And so the world is a poorer place for we have lost a dear friend. His wise counsel eagerly sought and so freely given, the sharp wit, the warmth of his friendly greeting, the steady pair of hands will be sorely missed.
We were truly privileged to have walked alongside this noble giant during an all too brief spell in life’s rich journey, and thereby, spend time with one of nature’s true gentlemen. And so our world is a richer place for we have known Ron Arscott; Hail fellow well met.
Alistair & Florence, Burghwallis UK

I met Ron when my husband joined the local Lions Club in Berowra. It must be about 25 years ago. He and his wife Margaret owned the local newsagency. Ron was one of the nicest, most decent men I have ever met. A hardworking, community minded person who seemed to me to have a very reasoned and compassionate view of the world and people. He and Marg - so welcoming and affable, a wonderful team who worked very hard together in their newsagency until their retirement a few years ago. Whenever we got together (not often enough) he was always such a good listener, always genuinely interested. I admire both he and Marg for their sense of community, their faith, their comittment to their family, their hard work and their very long love for each other. What a lovely, decent, genuine, human being. Forever in our memories and hearts Ron ---- love Lesley C