Hi Kathryn, so many memories of our friendship over nearly 30 years. We have studied together,worked together, traveled together, laughed & cried together. We shared many interests but also had our own passions, which the other usually didn't get, we'd laugh it off with " whatever floats your boat". We'd regularly meet for coffee & a debrief. I'm going to miss those sessions, any topic was fair game and sometimes the world & life just dished up some wonderful stuff-ups for us to dissect. You were there beside me on one of the most important days of my life, and there for me to lean on on one of the saddest. Life is forever changed and the world just a little bit empty without you. I will always hold my memories of you close to my heart. Goodbye my friend. Love from Anne

Funny, loyal, stubborn, hated tomatoes with a passion! Enjoyed sports as a participant in netball for many years and as a spectator of many sports as well. Loved cats and Collingwood, Fantastic seamstress, and made my wedding dress for me. We shared a toast to the Pies in 2010, and were hoping to again in 2011. How I wish we could have toasted the New Year as we'd planned, I'd promised to make non tomato dishes just for you!
Missing you heaps. Goodbye my dear friend.
Love always Anne

When we were small: Kathryn did not like tomatoes and she found a good use for them, but I will return to that later. Kathryn did not like sprouts, but then neither did I. Mum and Dad would not let us have desert until the plates were clean. Kathryn often failed to do this when the sprouts appeared and consequently, no desert. That was her stubbornness, something she exercised well. Later, her stubbornness was a virtue because she applied it with reason and compassion; mostly. Kathryn liked cats, I didn’t; they make me sneeze. Her little companion Creighton would be granted access to the house as mum drove off to work and was conveniently ejected as mum’s car came up the driveway. No trace, no worries, no way. Kathryn loved Collingwood. We didn’t. She had to be different. Dad was for Essendon, the rest of us for Geelong. Dad explained that the Pies played dirty. It didn’t work. Did I mention stubbornness? Kathryn loved Mum’s homemade Ginger Beer and Icy Poles. You know the ones in plastic tubes with the little plastic sticks. We kids looked forward to summers every year for those treats. But who was chewing the ends of the sticks? Not me Mum, it was surely Kathryn. Older brothers do that don’t they? To Kathryn: When we were small, and Christmas trees were tall, You used to laugh and play while other talked the days away. Don’t ask me why, that time has passed us by And you… don’t even know it’s gone. Now we are tall, and Christmas trees are small, And you no longer pass the time of day, Don’t ask me why, you were taken away, But with you, our love will always stay. The tomatoes! Kathryn found a use for the endless supply growing on the vines in the veggie patch. Though she dare not pick them, the fallen, but otherwise good, were promptly tossed onto the Bods’ garage wall. They made a beautiful mess. It was fun. Good bye for now Kathryn, Love from me, Michelle, Michael, Claire, Lauren, Scott and Caitlin.

I'll miss the emails and private messages; the advice and support; the highs and the lows; and the laughing til I choke on my coffee; and of course, the "Suck if up Princess" when I'm wallowing in self-pity lol. My trip to the Gold Coast in March won't be the same now, knowing you won't be joining us as we discussed. Just gutted that you're gone. Hugs to you my friend; and safe travels.