There is not enough room in this little box for all of the wonderful things we have shared on this journey. One: you always laughed at the bumblebee joke and had me tell it over and over because you liked the way I told it. And B: you said your not coming back this time, that you believed in reincarnation (many happy returns), but this was the last time as you had been enlightened and so did not need any more classroom time. So this was your last trip. Well I'm grateful to have been able to call you my friend. I'm going to miss you. I will see you when the scale finally tips for me.
Michael A. Sobczak

Goodbye, dear friend. Hard to believe we knew each other for 25 years. I'll miss the weekends we spent together when I came to visit you and your mom. I know you are at peace in her arms once again. You were the most artistic person I knew and your art always worked its way into the gifts you made for me. They are treasured still.
You will always be in my heart, "Lovely Rita".

As a little boy I remember asking you incessantly to draw pictures for me... you never said no and the pictures were always beautiful. Christmas presents... yours always seemed to be the best. I remember you dancing with Maudey at grandma's house. One New Year's you gave me a tophat that was green and said Happy 1966 on it. I thought it was cool. You chasing me around playing hide and seek. I was always in awe at how you tackled and mastered so many endeavours from computers to real estate to interior decorating. You pulled together a wonderful memorial service for gramdma.... what a great sendoff... handled with grace and dignity. The best thing I can say is that you were an aunt in reality, not theory. You always took the time. I remember visits to Chicago; having lunch with you, going places, never a dull moment. My 3 year old is sitting next to me and he said you should wear pajamas in heaven to be comfortable. He picked out the car icon as he thought you might need it go somewhere. Your my Aunt Rita now and forever. Blase

Goodbye Dear Friend. A woman of substance. Beautiful, intelligent,
talented & so artistic. Too soon. I miss you. Joan

I am very glad to have been able to get close to you. I love you very much, and I'm sure I will see you again. I will miss our walks, cooking turkeys and meals, watching movies and hanging out in the yard together. Kuma and Sierra will miss that too.
I love you
Your son,

I love you so very much. I will always hold you in my heart, thoughts, prayers and dreams.I will see you in all of the beauty of nature, that you always loved to capture in your painting. I look forward to walks and luncheons again, with you and grandma, and any other loved-ones that would care to join us.
I'm so glad for you that your dream of being with your family again has come true. That your happy and healthy. I miss you soooo.... much!
I love you!

I love you mom. I'm so glad you are happy and free. Please come to me in my dreams and be my mom. I will love you with all my heart until I see your beautiful face again, my pretty mommy. I miss you so much...Love, Jennifer
family holiday
14 years agoOops! Sorry it turned out sideways! Rita was always a part of any Levinson/Carroll family gathering. This was the last Christmas eve we spent together in 2003. My parents, Roz and Mickey Levinson (in the photo with Rita and my girls Megan and Amanda) have many fond memories of kind hearted Rita and my dear Aunt Jo (Genevieve to most). Rita's warmth and affection for my family will always be treasured. She will be missed. Fondly, Lynn (Levinson) Carroll