I love you mom

I have a cute tin box with some of Reane's things in it so that when I miss her, i revisit that souvenir box. in it i have left a tube of baby lotion because she loved babies and the way they smell. I have pictures of where she was living, an old make up compact of hers, the eulogy I wrote, Dominick's story she wrote, cards she had given me and my last phone bill with her # on it. Silly in ways, but comforting in others. Its the little things that make me smile and remember her fondly. Miss you

Reane came to my apartment one day and She had already done all her makeup but still gravitated to the washroom to rummage through mine. She found what she thought was a lipstick and put some on. It was an incredibly strong smelling perfume stick! We laughed so hard our stomachs were begging for mercy! i remember the hug she gave me and the way she always walked with her shoulders slightly up. I miss her!

Wow...déjà 4 ans aujourd'hui!!! Que le temps passe vite! J'entends encore beaucoup de chansons à la radio qui me ramène au bons souvenirs passé avec toi! :) On pense toujours à toi Réane...on ne t'oublie surtout pas!! I know that you are shinning down on us but more so on your 4 beautiful children! Tu es toujours dans nos pensées!!! x0x0x0x0

I was thinking exactly that this morning Nat! In wanting to keep the mood up today, I turned some music on and low and behold, it was the Black Eyed Peas remake of "Time of my life". So of course, I sat there and had a good cry for Reane. It was a cry brought on by sadness and longing, but it just makes me realize that even though it's been four years, the loss is just as great today as it was then. Years don't seem to make a difference when we have been so clearly affected by a person like Reane. The joy and love she brought into our lives will never lessen and that is why the tears I shed today and often for her, bring me both sadness and joy ....joy for having known and loved someone like I did our friend Reane. Still missed as much today as the day you left us. love you beaucoup! Ren

I simply can't believe it's been three years as of tomorrow! It still seems like just yesterday. I thought it would get better, and..there are some days that it is better, but I am constantly reminded of you, what you did, who you were, what you stood for and what you believed in. You will always...always be a part of my life, you were when you were alive and you are just as much after having passed. I'm still shedding tears over you, but mostly over memories...a bit over what could have been, but mostly out of understanding. I love you so so much Reane, and that will never, EVER change. Some may tell me to "let go", "it's been long enough", "find a way to let her go"....I let you go physically but never emotionally and spiritually. You are still just as amazing as you were then. May you forever rest in peace and know that today, just as much as yesteryear, you are among us.

Renee....you are such a great friend to have added this....Même si moi et Réane nous n'étions plus aussi proche...elle était quand même quelqu'un à qui je pensais beaucoup!!! Et comme toi, moi aussi je pense souvent à elle....lorsque j'entends des chansons à la radio, it just brings me back! ;) des bons souvenirs! C'était Réane qui m'a initié au fameux village d'Earlton, ma première amie lorsque j'ai déménagé ici en 1990! J'ai eu ben du fun!! She was soooo fearless! Aujourd'hui ca fait 3 ans et puis....je ne l'oublira pas! Elle est souvent dans mes rêves!!! Prends soin Réane là haut et prends soin de tes proches ici bas! xoxox

By the way Renee,,,,nice choice of song! Dirty Dancing was her favorite movie..I watched it soooo many times with her in the past.....But of course we watched it in french where Baby in the movie is called Bébé ...lol ;)

When i was expecting my daughter, i asked Reane if it would be ok with her if i was to name her Reane. At first she panicked and pleaded with me not to because people have always pronounced her name "Ree-anne" in English but she soon came around and her only request was for me to put two "n's" in her name. Reane was given her name because she comes from a very French family so they wanted to give her a name that would reflect that. Her father's name is Rheal. Reane soon grew to love the name and called my daughter "my little Reanne". My daughter just loved "matante Reane", and misses her.
12 years agoMerci Janie!!!