At various times I have had everything from a Commodore Pet to a 128. My daughter used to sit on my lap and play games on the Vic 20 and for a while I was lugging the first "portable" computer, a Commodore SX64, back and forth to school. Jack, wherever you are, you changed my life in immeasurable ways. RIP

I remember my first pc was a Commodore 64. It brought me into the computer world ever since.

His passing gives a chance to reflect on how much fun it was to grow up in the 80s at the front of this computer revolution. I never owned a Commodore 64, but I had friends who did, and the games were just fantastic ( RIP Jack, and thanks for the memories.

He was a great influence at both Commodore and Atari.

It has been a reference in the world of computer, equal or bigger steve jobs, personally was a fighter out of the war and realizing the American dream, in a large commercial businessman who saw at once where he had to invest their efforts, and if they had not departed from commodore commodore would now like what is now Apple, and thanks to the fortunate that we had to enjoy that for me is and will be the best computer for 8 bits history, the C64 my first computer .... RIP

As a youngster growing up in England in the 70`s i can remember my father bringing home a T.V Pong machine and thinking woah whats that? Little did i know at that time that a man i had never met was about to change and influence my life forever.
Through my first journeys with an Atari 2600 i began my steps into Video Gaming, soon to be replaced with a Vic-20 and C-64 i started to buy books on Programming the endless hours of inputting BASIC just to get the dreaded Syntax Error at the end taught me the values of Perseverance and bought home the meaning of the phrase "if at first you don`t succeed, TRY TRY again".
Moving from the C-64 and C128 that i had now purchased i began my love affair with the Amiga Family I couldn`t afford the Amiga 1000 at the time but managed to save enough money to purchase the A-500, This computer single handidly changed my life, I started an Amiga user group with my friends and this soon swelled to over 500 users, i met and made many good friends there and still have contact with them to this day nearly 30 years on.
Jack Tramiel you were a visionary wether it was a calculator or a personal computer you had the fore thought to produce and provide machines that THE EVERY DAY PERSON could use and find invaluable, Technology to not only inavate but also educate..
A genius of our time.. you may be gone but your legacy will never be forgotten.

Jack's 1st computer "for the masses" was the predecessor of the C64, the Commodore VIC-20 which was sold in Germany as the "VC-20".
Jack who survived the Holocaust had a very emotional connection to the sale of this computer in Germany. During the 3. Reich, the N azis invented a radio "for the masses" called the "Volks-Empfaenger" (public receiver). In almost every household was such a radio just for the purpose of delivering the deadly N azi propaganda to as much people as possible. This kind of "education" was a major ingredient for the later desaster and "triumph" of the evil.
Jack therfore wanted the VIC-20 in Germany to be sold as the VC-20, whereas the VC stands for "Volks-Computer", referring to the N azi era.
But this time, the VC-20 should educate the masses, the youth, only
in the most positive, creative way one can imagine.
My first Computer was the C64, at a time i didn't even know, what a home computer was at all. I was too lazy to learn programming at that time, so used it mainly for gaming. But the best way to learn something, is to do it with fun. Later i bought an Amiga and started programming games in C. Today i distribute video games here in Germany. I know, all what i have experienced with computers and especially with 'home' computers wouldn't have happened without Jack Tramiel.
RIP Mr. Tramiel, You were a brave visionary man with a strong will to create a better future for men. In my opinion you are much more a important iconic figure in the history of computers than Jobs, Gates et all all together

RIP dude.
I had many, many hours of fun playing my Commodore 64 as a kid. All memories of that period in my life revolve around the C64.
An amazing machine which was way ahead of their time.
Thank you for some great times.

My teens, and my future career in technology, would not have been the same without my Commodore Amiga 500. By the time Commodore commercialized the Amiga, Jack Tramiel was at Atari; nonetheless, the Amiga was true to the vision laid out by Jack Tramiel: give the masses the most powerful machine little money can buy, even at the expense of the company's profits. Thank you Jack, for your contributions. Your vision shaped my life, and, I am pretty sure, that of countless others. God bless you!

I will always remember when my friends and I gathered to play C-64 games. The C-64 gave me my love for technology that has still going strong. It's technology was light years ahead of IBM, Apple, and Atari and the market, worldwide, rewarded them. The VIC and SID chips gave programmers a lot of firepower, and the venerable machine outperformed PCs that had double or more RAM than it did. Thanks Mr. Tramiel.

This is the old school Commercial for the Commodore 64.

This is the old school Commercial for the Commodore 64.

This is the old school Commercial for the Commodore 64.
12 years agoI still have many commodores hooked up including one sitting in front of my DLP TV but the commodore 64 is hooked to the trust worth commodore monitor with a Ultimate 1541 II as my storage space. Amazing device. Also have many 1541 and 1571's as well. The commodore is still heavily supported.