Thinking of you Pete... Im so glad to have had you and Darren in my life. Sad that we didn't get more time together and I wish I could have know you as an adult. Much love. Laura

For reasons unknown I simply googled Peter only to discover the recent anniversary of his death.I remember my schoolboy friend and the week ends, birthday parties, and the Sunday lunches I shared with his family at Pender St.I think he went to St Josephs from Marist Collefge Preston and our friendship finished at school. Peter Brown

Peter, I cannot believe it is now 41 years ago that we met. Your influence on me was enormous. You brought order and fun to my life and obviously touched many others during your short time here. I have never forgotten you and the great times we had during our crazy 20s. Thanks for the amazing memories.

We miss and think of you daily, of times shared and future lost.
Sue & Phil Ronaldson