by grace Hello, how are you doing? i hope fine and all is good to you,am miss grace,Nice to meet u dear i want to be your friend , kindly indicate your interest in me by sending mail me here my private email ( ) so my photos will send you ok. Thanks and a nice day'''''(grace) ( )

If it wasn't for listening to Nirvana I most likely would never have picked up a guitar. After hearing Nirvana, and I had just moved to a new school at the same time I knew no one. I was inspired to learn guitar but had not yet, tho i actually told a lot of people I did play. They ended up asking me to play for a school function. I didn't know what to do. I just borrowed a guitar, a book, took a few lessons and learned Nirvana songs. I became good quit fast and quite my lessons. I learned about every nirvana song there was possible to learn.
From there i started a band called 'Fecal Matter', yes a rip off of nirvanas old name tho we basically were just covering nirvana songs. From there a band called Pandora and then One Mechanical Day (you can google that).
I hated school... i bought myself a CD player and would always listen to Nirvana (orb blind melon) on the bus to avoid talking to kids tho it wasnt like i was unpopular, i just didnt wannt to talk with anyone. I have learned thru reading every book i could get my hands on. his ethics , views, he introduced me to bands i would probably never heard of other wise, ie the Pixies, Melvins, Flipper, that I LOVE.
After one mechanical day, even tho the band is getting restructored and back together with new memebers (whats on line are old demos and drummer was horrible), I have found myself finally in a band that has been signed and doing well. My lifes goal. If it wasnt for cobain my life would probably be a lot different than it is now and i am glad i ended up who i am.
i went down some heavy roads dont get me wrong, tho the only one to blaim for that is myself... but, he and his music... and krist and dave all contributed to who i am as a person today. a HUGE part of my life.
R.I.P. Cobain
viva Nirvana.


I was never lucky enough to meet kurt or the rest of the band. I was born just several months after his death. Kurts song writing is one of a kind and no one will ever be able to make the impact he did. His lyrics made me see a bigger picture to life that others simply do not have the balls to display in their art. The love and kindness he had for people in general is something to admire. All we can do is continue to jam and pass his memory down the line to our childern in hopes that they will respect and love Nirvana as much as we do. RIP Kurt
Peace, Love, and Empathy :)

I was never lucky enough to meet kurt or the rest of the band. I was born just several months after his death. Kurts song writing is one of a kind and no one will ever be able to make the impact he did. His lyrics made me see a bigger picture to life that others simply do not have the balls to display in their art. The love and kindness he had for people in general is something to admire. All we can do is continue to jam and pass his memory down the line to our childern in hopes that they will respect and love Nirvana as much as we do. RIP Kurt Peace, Love, and Empathy :)

Kurt...his passion for music and his personna...led the way for many who really could relate to his words and music..long live Kurt Cobain...

I will never forget the music Nirvana made and how it changed the music industry and how great they sounded. I do wish Kurt had lived on. RIP

My years growning listening to your voice broken into my lonely soul and at times maybe my feel not so alone.. Your words made so much sense to me, you poems and clever jiqsaw mind, gave me that connection. the raw passion you gave us, with that passion and soul, you just spoke heart ans soul. Just so misunderstood, down to earth guy, didnt fake anything, just the world was too cruel.. In the same lIght as Layne Staley.. love/miss them both dearly... Wish your still hear Kurt... but I hope you can finally rest..

Hello, I came across your post on the Kurt Cobain tribute page... Wanted to tell you about a novel I've written called LOST IN THE '90s. The story takes place in April 1994 on the eve of Kurt's suicide. You can read a sample here: Hope you will check it out -- and share with friends! Frank Anthony Polito

You died two years before I was born, and I still idolize you. It makes me sad that this happened to you. Your music connects to my heart and mind everyday, and Its the only thing that keeps me going...You Will Always Be Missed.
R.I.P. Kurt Cobain...In our hearts he lives on♥

Hi, Alexis I came across your post on the Kurt Cobain tribute page... Wanted to tell you about a novel I've written called LOST IN THE '90s. The story takes place in April 1994 on the eve of Kurt's suicide. You can read a sample here: Hope you will check it out -- and share with friends! Frank Anthony Polito

Kurt, you died 2 months and 17 days before I was born. Yet, you are my HERO. I worship the grounds you walked on. And yes, I am like those who believe you were murdered. You are a very beautiful man. "Bleach" was the very first song I taught myself to play on guitar. And I agree. You have created an amazing and beyond beautiful daughter. Whom we are all proud of. You may be gone. But with all of us together, your spirit lives forever. <3

Hi, Christian, I came across your post on the Kurt Cobain tribute page... Wanted to tell you about a novel I've written called LOST IN THE '90s. The story takes place in April 1994 on the eve of Kurt's suicide. You can read a sample here: Hope you will check it out -- and share with friends! Frank Anthony Polito

I had just as many posters of kurt cobain and nirvana as my daughter has of justin beiber... I am who I am today because of you

Hi, Heather I came across your post on the Kurt Cobain tribute page... Wanted to tell you about a novel I've written called LOST IN THE '90s. The story takes place in April 1994 on the eve of Kurt's suicide. You can read a sample here: Hope you will check it out -- and share with friends! Frank Anthony Polito

Though I never met Kurt, I feel a strong connection to hs music. It's like peering into his heart and soul. And I see a great man with many talents that touched alot of people. I will always adore Kurt and Nirvana. And I know Kurt would be proud of Frances as well. What a beautiful young woman!

Though I never met Kurt, I feel a strong connection to hs music. It's like peering into his heart and soul. And I see a great man with many talents that touched alot of people. I will always adore Kurt and Nirvana. And I know Kurt would be proud of Frances as well. What a beautiful young woman!

I still vividly remember hearing the news and part of me died when it happened. Thanks for the memories, the emotion and the questions you made me ask myself.
Enjoy the peace.

Is it possible to love some one so much, even thou it was gone before you were even born? i know it sounds stupid and i mean it in a friend way, not and obsessive fan way, cuz he was the type of person i would have adored, no matter what, one of those ppl who did not see them selves clearly. KURT COBAIN FOREVER!

What a great post Anika! I feel love for Kurt too even though I will never know him except through his music and art. What a trrue gift he was.

The element that brings light, energy and connected with carbon and oxygen makes you more stable. Kurt forever stable now. RIP

Kurt Cobain is the one person I can model my life after and be totally happy. I love Kurt Cobain and Nirvana so much. His music speaks to me and when I am stressed I just put on some Nirvana and I am the happiest person ever. I wish we could have been friends. I love Kurt Cobain... Forever <3

I still love Nirvana and I love Kurt Cobain. I wish I could have known him and the closest I can get is in his music and his words. Nirvana will always be one of the greatest....peace, love, and respect to Kurt.

im going to make this as quick as possible, we need you kurt
allways have allways will

we miss you

Several days ago I dreamt about Nirvana. It was very weird because it felt so familiar;
Krist, Dave and Kurt were sitting at a table, eating pizza. Krist put some soysauce on his pizza and told me that it tasted very nice. I was sitting between Dave and Kurt. Then I looked at Kurt and he was just sitting there, his face covered with his blond hair and I could see his hands and fingers very clear.
Then I woke up unfortunately. But the warm feeling of this dream lasted.

Kurt once said "I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not", these exceptionally true & righteous words live on for me and many countless others as does your powerful music that transcends time, death, life and logic. Long Live you fella, Peace to you Kurt, buddie--wherever you are up there, always.

guess us real fans will never forget you. no matter for how long your gone.......REST IN PEACE KURT!!!!!

and we will always remember YOU

Will always be in my heart, #1 on my chart. Still living in the music, every moment of the day, its okay, he never faded away, growing stronger and stronger in our hearts everyday, that fades away. I guess thats all i have to say for today. I Always pray, for the hope i might see him again, another day. Luv ya and Godbless.

Kurt u Have Been d True Inspiration.....
i was six when he died and i listened.......


We will always remember you!!!PEACE OUT!!!

Kurt Cobain never died, stop guys saying he did because he's still here, everywhere, mostly in our hearts and he's never gonna leave... his music is gonna be eternal and so he is...

bro, i know u r reading this in heaven, n willing to come back to earth.....come back , we all want to see u live...Nirvana - freedom from PAIN

kurt u have been d true inspiration..smells like teen spirit is one of ur awesome single vch i daily listen to..i strongly believe u vl be back again...waiting for u...

i was six when he died......and i listened to his song first when i was 21...
when i picked guitar i just played his songs ........ read his stories...his songs
no one taught me how to play it was kurt's magic even after 15 yrs of his death he can make a lousy like me to play it
he is my teacher no doubt and i can lay all his songs ..
love u man ...u r the best

As you always said

Kurt Cobain you will be always in our hearts!

Tragic that mental illness and addiction took your life. Like I always say when someone is depressed 'tomorrow will be better'. It's a shame some peolpe show no empathy for the mentally sick. Maybe that will change in the future. RIP see you on tour!

i miss u now and will forever! well, untill we meet in heaven! lol
well, meet you there! but don't know when, peace

every night i remember you and pray for you! hope your soul rests in peace out there! i just can't stop reading the note you left before you died or your journal(diary) because you remind me of myself; that lost person who wants to be stupid, the person that would do anything and would just say"nevermind", because she knows and she beliefs that she is worthless and useless(but you are great). and when she goes to sleep, it's okay with her if she doesen't wake the next morning because she doesn'd give a damn about it and she would be glad to get rid of this nasty and mean world where no-one is inocent! well, nuf said!

i miss you kurt ;(;(;(

I don't have much to say that I haven't already so I'll try and keep it short. No one live or dead, close or far, real or not,(like jesus) has had more of an impact on my life. My father, son and holy ghost are Kurt, Jim and Janis. Kurt having never met me or even known of my existence has spoke directly to me on more than a daily basis. I thank him every day for what he gave us but more than that, me. In dark times with no one to turn to I always had a Nirvana cd to help if not completely save me.
Thanks for listening to a fool speak an angle of his peace and giving me an opportunity to speak it. Here's to his influence living on... cheers.

Omg Kurt was so hot and I wish I could have met him. I LOVE Nirvana and Kurt Cobain. His pic is and will always be my wallpaper for my cell phone. R.I.P. Kurt and I love you very much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I don't think you committed suicide! I think you were a happy, friendly, and very nice and caring man! R.I.P. And I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!

I agree 100%!!! About the not commiting suicide part...sure he was troubled but we all are an dont off ourselfs......if you havent, read "love and death" I got it REALLY cheap on glad there are others who never have and never will forget him...I still play all the cd's and still wear all my nirvana shirts....he was a GREAT man! RIP!

You were, you are, and you will be always the best!

you are the best of my life i will never forget you ,you are number one in my hart
by grace Hello, how are you doing? i hope fine and all is good to you,am miss grace,Nice to meet u dear i want to be your friend , kindly indicate your interest in me by sending mail me here my private email ( ) so my photos will send you ok. Thanks and a nice day'''''(grace) ( )