病人是无保险人士,所以都送到了这里。所以它是houston最有经验,最好的处理枪伤的医院。
Whoever should question the EMS why sent him to Ben Taub hospital not Southwest Memorial Hospital which is much closer to the scene? By the law, EMS should choose the closest hospital.
今天阳光灿烂,可是我的心情特别的低落。msn上收到了你前天的留言,信箱里还有你 昨天发的email.周五的晚上还一起庆祝春节的到来。可现在你在天堂里注视着我们。临 晨的那两声枪声,带走了你对生命的渴望。 今天早晨,接到了朋友的电话。我不敢相信这是真的,我不敢打电话向别 人求证,希望这只是一个谣传。可是电话那头低沉的声音已经说明了一切。 祝你一路走好,在天堂里请继续绽放你的笑脸!
小胖,一直不敢相信你真的走了,现在你和我已经在两个世界.四年的同学情谊,难忘过去的一幕一幕, 愿你在天堂一切都好,让风寄去我的思念,希望远方的你能收到!
小胖,虽然我们是4年的同学,虽然我们这4年中接触不多 虽然毕业后从来没有联系过 但是,突然接到的消息是这样的让人震惊,让人难以接受 走好,老同学
It is hard to loose someone who was so close to our hearts. My sincere condolences to all his family & freinds.
tragedy indeed. may he rest in peace in heaven. "陈植渊,你把美好的青春献给了中国的奥运事业" 罗阿姨, 拜托你不要上纲上线,不要提劳民伤财的北京奥运会,你的纪念文章disgusting
小胖哥,一路走好。 ——华侨大学的师弟
回到家的时候,收到一些email,说是德州某大学的一位中国学生在chinatown被抢劫枪击,永远离开了人世。 信上有一些他生前的链接,点了进去看——胖胖的男孩子,算不上孩子了,应该比我大一些。链接上还有一个视频,是他在某年联谊会上唱歌表演的场景。他唱了一首他在上海大学音乐系就读的哥哥作曲的歌。歌曲一般,但看得出来他对家人的爱。本是同根生,又执着于爱的人,于是,开始当朋友一样悼念。 对不起rara,你前几天还说我blog笔调轻松了不少,对不起angela,你刚才还留言说看了我的blog就想笑,然而,我今天又转型忧伤了,在中国还在年内的时候。 Email里说——他的家人已经联系上了。又要他的家人如何度过这个新年? 我身边,总能发生很多事情,让我觉得自己离“死亡”很近。生命,死亡,我经常在思考。总觉得生,死和性,处于平等的位置。当然,有些东西高于他们,比如爱,比如真理。记得高二的时候写过那篇随笔,老师的评语是——未知死,焉知生。后来看书,说那是西方人的哲学态度。而东方人的哲学态度是——未知生,焉知死。 记得那时候,思考来自于身边有人时时受着死亡的威胁。其实,每个人都受着死亡的威胁。只是有些人,比如那些病人,时时能想到死亡的威胁,日日自危;而另一些人,想不到死亡的威胁,浑浑噩噩。死亡能带给我们的智慧边在于取对方之所有。 有时候,会和自己爱的人吵架,吵完之后,我会想——若是他出门碰到了意外,那这边是我对他说的最后一句话了。每每想到这时,便能控制自己的情绪,若是他听不到你的解释,而你却又如此爱他,这是怎样的悲剧。有时候,会整天无所事事,无聊度日一天后我会想——若是我明天离开这个世界,我会后悔的吧,会后悔自己没有燃烧尽自己。 所以,想到那句话Live, like you will die tomorrow。把每天都当成生命中的最后一天,去生活,去爱身边的人。那样,那天真的到来的时候,也就没什么遗憾了吧。 至于那个孩子,临死前一天,还在扮演福娃。我想他走的时候,虽然有牵挂,但应该没什么遗憾了吧。因为,我想你曾经的存在,已经诠释过比死亡更高的意义了。 谨以此文悼念你,我素不相识的朋友。 (此文原载于我前天的blog)
支票title请写: Ryan Chen memorial fund 谢谢。
smile, 虽然离开但你现在在一个更美好的地方有一天大家还会相见,直到那一天你永远会被纪念. smile, 你让大家知道生命的可贵要懂得好好珍惜身边的一切. smile 一个和你从未相识的人在纪念你. smile, that will be his last wish for all those who he loved. Be happy for him.
今晚收到一个沉痛的消息,26岁的中国留美学生陈植渊,昨晚遭遇不明枪杀。在鼠年正月初三的2月9日晚,陈植渊身穿北京奥运会著名吉祥物福娃,在中国驻休斯敦总领馆支持下,和其他中国留学生和团体一道, 在美国休斯敦丰田体育中心NBA比赛现场进行精彩的表演,向18,000名美国主流观众,并通过现场电视直播向全世界积极宣传北京奥运会。表演结束之后,陈植渊不幸在中国城遭遇不明枪杀。 和休斯顿总领馆一样,远方对陈植渊家属表示最深切的慰问。陈植渊曾在多次晚会上演唱远方原创歌曲,陈植渊的歌声和友情永远不会被忘记!谨以原创《沉痛的黑夜》寄哀思。。。 也希望在美同胞们夜间出门要多加小心,遇事沉着应对,以确保人生安全。生命是宝贵的,也是脆弱的,值得珍惜,每一年,每一天,每一个瞬间! 《沉痛的黑夜》 -写给突然走了的陈植渊 作词: 原版远方 实在不忍心 听到这个意外的恶迅 昨晚丰田中心扮演福娃的兄弟 倒在子弹飞射的血地 实在不忍心 看到这个无情的结局 一个青春如玉蓬勃向上的生命 被掠夺在寒冷的冬季 没有人喜欢沉痛的黑夜 没有人忘记微笑的容颜 没有人懂得命运的渊源 没有人相信悲剧会上演 止不住的哭泣 唤不回年轻的花季 曾经的歌声和友情 永远不会被忘记
我跟小胖其实不熟,见面的次数可以数得出来,一次是音乐猫的演出,一次是联合校友会的晚会,再一次就是丰田中心。虽然我没有跟他公事过,甚至没有和他深聊过,他依然给我留下很深刻的印象。我一直相信相由心生,小胖的憨厚善良,都在那一脸笑容里表露无疑。他性格开朗,乐于助人,朋友众多。因此,噩耗传来,所有人都震惊了。为什么,这么好的人,会遭遇这样的惨事?生命脆弱,世事无常。我无法解释小胖的离去,只能说,都是命。他的善心令他超脱俗世,超越我们所有人,因此他去了一个更好的地方。 无论他在哪里,我们永远都是朋友。相信那个微笑的小胖,始终在远方注视着我们。