Micheal you were a very good cousin and i dont think i will ever forget you !! love and miss you mike. <3

I never met you personally Michael, but I feel as I've known you for a long time. I met your Mother on line and we became friends. God truly brought your Mon and me and Crystal together for a reason. I prayed for you so many nights because I knew your Mother was so concerned with the heart problem you had. We knew God would heal you. Maybe you just might have met my Mom and Dad up there in heaven. They are great people and they will love you being around. I miss them too. I don't have to tell you their namres because seems like things just work out in that place called Heaven. Michael, if you would, could you stand by your Mother one night and let her know you love her too.

i was cleaning my room today , & i found a picture of you , it caused all these memoires and feelings too start . visions of the times we shared , good && bad ones too , then there were the ones from the day my life was ripped apart , tears now begin too fall , in can remember the sound of my breaking heart as the doctor told me in that hall that with this life you are now about too part . i cried a million tears the day it was like a dream , gone bad , , i had me asking why would he want too make me so sad ? of all the people in the world why were you his choice , i wish i could have told him first that i needed you too . if only i could hear the sound of your voice calling my name , saying hello or even i love you too . i wonder if he thought of how id feel , i know im told he always picks the best , i m also told that my heart will heal i time , but why had just gotten together again , that i had finally got you too say i love you too , i could finally say " thats my boyfriend ,hes amazing " your girl , thats what i wanted too be ,if i only would have said it outloud, maybe things would have been differnt for me and you i was guilty too ,always doing everything wrong and then saing i was falling in love , why did it take us so long , too firgure out that i was yer girl and that wihtout a doubt . you were my world , my everything , my bestfriend . i miss you more & more each day . someday i dont know when or how , we will meet face too face , and i will see you again and we will share your speical place , and once again . . . i can hear you say you love mee too , always and forever , bree ♥

Man Mike you were so funny singing over vent you always putted a Smile on my face
Class of 2011 wouldnt be the same i am gonna miss you but your in a better place looking down at us R.I.P
Love youBud <3

mike you were my best friend the best friend that any person would love to have.i mean you were always there for me. When my parents were fightin u were there.Dude im goin to miss you and i kno everyone else will too. i just dont kno wat to do with out you here callin me dumb or punching a wall. no1 will ever move on from this kid i kno i wont. theres not a day that goes by that i havent said i missed him or i love him more than my own brother.
I love you mike and miss you man r.i.p.

Micheal,even though we didnt get along so well I still thought you were a great guy.you will be missed that I promise

there is no one who could ever replace you and be so funny has you was!!! you will be missed by a lot of pople. the class of 2011 will not be the same

Michael you were a very amazingg guy. You could allways makeme laugh and put a big smile on my face. We have had so many memories like playing GH wow. "Hannah Is A BAD Singer" And there will always be a place in my heart where you should be. And nobody, NOBODY could ever replace you. iloveyouu.
r.p bestfriendd.

mike you were one of the funniest people to be around, always joking and making other people smile. its not going to be the same without you, i miss and love you like a bro.

ya i miss him so much everything that happened funny or even sometimes trouble was to do with me and u it will never be the same it was always me and u doing stuff now it just aint right i miss u man rip

The best son any mother could have. Very loving and gentle inside. Always keep me going and showed me that we all have a reason to live. Despite is own hurt he wanted to make others smile.

Micheal always kept me laughing and a smile on my face. I really loved getting to know him. He was a great kid. I will truly miss him. May he rest in peace.

Michael even though I realy didnt know you,I thought you were a kool guy.I thought you were realy funny.And I was really good friends with your girlfriend and she was soo upset..I feel soo bad.

mike nicely r.i.p[

Your son is beautiful and I am so sorry of your loss.I know your pain
I lost my beautiful 23 year old daughter March of 2006.
For more support please visit

I will miss youu sooo muchh...we hadd somee greatt timees..its soo sad that youu are gonee..You were an amazingg guyy andd i wish that i would have got to say good-bye too youu..itt wass soo funny when that pepsii cann exploded onn youu....ahahahha good times andd when youu rann overr to the baseball feildss in yourr boxerss...i cantt wait to see youu in heavenn andd i miss youu soo veryy MUCHH...

from - briana acosta && ashlyn kennard.
gosh michael we miss youu soo muchh it's crazyy. - you were like the best boyfriend ever
&& a really good friend we could tell you anythinggg. ! - your about the best guy ever.
i could alway's trust youu. - you were very funny && crazy butt we lovee youu forr thatt (:
omggigoshh. - we have had like 205023057389509326 billion memorie's with you.
like "burn't mushroom's" ah firehawk will never bee the sammee. ): - ohh andddd ,
the time you almost got us kicked out off the movie's byy the big fatt cop ha. - cause you
were screamingg badd stuff. - goshh we miss && lovee youu soo much it's crazyyyy.
it hurt's alott because i lostt the most amazingg boyfrienddd && ashlynn lost an amazing
bestfriend. - like why you ? why now ?. is the question's we ask ourself's everydayy.
the day of your funerall. - was soo sad i cried myy eye's outt. - you don't even knoww.
we will never forgett youu EVER ! - you will alway's have a place in our heart you can't be
replacedd. you alway's knew howw too make us laugh && smileee. !

Michael you were a graet guy, you were a really close friend to me and I will always remeber the great times we had. We pretty much grew up together, and no one will ever take your place. You will always have a place in my heart. You were such a sweet smart funny guy. I will always miss you.

we always had the best times i miss u so much

We miss you soooooooo much! We had great times together.....we're very sad that you're gone but we'll never forget you Mike.
16 years agoI love this picture off youu michaelll!! i miss youu soo muchh!!! ily.