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12 years ago

much respect to lolo & gabriel. rip x

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Thank you very much for both of them.

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Pamela Smith
13 years ago

Laurent and family are in my thoughts and prayers today.

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14 years ago

Do not stand at my grave and weep I am not there, I do not sleep I am a 1,000 winds that blow I am the diamond glints on snow I am the sun on ripened grain I am the gentle autumn rain When you awaken in the morning's hush I am the swift uplifting rush Of quiet birds in circled light I am the soft star that shines at night Do not stand at my grave and cry I am not there; I did not die. Anonymous RIP

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What a wonderful poetry. I upload it of course, it's so comforting. Thank you.

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Death is nothing at all I have only slipped away into the next room I am I and you are you Whatever we were to each other That we are still Call me by my old familiar name Speak to me in the easy way you always used Put no difference into your tone Wear no forced air of solemnity or sorrow Laugh as we always laughed At the little jokes we always enjoyed together Play, smile, think of me, pray for me Let my name be ever the household word that it always was Let it be spoken without effort Without the ghost of a shadow in it Life means all that it ever meant It is the same as it ever was There is absolute unbroken continuity What is death but a negligible accident? Why should I be out of mind Because I am out of sight? I am waiting for you for an interval Somewhere very near Just around the corner All is well. Nothing is past; nothing is lost One brief moment and all will be as it was before How we shall laugh at the trouble of parting when we meet again! Death Is Nothing At All by Canon Henry Scott-Holland, 1847-1918

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14 years ago

Pour que vous sachiez qu'on n'oublie pas, qu'on ne les oublie pas. Affectueusement.

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Pamela Smith
14 years ago

Rest in peace Laurent. Madame, With the first light of sun When the long day is done In your smiles and your tears Through each day of your years God Bless You.

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15 years ago

C'est bientôt Noël: L'histoire de la Naissance d'un Enfant qui a perdu la Vie trop tôt...mais qui par sa mort nous ouvre à la Vie Eternelle. Jésus a dit: « Je suis la lumière du monde. Qui me suit… aura la lumière de la vie. » (Jean 8,12). Laurent est dans sa Lumière... Que sa présence et sa tendresse soint un réconfort pour vous, Lydie,

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Pamela Smith
15 years ago

Madame Lydie I wish you, your family and Mary a peaceful Christmas. May the new year bring you light, hope and many blessings. Pamela

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Hélène Turquois
15 years ago

Il restera de Toi Une larme tombée Un sourire germé Sur les yeux de ton coeur. Il restera de Toi Ce que tu as semé Que tu as partagé Aux mendiants du bonheur. Ce que tu as semé En d'autres germera Celui qui perd sa vie Un jour la trouvera (extrait)

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merci hélène.

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A programme about government failures as far as citizens'security is concerned will be transmitted on October 26 on BBC1 at 8.30pm with interviews of my ex husband and I. I hope many of you will be able to listen to it. God Bless You

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Hélène Turquois
15 years ago

I'm afraid I can't play BBC iPlayer TV, being in France... Is there any possibility to watch this programme (I only have BBC World...) ? Take care, Hélène

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Susannah Keats
15 years ago

The only way round it that I can think of is if you know someone in the U.K. who can download the programme on to their laptop or a portable hard drive and bring it over to you. It can be played anywhere in the world once downloaded. Unfortunately I didn't record it not having any equipment. I can email you a summary of the programme by the BBC but this of course is not as informative as actually watching it.

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Pamela Smith
15 years ago

I watched the programme and was shocked to see just how inadequate the criminal justice system is here. Laurent's family show such dignity are right to sue the British government for negligence. I wish them success. Helene - To watch this programme go to and you can see it on bbc i player. Programme title is 'Free to offend again' . Regards Pamela

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Susannah Keats
15 years ago

I think I am right in saying that the problem with downloading i-player outside the UK is the IP address. The BBC block the download if it is not a UK IP address.

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Susannah Keats
15 years ago

The programme made the point that there simply are not enough police and probation officers to make this system work. There is a small paragraph in today's paper saying that standards have dropped further since Laurent and Gabriel were killed. Only 54 per cent of cases met the level that is needed to ensure the public are well protected - that is nine per cent down on last year.

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15 years ago

Today would have been Laurent's 25th birthday. Over a year later and words still cannot express how sad and sorry I am the this tragedy occurred in my country. The webpage is a fitting tribute to this cheerful, good-natured and highly intelligent young man. We are able to see the kind of lovely and loving person he was. The images are, however, also heartbreaking and poignant. Laurent should not be known for or defined by the manner of his death but for the person he was in life and his many achievements. What is also truly tragic and terrifying is the kind of society we live in today. My heart sinks when I hear of yet another killing due to violent thuggery. I agree that violent 'horror' films and video games contribute to the problem. Young people today are being desensitised to unacceptable levels of cruelty. I want to ask the audience and makers of this stuff how they can possibly view suffering as entertainment and why they have no empathy. They wouldn't like it if it happened to them or theirs. Unfortunately as long as it's commercially viable these objections will continue to fall on deaf ears. Drugs and alcohol also played a part as did the ineffectual treatment of people with mental issues here. Add bureaucratic incompetency and we have a system that is unable to protect its own people and innocent visitors from abroad. That Laurent and Gabriel fell victim to these factors is both terrible and inexcusable. Finally this is a message of love and support for Laurent's family. I wonder how everyone is coping and how Mary is. I will light candles for you all today. God bless Laurent, his family, wife and friend Gabriel. I wish you peace. Pamela

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How incredibly right you are Pamela. Everything you say is so perfectly accurate! Our society needs a big change but as long as money is considered better than love... Besides this tradgedy, we all do our best to go on living. On Laurent's birthday eve, Mary was listening to music with some friends at her flat when, suddenly, the music stopped for a few seconds and a friend of her saw Laurent sitting on the window sill ans smiling.. This kind of extraordinary contact is a great help for Mary and I. It means he is happy and when time comes we'll be together for ever. Ambre often talks about her brother and although she can't see him, she knows he is close to her. God Bless You too. Lydie Hi sister who is 11 now often talks about him. Although she can'

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Keith Eller
15 years ago

I found this page today. I did not expect to say anything, but I saw the photo of Laurent and his sister playing chess. And I felt so sad. For the young girl. And about the whole situation. I am sure she adored her brother and looked up to him. My sympathy to all of you in his family. K. USA

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15 years ago

Mother Teresa once said.......In this life we cannot do great things. We can only do small things with great love. ... I hope my prayers reach you.

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15 years ago

each day somewhere people become victims - suddenly and without a chance. you don't know them, but some you will never forget: in the news, you see their faces, read about their lifes - while trying to understand ... act whose ferocity and barbarity threw people around the globe into such a state of terror, that the world news were dominated within no time. so distressing, to see those so likeable, friendly and intelligent young men. and every second one asks: 'why?' - while knowing only the perpetrator holds the key. what does he/she look like? how can one develop such sadism, such perversion? farmer and sonnex are now in prison. as i thought, the perpetrator was to be found in their personal vicinity - perhaps i burned too much midnight oil on research - I am also much relieved that daniel sonnex and ngel fr clearly and unambiguously were convicted and the deed was avenged. all strength to you and your family. frances

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Thank you so much Frances. I could never ever have imagined that my son would become famous in such a way, but if he was to die in such terrible circumstances , at least make the whole world know and share and become aware that violence is slowly invading our civilized countries. We must find new ways of thinking and new behaviours to create a better world, and first of all ask ourselves the good questions: why do governments let narcodealers "kill trees" as indians from Mexico say to grow their poisonous fields instead? If some young people tend to be naturally violent, do drugs and most mangas and US movies help? Gabriel and Laurent are smiling at us from their golden cloud but they left us with a message which cannot be ignored: save innocence! je vous embrasse très fort lydie

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15 years ago

Are children ever really grown in a mothers eyes...even though they grow up to sometimes be the wonderful, accomplished young adult, such as Laurent Bonomo...must he have still been your little boy in your eyes Madame Lydie.... The photo of a young Laurent in your arms Madame, is a moving testimony to the way mothers view their children, young or older.. That you can no longer hold Laurent in your arms is so unjust. I am at a despairing loss, as another human being, to understand why anyone should have to deal with the longing and despair you have to endure. in my loving prayers. michelle Australia

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Even if I'm absolutely sure my son is in the Light of Love, it is true it is sometimes hard for me not to be able to take him in my arms and hold him as tight as possible. However, all this suffering makes sense, it has to, even if we have difficulty in understanding, just ibecause we are ordinary human beings.Your prayers are very useful! Love Lydie

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stefania lozano
12 years ago

rien que de la bonté et de l'amour dans son beau regard.... Why???

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Mathilde F.
15 years ago

"Le temps passe mais les souvenirs restent"... Je ne me rappelais plus de cette photo..c'est étrange de vous revoir dans mon 1er chez-moi!! Vous etiez tellement beaux et heureux!! J'adore cette photo!! Et je vous aime très fort!!

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15 years ago

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15 years ago

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15 years ago

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15 years ago

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15 years ago

Pendant de longues journées, pendant d'interminables soirées, pendant des années, j'ai eu une chance inestimable, côtoyer "Lolo". Je me remémore aujourd'hui encore nos soirées dans votre appartement Aixois, des soirées dans le parc tout proche, des soirées rires et joies, des anecdotes, des délires que seuls des adolescents peuvent avoir, leur jeunesse offrant tout cela ! J'ai été empli d'une colère et d'une douleur sans limite en apprenant son décès. Je sais que Lolo croyait en quelque chose "après", j'espère vraiment de tout coeur que ce "après" existe pour que je puisses vivre un jour à nouveau des merveilleux moments à ses cotés ! Je n'ai pas la chance d'avoir votre foi, je vous accompagne par contre de toutes mes pensées. Nicolas.

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Merci Nicolas pour ta contribution à ce mémorial en souvenir de mon fils. Ces photos rappellent une époque heureuse pleine de fous rires, de discussions passionnées, de découvertes au matin" d'invités " endormis un peu n'importe où après avoir escaladé le balcon de la chambre de Laurent, par exemple! Toute cette jeunesse qui traversait notre appartement apportait un supplément de vie. Tu étais, je crois, présent à la fête pour ses 17 ans qui nous avait obligés à nous réfugier à l'hôtel...un moment mémorable et, à ma grande surprise, pas trop de bordel au retour. J'ai malheureusement en tête quelque chose de plus douloureux à la lecture de ton message, l'idée que si tu avais été présent dans le studio de Londres, Laurent serait peut-être encore en vie. Le médecin légiste a constaté qu'il s'était vaillament défendu, empoignant même à pleines mains la lame du couteau. Farmer n'arrivait pas à le maîtriser et un ami comme toi aurait sûrement fait la différence. Les regrets sont stériles, dit-on, et selon une amie astrologue, son thème astral indique qu'il n'était pas destiné à rester parmi nous. D'autres missions l'attendent ailleurs....Pour qu'il ne soit pas mort pour rien, essayons, avec nos modestes moyens, de lutter contre le mal qui nous environne, par nos actes et nos pensées. Tu me dis que tu n'as pas la foi mais essaye de prier en t'imaginant baigné de lumière. Tu n'as pas forcément besoin de t'adresser à un dieu particulier. Seul compte l'Amour. Je t'embrasse bien fort Lydie

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15 years ago

un petit message pour Lydie pour lui dire que bien que je ne connaissais nullement Laurent ni Gabriel, je pense fort a eux , a votre souffrance, a votre recherche de comprehension dans l indicible.... Chaque jour, je repense a vous , a vos joies, vos coups de blues aussi je suis tres triste pour vous, mais je sais combien Laurent ne vous oubliera pas car je suis certaine qu un ange comme Laurent n a pas disparu du monde ni de votre coeur et nos pensees a nous tous qui compatissons je pense fort a vous et a votre famille courage courage pour le beau de la vie........................

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merci pour votre soutien!

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15 years ago

En ce 29 juin 2009, j'ai eu une grande pensée pour votre fils, son camarade et vos familles. Je vous envoie tout mon soutien ainsi que ma plus sincère affection. Que vos enfants veillent sur vous et vous protègent. Amicalement, Mathilde

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Merci à vous chère Mathilde. Aucune bonne pensée n'est jamais perdue.

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Hélène Turquois
15 years ago

Dimanche 28, je suis allée à l'office de "Notre dame de la Garde", un symbole pour tous les Marseillais, pour communier à la mémoire de Laurent et Gabriel... J'ai bien sur inclu dans mes pensées leurs mamans, et leurs proches...

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Merci pour vos prières qui montent en rayons de lumière vers nos enfants.

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