After all these years, I find Dr. King still extremely inspiring. This is my favourite Dr King quote: "Darkness cannot drive out darkness, only ligth can do that. Equally, hate cannot drive out hate, only love can."

Tribute to Dr. Martin Luther King jr. Music: Happy Birthday by Stevie wonder

I have a dream speech

A very important man in history. We remember him today. Happy Martin Luther King day!

Martin Luther king Jr was a VERY important person i admire him because he had done a lot to have the Africans to have rights just like whites and because of that James Earl Ray (white)had the guts to assassinate martin Luther king Jr which he had NO RIGHT to do that we should all appreciate what he did for us he deserves to come back he did everything he could to help his community and most of us didn't care but i do luv u Martin Luther King Jr

love it.

Here's a direct DL link to the mp3:
Link to tribute video:

all races as one--African, Jew, English, Irish, Hispanic, Arabic, Chinease, Japanease..all races treat each other as Americans. color is NOT a race.

I'm in the sky and nobodys hurt

I wish that man were still alive.

i will nnever for get dr kings speech


I look at world we are living and cry at what we become we have forgotten how to love and be at peace we enetred into maddness with the preoccuption to see wars NOT stop them. lets not forget martin Luther King and Gandhi and others lets move owards finding a dream and living it

<a href="">test</a>


You worked for civil rights and equality in this nation and made a huge impact. We are still dealing with it today but without you so many would have no rights. I as a white person look up to you for standing up and making a difference. Without you and many others in this world no one would have a voice.

This day is to honor you. Thank you for all that you have done. You gave the ultimate sacrifice, and we are all grateful!

I studied you in history. I am not American but I know what you did and you are wonderful!

Thank you Dr. King for giving black people the opportunity to feel proud of who they are and where they come from. I love you and my people back home in Jamaica love. Also if it wasn't for you we wouldn't have the freedom to do all the things that we are all doing in the United States today.
One Love

Remembering the powerful and honorable Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. makes me appreciate where I am,what I have, and gives me the mind to strive for success. His most famous speech "I Have A Dream" lives within me! Through his struggles he encouraged me to stand up for my beliefs and fight for whats right and not to let anything stop me, because I'm on my way. I just want to thank him for his huge success!!!

Remembering the work of MLK, Jr. strengthens my awareness and vision of where we are going and what it takes to get there.

Remembering Dr. Martin Luther King and his legacy helps me to always fight for justice and equality for all people,and never forget that we are all one people under God. I'll never forget what he stood for as long as I live.

Remembering the work of Martin Luther King and of the work of he and Archbishop Joseph Raya of Jordan to end oppression in America.

I remember Martin Luther King giving his I Have a Dream speech and feeling for aliveness and purpose. His purpose enliven in me my purpose even though I was just a teenager at the time. I have followed that purpose all my life. I work for peace and often Dr King still inspires me toward my my goal.
Joseph Bernard,Ph.D.

As far as I am concern he was one of the many outstanding poeople in history. He was not only fighting for the equality of African Americans but he was fighting for the rights of all people. We all remeber him for " I Had A Dream" but the real question is what are we doing for his dream now?

~~the best leader~~

**~4 reaching his goals~**

To Help Stop The Slavery

for helping to stop slavory

Thank You Dr. King for Your Strength and Courage and Goodness and Kindness to Liberate Us All from hatred and bring Us All Into Freedom. I love you. Penny Torres Spinnler


thank you for my freedom

I love Martin Luther King Jr. to death he brought peace to this world and showed others that violence is not the answer.He showed others that you can solve a conflict without fighting.It helped me not to be racist and to learn that any body with any color can be you friend and back in the day we couldnt have white friends but now I know and see people with white friends and with white relatives and that all started with.....Dr.Martin Luther King Jr.

This man IS civil rights in America. It is amazing how relevant and timely his speeches still are. He is a great inspiration to so many.

I read Martin Luther King's autobiography recently and was inspired again. Every time I read about him or hear "I Have a Dream" it reminds me of what others have had to do to help me have comfort in my life. Thank you.
Here is where the autobiography is:
Beautiful tribute for great man