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6 years ago

TODAY, 15th AUGUST 2018, IS THE 6th YEAR REMEMBRANCE OF OUR DEAR BROTHER, DR ABU JOHN AGAMAH: We, his siblings, continue to thank God for the eventful and happy memory of his lively eventful life, highly regarded first class academic achievements as well as professional medical excellence passionately delivered to the people. At all times, our prayer is for our loving God to give his widow and the four children – all adults and university graduates - the wisdom, ability, good health, long life and the continued blessing to be able to manage what our brother left behind and to build on it to greater heights - to the glory of God and their own good. Amen. We are thankful to God for every Remembrance of the Four of Us that have gone ahead to Heaven, since the Year 2000 AD: (1). Philip - 13 July 2000; (2). Baba (our Patriarch, Elder James Attah Agamah) - May 2011; (3). John - 15 August 2012; (4). Ebiye (our Matriarch) – 13 July 2017. Daniel On behalf of all the 9 surviving siblings of our late Brother, Dr A J Agamah

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6 years ago

Today, 13th July 2018, is unique for the Family, to add to this Tribute Page in Memory of our Dear Father - Elder James Attah Agamah, because it is the first time the date of 13th July of any year invokes the Passionate Remembrance of two Members of the Family - the First Year of the Home Call of our Dear Mother, Lydia Jenebu Agamah (fondly called Ebiye) and the 18th Year of the Home Call of our Dear Brother, Philip Audu Agamah - making Today a Day of Double Remembrance for which we are all very grateful to God Almighty for His Grace that has always been sufficient for us and for all who are God's children. We are thankful to God for every Remembrance of the Four of Us that have gone ahead, since the Year 2000 AD: 1. Philip - 13 July 2000; 2. Baba (our Patriarch, Elder James Attah Agamah) - 5 May 2011; 3. John - 15 August 2012; 4. Ebiye (our Matriarch). We are also thankful to God for His Loving Kindness to the entire Family over the period from about 1943 AD to 2000 AD during which all the 11 (Eleven) Children of our Baba and Ebiye - 6 Males and 5 Females - each had own family and at least a child - thus as at today there are numerous grand and great grand children. To God be the glory. We pray to God to continue to guide, bless and keep each and every one of us Strong in our Faith and Trust in God as we look forward to that soon to come Reunion in Heaven, in Jesus Name. Amen Daniel, On behalf of the children of Baba & Ebiye

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6 years ago

Today, 5th May 2018, 7 Years - on from 2011, in Evergreen Memory of Our Special God given Dad, We - the Children and All the Descendants from the 11 of Us as well as All other Relations, Friends and any others who so remember Our Dad, James Attah Agamah - Thank God Almighty for every Remembrance of our Dear Dad and Our Dear Mum - Lydia Jenebu Agamah, who joined Our Dad in Glory on 13th July 2017. Dear LORD GOD, We Thank YOU indeed and We rededicate our lives to You and it is Our Prayer that You will continue to guide, lead and bless Us all according to Your Loving kindness and Will as well as grant each one of Us the Grace to each one of Us to abide in You to the end of our respective Lives here on earth Till We All Meet YOU in Glory, in Jesus Name. From Daniel, on behalf of All of Us.

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7 years ago

Today, Thursday, 13th July 2017 is a striking reminder of that Thursday, 13th July 2000, when during the first hour of that afternoon, our dear brother, Philip peacfully passed on to glory in what seemed an early afternoon nap, after a routine medication taken due to a long terminal illness. This happened under the careful, loving and watchful eyes of our parents, my two elder sisters, my elder brother, myself, my two out of three younger sisters and one of my two out of three younger brothers. Thus, he, my immediate younger brother, Philip, became the first of the family to depart on that fateful Thursday seventeen years ago , today. As a Christian family, we thank God for everything and we continue to love and trust Him for all that is to come - in full expectation of the the return of our Lord Jesus Christ to take us all Home to Heaven where we shall all meet again with all loved ones as well as other believers in Christ who have since gone ahead since then, especially our Dad Elder James Attah Agamah and eldest brother Dr Abu John Agamah who also subsequently passed on to glory on 5th May 2011 and 15th August 2012, respectfully. Blessed be the name of our Lord God Most High, in Jesus name. Amen. Daniel For the James Attah Agamah Family 13 July 2017

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7 years ago

Remembering the 6 years gone by, today 5th May 2017, in evergreen happy memory of our dear and very rare kind of Dad, that gracefully passed on to Glory to be with our LORD. The 5th of May is a Date we, his surviving children and grand children who knew him, will continue to remember in a very Special Way in our hearts. One relishes every thought and remembrance of him and will not be tired to repeat all over again, that our Baba, continues to live on, in the lives of Ebiye - our Mother, now over 91 years of age - and in all of us his children as well as all his offspring and indeed all who cherish his exemplary godly Christian Life, for which we continue to thank God. We are particularly very grateful to God for always "doing exceedingly and abundantly more than we ask for", according to His promise in the Bible for those who put their trust in Him, in that we had over the years, always prayed to God for our parents: for Him to bless each accordingly that "as their days so shall their strength be". God did it for our father 6 years ago at age 91. So we are trusting God to do it again for our mother and indeed for the surviving rest of the family. Our mother, though obviously weak bodily, her memory is excellent, her hearing is not impaired but her sight now dimmed as is known to happen at such grand old age. Our Dear Heavenly Father, LORD GOD Almighty, we are very very grateful !!! Blessed be Your Holy Name. We affirm that God's timing in everything - in life and in death - is the Best, so we keep trusting in God to enable us keep the Faith and be ready always in Him till we all meet in the presence of the LORD; in Jesus blessed name. Amen. Daniel, son On behalf of James Attah Agamah Foundation

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8 years ago

As I write this at dusk today, 15th August 2016, one remembers that exactly four years ago, our dear brother, Tom, as we his siblings and close relatives as well as friends, called him, quietly bade us all a final good night while none of us was with him at his home, that evening at Onah Quarters Idah - with only Monday, a second maternal cousin the one physically near by through whom, he passed that message, which very quickly got first, to those of us in Idah and with electronic speed, to the rest of us in Nigeria and indeed the world. At this fourth year memorial and anniversary of the passing into glory of our brother, Dr Abu John Agamah; we continue to thank God for the eventful and happy memory of his all through life, highly regarded first class academic achievements as well as professional medical excellence passionately delivered to the people. At all times, our prayer is for our loving God to give all of us, especially his widow and the children, the wisdom, ability, good health, long life and the continued blessing to be able to manage what our brother left behind and to build on it to greater heights - to the glory of God and their own good. Amen. Daniel – immediate younger brother On behalf of the family

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8 years ago

Today, 13th July 2016, marks 16 years gone by since our dear Brother - Philip - departed from this terrestrial world, and we remember him, in a special way as has been the case every subsequent 13th July after the year - 2000 - while remaining grateful to God for His faithfulness and goodness to the family as indeed two other members have also gone 11 and 12 years later - thus, also making 5th May and 15th August such special days we have been remembering our Dad who passed on in 2011 and our Brother John who followed in 2012, respectively. To God be the Glory and to Him alone we, as a family, owe everything and pray to Him to strengthen us individually in our Faith in Him to the end; until we all meet together with all beloved brethren in Christ in the New Jerusalem - the Home - our Lord assured,while He was here on earth, that He was preparing for all who believe in Him. We are all full of expectation for His coming soon to take us all Home. Blessed be the Name of the LORD. Amen Daniel, on behalf of all in the family.

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8 years ago

Remembering the 5 years gone by, today 5th May 2016, in evergreen happy memory of our dear and very rare kind of Dad, that gracefully passed on to Glory to be with our LORD. The 5th of May is a Date we, his surviving children and grand children who knew him, will continue to remember in a very Special Way in our hearts. One relishes every thought and remembrance of him and will not be tired to repeat all over again, that our Baba, continues to live on, in the lives of Ebiye - our Mother, now over 90 years of age - and in all of us his children as well as all his offspring and indeed all who cherish his exemplary godly Christian Life, for which we continue to thank God. We are particularly very grateful to God for always "doing exceedingly and abundantly more than we ask for", according to His promise in the Bible for those who put their trust in Him, in that we have always prayed to God for our parents for Him to bless them for "as their days so shall their strength be". God did it for our father 5 years ago at age 91. So we are trusting God to do it again for our mother and indeed for the surviving rest of the family. Our mother, though obviously weak bodily, she is not bed ridden, her memory is excellent, her hearing is not impaired and her sight fairly good with the support of prescribed drugs. Our Dear Triun Heavenly Father, LORD GOD Almighty we are very very grateful !!! Blessed be Your Holy Name. We affirm that God's timing in everything - in life and in death - is the Best, so we keep trusting in God to enable us keep the Faith and be ready always in Him till we all meet in the presence of the LORD in Jesus blessed name. Amen. Daniel, son On behalf of James Attah Agamah Foundation

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9 years ago

Today, 15th August 2015, marks the third year memorial and anniversary of the passing into glory of our brother, Dr Abu John Agamah. After much reflection, one’s prayer to God is for our loving God to give his widow and the children, the wisdom, ability, good health, long life and the continued blessing to be able to manage what our brother left behind and to build on it to greater heights - to the glory of God and their own good. Amen. Daniel – immediate younger brother for the family

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9 years ago

Today, 13th July 2015, marks 15 years gone by since our dear Brother - Philip - departed from this terrestial world, ahead of our father and mother and his ten siblings of five males and five females, thus became the first of our dear family to do so. That brought to our attention as a family, the certain reality, that one by one it will be for each and all. We remember him, today , in a special way as has been the case every subsequent 13th July after the year - 2000 - and we shall remain grateful to God for His faithfulness and goodness to the family as indeed two other members have also gone 11 and 12 years later- thus making 5th May and 15th August such special days we have been remembering our Dad who passed on in 2011 and our Brother John who followed in 2012 respectively. To God be the Glory and to Him alone we, as a family, owe everything and pray to Him to strengthen us individually in our Faith in Him to the end; untill we all meet together with all beloved brethren in Christ in the New Jerusalem - the Home - our Lord assured,while He was here on earth, that He was preparing for all who believe in Him. We are all full of expectation for His coming soon to take us all Home. Blessed be the Name of the LORD. Amen Daniel, on behalf of all in the family.

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9 years ago

Remembering the 4 years gone by, today 5th May 2015, in evergreen happy memory of our dear and very rare kind of Dad, that gracefully passed on to Glory to be with our LORD. The 5th of May is a Date we, his surviving children and grand children who knew him, will continue to remember in a very Special Way in our hearts. One relishes every thought and remembrance of him and will not be tired to repeat all over again, that our Baba, continues to live on, in the lives of Ebiye - our Mother, now over 89 years of age - and in all of us his children as well as all his offspring and indeed all who cherish his exemplary godly Christian Life, for which we continue to thank God. We affirm that God's timing in everything - in life and in death - is the Best, so we keep trusting in God to enable us keep the Faith and be ready always in Him till we all meet in the presence of the LORD in Jesus blessed name. Amen. Daniel, son On behalf of James Attah Agamah Foundation

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10 years ago

Today, 15th August 2014, is another significant day of deep reflections for the James Attah Agamah Family because it marks the second year memorial and anniversary of the passing into glory of our brother, Dr Abu John Agamah – fondly called Baba Omaye by his siblings and close relatives. I wish to recall that we will ever remember his well known strong will and stickler to principles of hard work, self reliance and Spartan life style which were exemplary to his family as well as those who ever interacted with him which in a way, comfort all the bereaved because of such good memories of him. It is our prayer that his children, as his direct descendants, will live up to his records of intelligence, excellent performance at all levels of his academic career and in his chosen medical profession without letting him down in any way by not living up to expectations. We thank God for His mercies and faithfulness to our brother and the family, during his life time and equally during the past two years after his departure to rest in the bosom of our Lord. May our God continue to guide and sustain us all. May God give his widow and the children, the wisdom, ability, good health, long life and the continued blessing, to not only sustain the best our brother left behind, but to build on it to greater heights - to the glory of God and their own good. Amen. Daniel – immediate younger brother for the family

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10 years ago

Today, 13th July 2014, indeed is yet the passage of another year past for the day of remembrances of our brother, Philip (Baba Edeyi), who departed from us 14 years ago and by subsequent succession, those of Baba and Baba Omaye - three years and two years ago, respectively - which will continue to roll, as we count with the passage of time. One can only recount as well as recall what had already been written on this page a year ago; That: We thank God for His Grace thus far, that as a family, He has kept us safe and secure in Him, despite the strains of differing kinds that have beset each one of us in one way or the other over the past 14 years. Our resolve and consolation in The Lord is to hold the fort and heritage no matter what, never to let each other down in our faith and conduct wherever we are - and thereby not let God and the departed down. May God help us individually and collectively to give support in prayer, in spirit, in communication, and in deeds to each other and for God to mercifully salvage the only one of Philip's four children that is yet to find his feet on the ground - Enemali - from the strangle hold of the ill forces besetting him, and uproot him out of the grip of whatever the ill forces may be to a successful higher ground like He has done for his other siblings and indeed extend His mercies to the rest of our nieces and nephews from our departed brothers as well as all of us still alive, so that they, not only be what God wants each one to be, but to relate with each other as well as all the extended family as God has enabled our parents and ourselves to do and for the goodness of God to permeate in all us to all of our families as God increases our numbers. May our Almighty Father be with us all and grant us all the wisdom, love, patience, fortitude to be what He wants us to be and to sustain His blessing day by day to His honour and glory and for our good, in Jesus name. Amen. Baba Achenyo - one of Philip's brothers on behalf of the family.

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10 years ago

It is 3 years, today 5 May 2014, that our dear and very rare kind of Dad, passed on to Glory to be with our LORD. As we remember today in a very Special Way, one will not be tired to repeat all over again, Baba, you continue to live on, in the lives of Ebiye - our Mother - all of us your children and all your offspring as well as all who cherish your exemplary godly Christian Life, for which we continue to thank God. We affirm that God's timing in everything - in life and in death - is the Best, so we keep trusting in God to enable us keep the Faith and be ready always in Him till we all meet in the presence of the LORD. Amen. Daniel for all the children, grand children and great grand children.

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11 years ago

Today, 15th August 2013, is a significant day of deep reflections for the James Attah Agamah Family because it marks the first year memorial and anniversary of the passing into glory of our brother, Dr Abu John Agamah – fondly called Baba Omaye by his siblings and close relatives. We cannot forget his well known strong will and stickler to principles of hard work, self reliance and Spartan life style which were exemplary to his family as well as those who ever interacted with him which in a way, comfort all the bereaved because of such good memories of him. It is our prayer that his children, as his direct descendants, will live up to his records of intelligence, excellent performance at all levels of his academic career and in his chosen medical profession without letting him down in any way by not living up to expectations. We thank God for His mercies and faithfulness to our brother and the family, during his life time and equally during the past one year after his departure to rest in the bosoms of our Lord. May God give all of us family, especially his widow and the children, the wisdom, ability, good health, long life and the continued blessing ,to not only sustain the best our brother left behind, but to build on it to greater heights - to the glory of God and their own good. Amen. Daniel – immediate younger brother for the family

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11 years ago

Today, 13th July 2013, indeed is a day of remembrances of our brother, Philip, for his departure of 13 years ago and by quick extension those of Baba and Baba Omaye - two years and one year ago, respectively - which will continue to roll, as we count with the passage of time. We thank God for His Grace thus far, that as a family, He has kept us safe and secure in Him, despite the strains of differing kinds that have beset each one of us in one way or the other over the past 13 years. Our resolve and consolation in The Lord is to hold on the fort and heritage no matter what, never to let each other down in our faith and conduct wherever we are - and thereby not let God and the departed down. May God help us individually and collectively to give support in prayer , in spirit, in communication, and in deeds to each other and for God to mercifully salvage the only one of the four children that is yet to find his feet on the ground - Enemali - from the strangle hold of the ill forces besetting him, as Simon has prayed in his email to all his siblings earlier today, and indeed extend His mercies to the rest of our nieces and nephews from our departed brothers as well as all of us still alive, so that they, not only be what God wants each one to be, but to relate with each other as well as all the extended family as God has enabled our parents and ourselves to do and for the goodness of God to permeate in all us to all of our families as God increases our numbers. May our Almighty Father be with us all and grant us all the wisdom, love, patience, fortitude to be what He wants us to be and to sustain His blessing day by day to His honour and glory and for our good, in Jesus name. Amen. Baba Achenyo

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11 years ago

Today, 5 May 2013 - two years after your pre dawn one way flight to Glory in the Lord, Baba, you live in on in the lives of Ebiye, we, your children and offspring as well as all who cherished your godly exemplary live for which we continue to thank God. We trust in God to enable us keep the Faith and be ready always in Him till we meet in the presence of the Lord. Amen. Daniel

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10 years ago

It is 3 years, today 5 May 2014, that our dear and very rare kind of Dad, passed on to Glory to be with our LORD. As we remember today in a very Special Way, one will not be tired to repeat all over again, Baba, you continue to live on, in the lives of Ebiye - our Mother - all of us your children and all your offsprings as well as all who cherish your exemplarygodly Christian Life, for which we continue to thank God. We affirm that God's timing in everything - in life and in death - is the Best, so we keep trusting in God to enable us keep the Faith and be ready always in Him till we all meet in the presence of the LORD. Amen. Daniel for all the children, grand children and great grand children.

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11 years ago

Today, 5 May 2013 - two years after your pre dawn one way flight to Glory in the Lord, Baba, you live in on in the lives of Ebiye, we, your children and offspring as well as all who cherished your godly exemplary live for which we continue to thank God. We trust in God to enable us keep the Faith and be ready always in Him till we meet in the presence of the Lord. Amen. Daniel

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11 years ago

Rest well Baba. It's been two years since you left us but it seems just like yesterday. We know you and the others who have gone before and after you are rejoicing with the angels. We miss you but we shall all meet at Jesus' feet. Shodudu.

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11 years ago

Today, 5 May 2013 - Baba, two years after your one way night flight to glory in the Lord - you live on in the lives of Ebiye, we, your children and all who cherished the exemplary life lived here on earth by the Grace of God. May God continue to guide and lead us to keep the Faith and be ready at all times too. Amen. Daniel

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11 years ago

Sleep on Baba. Till we meet to part no more.

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11 years ago

Continue to rest in the bossom of The Lord,Baba. Till we meet to part no more. We miss you and the others who have gone before and after you. Rest on Baba.

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11 years ago

Continue to rest in the bossom of The Lord,Baba. Till we meet to part no more. We miss you and the others who have gone before and after you. Rest on Baba.

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11 years ago

Continue to rest in the bossom of The Lord,Baba. Till we meet to part no more. We miss you and the others who have gone before and after you.

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11 years ago

Today is exactly two years after. Baba continues to be source of inspiration and pride to me as one of his children. No doubt, he soul is resting perfectly since in Thomas Fuller's word (1732): A good life fears not life nor death. Glory be to our God.

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11 years ago

Today marks two years after the passing on to eternal rest by Baba. His life continues to be a source of pride and insipiration to me as one of his children. I know that his soul wil continue to rest in perfect peace since in the words of Thomas Fuller(1732): A good life fears not life nor death.

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11 years ago

5th May, 2013 marks the second year of the passing on of Baba. His life continues to be an inspiration to me. His soul will continue to rest in perfect peace because he lived a good life and in the words of Thomas Fuller(1732): A good life fears not life nor death.

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11 years ago

5th May, 2013 marks the second year of the passing on of Baba. His life continues to be an inspiration to me. His soul will continue to rest in perfect peace because he lived a good life and in the words of Thomas Fuller(1732): A good life fears not life nor death.

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11 years ago

5th May, 2013 marks the second year of the passing on of Baba. His life continues to be an inspiration to me. His soul will continue to rest in perfect peace because he lived a good life and in the words of Thomas Fuller(1732): A good life fears not life nor death.

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12 years ago

Tom, my senior brother, my friend, thanks for modeling the power of choice - that one has nothing to prove to anyone - other than pursuing your convictions about the purpose for which you were made - even if it looks foolish to others! Thanks for lessons on serving others that I learnt from you in a silent way as you gave of your time and resources to be my 'hands and legs' in Idah as we together built my house and you willing assumed the oversight of the compound subsequently. Good night and see you someday in that city of perpetual day where there is no more dying and crying. Emma Ocholi

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12 years ago

Tom, As you pass on to glory, we are left with the memory of your forthrightness, frankness and firmness. You were brilliant, and meticulous to a fault. You were principled and always wanted things done the best way they should be done. We love you and will miss you. Rest in the bosom of the Lord till the resurrection morning. - Awawo, Lametu, Daniel, Agnes, Simon, Aladi, Alami, Enebi and Sunday

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12 years ago

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12 years ago

Excerpts from funeral programme --------------------------------------------- My dearest husband, It was a pleasure meeting a man of your status. I want to thank you for all the joy and happiness you brought into my life. I am happy and comforted that you have gone into the bosom of our Lord. Rest in peace until we meet to part no more. -Your lovely wife, Agnes Dear Daddy, Thank you for being such a great Dad. I love you with all my heart and wish you rest in the bosom of our Lord, Amen. - Your sweet daughter, Omaye Daddy, You lived an exemplary life for us to emulate. Thank you for everything. - Your son, Achor Dear Dad, Thank you for leading me a right. Rest in the bosom of our Lord, Amen. - Afenoko Daddy, I will miss you dearly. Thank you for everything. - Ojochenemi

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12 years ago

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12 years ago

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12 years ago

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12 years ago

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12 years ago

Hello Dan, Thanks so much for sharing your Dad's inspiring life-story. What a life and a legacy he has left for you and us all! Their lives will remain an inspiration so we too may leave a worthy legacy at the end. Knowing and walking with the Lord makes all the difference. Iliya Majam - Harvest Leaders Network Ministry, Abuja

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12 years ago

Dear Solo,   Please accept my condolence over his transition. I am surprised that I missed it completely probably I was out of the country when it occured. I have heard so much about your dad's legendary strides and God's blessings over his life as evidenced by the achievements of his children that I thought he passed on long time ago. It is also good that you and I believe the rest of your sibblings are following his footsteps of integrity, honesty and righteous living. The bible admonishes us in Ecc 12:13 that we should fear God and obey His commandments for the duty of man is to serve God. Since the bible also tells us that we can not love God if we do not love our fellow men, that might have been one of your dad's guiding principles and one of the principles that has come to also define my understanding of life and service to the Igala community.   I appreciate your recognition of my humble efforts and this will no doubt encourage me to fire on. Please keep me in the loop of future events of this nature because I know you are one of the few friends that we have maintained several decades of unbroken relationship and we should therefore, stand with each other in times of happiness and sorrow. Thanks,   Ali Johnson Onoja phD. BSc Biochemistry (University of Sokoto, Nigeria), Msc; PhD Virology (University of Ibadan, Nigeria), Dip. Operational Research Applied to Medicine and Public Health (University Libre De Brussels, Belgium), Post Doctoral Fellow Epidemiology (UMD Baltimore, USA).   Chief Executive Officer, African Health Project, Plot 62, Neigbourhood Centre, 211 Crescent, off 21 Road, off Cardinal Arinze Street, off Wole Soyinka Avenue, First Avenue, Gwarimpa Abuja, P.O.Box 2744, Garki Abuja, FCT, Nigeria. Tel: + 234-8037879939, 234-8056793961 or

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12 years ago

I must say that i am highly honoured to be given the opportunity to read the life story of a great Igala Icon such as your late dad. No doubt, Baba lived a life worthy of emulation. He has been able to leave his footprints on the sands of time and made life itself, worthy of living to so many persons. With less resources at his disposal (as compared to the resources available to us today), he had endeavoured to spread the news of the import of education to so many. Indeed, i would say, that by Baba's story, i am encouraged to commit more time and resources to our current efforts at educating the igala child. David Abutu Chairman, Education Committee, Project Igala Group  

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12 years ago

Dear Dan. Further to reading through the Memor of Elder James Attah Agamah, one cannot but embrace the truism : in God's creation, the abounding surprises testify to the image of God which human beings bear!! May this be the drive of our Christian testimony. Praise God for Elder James Attah Agamah's example in life, the desire to excel was ingrained in his heart to give expression to his discontent with mediocracy. Engr. Mabayoje Odi - Kaduna, Nigeria

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12 years ago

Dan, What a long and successful innings of 91 years in the service of God and His Creation (mankind). These are the characteristics of a true farmer. Such souls are blessed and peace is always with them. Regards Sangat Singh - New Delhi, India

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12 years ago

Dear Dan Thank you for sharing this. Your father was by all accounts, a remarkable man. And he leaves a poignant message for Nigeria about the value of life. May his soul rest in perfect peace. Best regards. Dr. Jacob Akoh - Plymouth, U.K

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12 years ago

Baba, it is exactly a year ago (5/5/2011) that you left us. Getting used to the fact that you are no longer there, has not been easy; but “there is a time for everything under the sun” says the Bible. It is a privilege to be one of your children and I thank God for that. I am eagerly looking forward to that day, when we shall meet again at the resurrection. Hallelujah! - Lametu - daughter ‎

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12 years ago

FOOTPRINTS OF JAMES ATTAH AGAMAH; (A biography in Igala Historical and Cultural Perspective) Title: Footprints of James Attah Agamah Authors: Mr. Yusufu Etu and Hon. Philip Agamah Publishers: James Attah Agamah Foundation, Idah, Kogi State Pages: 180 pages Reviewer: Theophilus Abbah May 5, 2012 marks the first anniversary of the death of Elder James Attah Agamah, an Igala icon and mentor of all times. He passed on to glory on May 5, 2011; just one day after he turned 91 years having been born on May 4, 1920 (by his own estimation based on a careful analysis of the events that took place about the time of his birth). This book was written in 1995 by Mr. Yusufu Etu (a writer and an Igala historian) and late Hon. Philip Audu Agamah – his fifth child who died in year 2000. So, who was James Attah Agamah? Why was his biography ever written? What is the relevance of this book review 17 years after its publication? The answers to these questions can be partly found in the words of Reverend Daniel M. Akwu of the United Evangelical Church (formerly Qua Iboe Church) in his foreword to the book: “…….. Elder James Agamah was born to lead. This is manifested in his personal efforts to educate himself, first in Igala and then in English. He never sat at a desk at school but he can read the English Bible well. It is the English Bible he used when he served as a preacher.... His leadership qualities can be ascertained by his acceptance in each of the places he has lived and worked...." The story of Elder James Attah Agamah showcases a refreshingly different angle of leadership. At a time when success is equated to wanton and senseless accumulation of wealth, this man makes people pause a bit and reflect on the biblical injunction that the worth of a man is not in the abundance of his possessions. Here is a short biodata of late Elder James Attah Agamah. He was born on May 4, 1920 at Ogo-Egume, a village near Ugwolawo in Ofu Local Government Area, Kogi State, Nigeria. His father was Agamah Akwu, from the Igala royal clan of Agada Elame, son of Ayegba Om’Idoko, the patriarch of the Ata Igala dynasty that has survived several centuries from pre-colonial Nigeria to date. His mother was Omaye Aikoye from the clan of Akwu Egbi, who died when James was about 12 years old – a most devastating event that made him not only an elder brother but also a kind of guardian to his younger full siblings. He was married to Mrs. Lydia Jenebu Agamah (nee Achimugu Okoliko), fondly called Ebiye and they were blessed with 11 children, 36 grandchildren and 13 great grandchildren before his peaceful demise in the morning of May 5, 2011 at his Idah home. James Attah Agamah was converted to Christianity in the early 1930s and had remained devoted to the Christian faith all through his life from that point for over 70 years. A central principle conveyed in this book is that with faith in God and determination, one can overcome challenges in life. Not even the loss of his mother when he was very young, lack of formal education and other deterrents could stop James Attah Agamah from succeeding in life. This is well illustrated in the words of late Hon. Philip Audu Agamah in his introduction to the book: “ ……… Here is the story of a man who, as a youth, tip-toed to listen to the word of God, but became an evangelist himself in those days when the path of glory he took had few people on it. Though of poor family background he nevertheless brought himself up above the level of poverty comparatively. He became a trader and a big farmer. He was a man whose zeal to lead his people made it possible for him to taste political power which was used for the benefit of, not his immediate community but also, Igala people as a whole. He started as a youth leader in his village, became a district leader and later its representative. He also represented his people on the provincial level. Despite all these engagements, he still found the time to give his children sound education and social dexterity…” Another important principle from the book is that life is basically about service to God – usually demonstrated by serving other humans. The verdict of all that came across Elder James Attah Agamah in his life time is that he lived a life of service. Again, Reverend Daniel M. Akwu summarized this in a beautiful way in his foreword to the book as quoted below: “Elder James Agamah’s only ambition is to please God and man – God’s creature. He is not hard to convince in matters of controversy, when such is linked with the word of God. ………” His service record to both God and man is briefly summarized here. He started his career in the Christian ministry as an evangelist for the Qua Iboe Church in 1948. He later served as a deacon for several years before he was ordained as an Elder of the church at Idah in 1973 and remained so for 38 years until his demise in 2011. Outside the church, he was a farmer and general merchant/produce trader. Elder James Attah Agamah veered into active politics in 1955 and represented his people in various legislative capacities in the formative years of Nigeria as an independent nation. He was a council member at Igala divisional and Kabba provincial levels during the first republic, and after the civil war, he held joint proprietorship in a number of educational institutions in the 1970s and 1980s. His formal career ended at the General Hospital, Idah where he worked and retired as a civil servant in May 1995. The book also gives detailed account of Elder James Attah Agamah as a community leader. He co - founded Ugwolawo District Development Association (UDDA) in the 1950s along with his friends and close associates. Under his leadership in the 1970s and 1980s as President, UDDA contributed greatly to the achievement of many feats, including the creation of Ofu Local Government Area. In Idah where he resided with his family from 1959 for the rest of his life, he was also respected as a community leader whose counsel was sought on key issues by diverse groups; including the Muslim community. He contributed immensely to educational development at Idah and served on the governing boards of notable secondary schools. A third principle one can derive from this book is that education is the key to lifting people out of poverty – both of the mind (ignorance) and in the material sense. Elder James Attah Agamah’s passion for education was simply amazing. Without formal education, he taught himself how to read and write, and leveraged on this to work effectively as an evangelist, community leader, trader and an advocate for education and social justice without sparing any resource God gave him. He was responsible for leading many people from various parts of Igala land to Christ and sending them to school, in some cases against their parents’ wishes. Within his own family, he demonstrated this strong belief that education is key by insisting that all his children – including children from close relations and any ward under his care went to school and encouraged them to reach the highest level of education possible. A quick reference to this can be found in the words of late Philip Audu Agamah as part of the introduction to the book on his father that he co-authored: “……… His activities within his community to build a school in 1944 at Ugwolawo are an epitome of his regard for enlightenment through literacy. And from his own household, he demonstrated this by sending his eleven children to school. All his children have attained a level of education above the primary – in fact all of them have professional certificates in various areas – a medical doctor, an engineer, an architect, a quantity surveyor, an agriculturist, a scientist, an educationist, pharmacist, food technologist, etc. ………. “ A final principle from this book is that one should strive to be himself and be contented with what he has because life is really not a competition with other humans. All his life, Elder James Attah Agamah demonstrated this. He was a born leader – always leading by example and in modesty; never shying away from saying or doing whatever he considered appropriate in any place or situation. These attributes he demonstrated under strict fundamental Christian principles. As a father, he was loving; compassionate; firm; contented with what he had while motivating everyone to honestly strive for excellence in all one had to do without compromise at all times. He never demanded anything from anyone, not even from his children. To the very end, he lived a Spartan lifestyle, always preferring to ride his bicycle as his means of transport of choice. Elder James Attah Agamah summarized his lifetime philosophies towards the end of his biography in the final interview he granted the co-authors thus: “………. I do not have much in my bank account, or have rows of houses, to leave behind for you my children, but I’m contented with the fact that you all have been given sound education and everyone of you is working on his own – independently. This is real wealth and not only cash is wealth – in fact, the latter would have made you lazier or cause you to wrangle among yourselves ……… As the interview came to an end, Elder James Attah Agamah leaned back on his sofa and asked that the last two verses from the Book of Ecclesiastes be read aloud. Thus, the man ended telling his life story with the closing words of the Biblical book fondly called “the Preacher or the Teacher” by many scholars. As would be expected, tributes have continued to pour in from far and near in the last one year in memory and honor of this great man. Some of the tributes have been captured on the memorial website: The reader is welcome to visit it. The story of Elder James Attah Agamah is inspirational because it helps one to redefine success at a time when achievement seem to be focused on the philosophy of I, me and myself only. Think about it. Mr. Theophilus Abbah is the Editor, Sunday Trust ; Abuja

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12 years ago

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13 years ago

As I write it has been 6 months gone past on 5th Nov 2011 since Baba's glorious home call. It has taken me awhile to put my thoughts down not knowing where to start. Though I was saddened to hear the news and I still can't believe, it is with gratitude to God I have blessed memories of who Grandpa was for the example he showed, the things he taught us and principles he displayed. Thanking God for Baba's life which was a real testimony, I am yet to meet anybody who had anything negative to say about him. We all miss Baba greatly but we know he has gone to be in a better place. He will forever be remembered for greatness and there will always be a special place in our hearts for him. Mrs Achenyo Ochuma - Grand daughter

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13 years ago

Today, 5th November 2011, marks Six Months of Baba's 5th May 2011 singular flight to Glory - borne on angels wings to Heaven - ahead of the rest of us, who one by one will take our flights in tow; according to God's will. We, his biological children including our spouses indeed together with Ebiye - our mother - as well as each of our children who had known him; always fondly remember Baba and will not cease to thank God for Baba's exemplary life so well lived to the very end. Our God, we thank you over and over again with every re-dedication of our lives to YOU today and always in remembrance of Baba until we meet in Heaven. Amen. This morning, after my Quiet Time, as I write this, my thoughts go to our childhood family morning Devotion and I feel like singing some of the favourite songs - indeed the choruses that regularly featured, obviously the favourites of our parents, Baba and Ebiye - as any of them could raise the morning's song. I list the 5 songs that readily come to my mind - all of course, in Igala language - beginning with the one we sang on 6th October 2011 together with Ebiye on the last day in Abuja during a period of stay with us before we set out on the return journey back to Idah: 1. Me jenyu Nw'Ojo Onwu denyo me (Praise God from whom all blessings flow). 2. I n'Odu omunen, ku ma du te nw'onen (There is no other Name ...given to men by whom to be saved except Jesus only). 3. Ojo Onwu ade mi .. (God is my Guardian ... ) 4. Onwu ajadu tu'kpoji ( He saves to the end ..) 5. Ondu wa Jisos Onwu adabi wa (Our Lord Jesus Himself is surely coming back) What a sure Legacy we have from Baba and Ebiye in our LORD Jesus. We hold very dearly and please, Lord, keep us faithful to the very end. Amen. May God help us all to keep the Faith and hold the fort till the glorious end. Amen. Posted by Daniel – Son, on behalf of siblings, grand children & great grand children

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13 years ago

Today, 5th November 2011, marks six months of Baba's 5th May 2011 singular flight to Glory - borne on angels wings to Heaven - ahead of the rest of us, who one by one will take our flights in tow; according to God's will. We, his biological children including our spouses indeed together with Ebiye - our mother - as well as each of our children who had known him; always fondly remember Baba and will not cease to thank God for Baba's exemplary life so well lived to the very end. Our God, we thank you over and over again with every re-dedication of our lives to YOU today and always in remembrance of Baba until we meet in Heaven. Amen. This morning, after my Quiet Time, as I write this, my thoughts go to our childhood family morning Devotion and I feel like singing some of the favourite songs - indeed the choruses that regularly featured, obviously the favourites of our parents, Baba and Ebiye - as any of them could raise the morning's song. I list the 5 songs that readily come to my mind - all of course, in Igala language - beginning with the one we sang on 6th October 2011 together with Ebiye on the last day in Abuja during a period of stay with us before we set out on the return journey back to Idah: 1. Me jenyu Nw'Ojo Onwu denyo me (Praise God from whom all blessings flow). 2. I n'Odu omunen, ku ma du te nw'onen (There is no other Name ...given to men by whom to be saved except Jesus only). 3. Ojo Onwu ade mi .. (God is my Guardian ... ) 4. Onwu ajadu tu'kpoji ( He saves to the end ..) 5. Ondu wa Jisos Onwu adabi wa (Our Lord Jesus Himself is surely coming back) What a sure Legacy we have from Baba and Ebiye in our LORD Jesus. We hold very dearly and please, Lord, keep us faithful to the very end. Amen. May God help us all to keep the Faith and hold the fort till the glorious end. Amen. Posted by Daniel – Son, on behalf of siblings, grand children & great grand children

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13 years ago

Short clips from the funeral of my late Granddad, Pa James Attah Agamah. Filmed in Ugwolawo by NTA.

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