Thanks for being an all American hero and an inspiration for all.
I wish your family all the best in coping with this loss.
RIP Neil.

You have inspired generations and people all over the world.
For that, I will never forget you.
RIP Mr Armstrong, you will be missed.

As a kid growing up remember being glued to the screen during all the lunar adventures. Like all boys I wanted to be an astronaut too. Although I didn't become one, I have been inspired no end by these awesome guys. Thanks Neil, RIP.

Original NASA video of Neil Armstrong descending the LM ladder to the lunar surface on July 20, 1969 (02:51 UTC July 21, 1969). Video was broadcast quality, taken by a mounted camera on the leg of the lander. Source: Project Apollo Image Archive

60minutes Interview with Astronaut Neil Armstrong who was the first person to set foot on the Moon In July 1969. In 1957, he was selected for the U.S. Air Force's Man In Space Soonest program. In November 1960 Armstrong was chosen as part of the pilot consultant group for the X-20 Dyna-Soar, a military space plane. He flew the North American X-15 on November 30, 1960, to a top altitude of 48,840 ft (14.9 km) and a top speed of Mach 1.75 (1,150 mph or 1,810 km/h). Armstrong made seven flights in the X-15.