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The scriptures of all religions inspire us to live in peace, love and harmony, etc.. Nevertheless, people are doing unspeakable things to others and to themselves. Medical advice all over the world is to develop healthy habits, quit smoking, quit alcohol, etc.. Nevertheless, people are stuck in bad habits, taking that next cigaret; that next drink. Reading something, hearing about it, is helpful. But, how to do it; how to change for the better? Discipline? Iron will power? Who has it? What blocks those who want to change? Spiritually, lack of experience of the true silent Self within, the Self of everyone, existing in quiet bliss; on the side of the body, a body structured by stress, fatigue and unhealthy habits, which cannot of itself support the great intentions for betterment. The man is stuck. A tragedy of life known for many centuries in the lives of billions. Here comes someone who has taken the essence of eternal universal Knowledge, and says Come, do this, no matter what your background or your style of living; atheist? Fine.; priest? Fine.; criminal? Fine.; judge? Fine. Do this TM morning and evening, such a simple thing, and you'll see what happens. A simple technique, some simple knowledge, applicable and understandable for all. Why? Because it concerns their own essential nature. They do it and experience, spiritually, the deep Truth of their own Self; bodily, rest, deep rest. Then the restoration begins: understanding of Self and the Divine; care of the body, everything starts to blossom. 'Water the root to enjoy the fruit'. And in the end: I am everything. The world is my family. Divinity expresses Itself in life on earth. The man who took the trouble to cross the frontier between the world of the Saints, of Divine Knowledge and Happiness, and the world dominated by ignorance, suffering, injustice, poverty, 'learned' bigotry, etc., and set the whole world on the course of spiritual and material regeneration and total restoration of all aspects of Vedic Knowledge, was Bal Brahmachary Mahesh. Because he knew his Master had given him the solution. For everyone. Maharishi Mahesh Yogi went on, day and night, tirelessly working for 52 years for the Enlightenment of mankind. I would say, 'His Divinity Maharishi Mahesh Yogi', Karunavatar, who will continue to bless us with His guidance. Jai Guru Dev
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What still motivates me to soldier on in life are the following quotes from Maharishi, as I remember them: "Life was not meant to be lived in suffering", "The Purpose of life is the expansion of Happiness", "The goal of life is always in the direction of more and more happiness ... bliss" Any blueprint for the most wholesome and successful kind of life should have these simple ideas as their very kernel. When Maharishi spoke of 'Life' he meant all life. I believe that it was to help all human beings to attain this goal of life, that he ventured to teach the world, a simple meditative technique that could produce demonstrably positive results, and enable millions of individuals to aspire to enlightenment.
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I guess, talking about the sensible subject of enlightenment, that MMY told us that we should not much bother. Every single TM session of 20', executed like it should, is a rejuvenation, a rebirth and is enlightening. There are and have been gurus too many that claimed being enlightened, well MMY was not one of those: he never spoke of his own mental level, that is why he is so great. It is damn right it is useless to discuss the darkness: after every session I actually feel I have switched on the light... not only in my head.
venu venugopal
16 years agoSome of the videos are disrespectful and of poor taste. Please remove.
16 years agoI gratefully welcome such beauty that is stirred within while witnessing these pictures of Maharishi.
16 years agoSurely we can do better videos than this. It's no time to be secretive and protective! Many could be inspired but those who surrounded him always liked to keep exclusiveness to themselves. So many great gurus are dishonoured UNCONSCIOUSLY by their disciples.