Two years since you left us for heaven, but I have 40 years of memories to keep my company. I think of all the good times much more now than I do the days of your illness. God is healing me of my depression over your loss, but life now is very different without you. Your are still my number one girl, as you always have been.

Two years ago today you left us. I think of you many times during the day, thankfully now much more about all the good memories of our 40 years together, not as much any more about the days of your illness. God blesses us as time goes on and allows us to heal in our mind and emotions. You are still and always will be my number one girl, just as I first told you all those years ago.

2 years ago today we lost you. Every time something happens that I know you would have had a smile on your face about, your memory comes to me. I am a lucky man to have those 40 years of memories. Life without you is very strange, but God has helped me to adapt and not be as low as I was in the beginning. I think of you many times during the course of a day, but the thoughts are now mostly of all the good things about you, and not so much about your illness. I miss you and thank God for you every day.

You left us for heaven 18 months ago today. We miss you every day. How glad I am that we met so early in life and had all the years together that we did. Little Logan Sparrow is named in your honor, God looks over the Sparrows, so how much more important are we, who are fashioned in his image. I rest secure in the fact I will see you once again when my time comes. Love you always.

Our youngest was married this weekend, following through on the announcement they made to you during your last hospital stay. Chelsey was beautiful in her gown, she looked like a princess. Josh was handsome in his tux. Little Ella had a white gown as flower girl, she and Chelsey looked adorably cute together. We had a moment of tribute to both you and Chelsey's Mom, both gone far to early from Cancer. Not a dry eye in the house. I miss you every day, so wish that you could have been there. Love you always.

Just over a year now since you were called to heaven. You were our angel here on earth. looking over all of us with love and concern. The strength of character you showed during your illness is something we will always remember. While you are gone, your love still lives here with all of us. I love you always and thank God daily for that day you came walking up those stairs and into my life.

Spring is here, a time you loved. I think how you would be out working on your flowers and sprucing up the plantings, making our home beautiful. Such a wonderful girl, a blessing to me and all of us. We miss you and your warm spirit and loving nature. Standing on God's promise that I will see you again.

Just over 6 months since we lost you. Christmas is just around the corner, a season you always made so special for all of us. Now that you are gone, it is so easy to see the thousand different acts of love you so willingly committed. I will always love and admire you for the wonderful woman you were. I did not deserve to be so lucky, and I give thanks to our Lord every day for the blessing you were and continue to be in my life.

I miss you so much everyday Mom. Going over to visit you today. There's so much going on in my life that I know only you would be as excited as I am. We will be reunited one day, I promise.

Three long, lonely months since my beautiful girl went to be with our Lord. I miss her but am so glad for the almost 41 years we had together. We were such young kids back then, thank God we found each other so early and were able to be together for as long as we were. Sweetheart, one day we will see each other again, no more worries or pain, re-united in God's love and grace. How I do look forward to that day.

We all spend our time worrying about what we don't have yet and how what we have isn't good enough. No one and nothing is perfect, so enjoy what you do have because you never know how long you will have.

I can't believe it's already been a month since she left us...I miss her more than anything in the world. Everything I learned about being a mother and a wife I learned from watching my mom. She always put her family first. I miss the little things like calling her up to ask her opinion on something or to help me with a recipe. I miss going out to lunch on the weekends and walking around the mall together and looking at the puppies in the pet shop. I miss laying around and watching HGTV or "Say Yes to the Dress" together. She gave me so much love, guidance and support when my daughter was a newborn. She loved my Ella so much and that alone meant the world to me. I was so blessed to have the most amazing mother in the entire world. She was my best friend and could never be replaced. I hope she is looking down on all of us now and knows how loved and missed she is.

A loving, forgiving woman, who put up with me for 41 years. The light of my life and my number 1 girl forever.

Always will remember that delicious homemade sweet and sour chicken. Nina made it the best. And of course the fondue yumminess too. Great family and friend time spent together.

I will always remember Mom chasing me along the sidelines when I was a kid, while I was running in touchdowns in the Liverpool pee wee league.
Matt Nilsen
13 years agoMom on her wedding day, about to leave on her honeymoon. Her brother Jimmy is also pictured. August 14th, 1971. I believe they were going to Lake Placid NY. My father has a funny story about what the eventual fate was of the VW Bug pictured.