Sister Lula,
Please accept my heartfelt condolence and sympathies to you and your family for the depart of your uncle may lord Almighty rest his soul in eternal peace.
God have mercy
Deng Kuol

Please accept my condolence. I know how it feel when you loss a loved one.
May the almighty God rest his soul in peace and grand the family members
courage to over come the grievance time.
Peter Marcello

With shock we heard of the untimely departure of your only uncle, Salah.
We all symphatize with you at this moment May his soul rest in eternal peace.
Felix Dumo & Family
Calgary, Alberta

With much sorrow and grief in my heart, far away at a foreign land, I am sending you, my last words "Good Bye" May the Almighty God rest your soul in eternal peace. You departed too early from this world, I wasn't ready yet to say "Good Bye"........ My open wound is still tender and bleeding for our departed ones mum/aunts, uncle and cousins. What a grief ! What a sorrow!
May the Holy Trinity be our consoler in such moment.
Love you uncle Salah- I haven't had a chance of telling you this when you are still alive but I am now.

As we roam this earth so will come the day we'll depart to eternity. Please accept my sincere condolence in the passing uncle Salah. May he be accepted into the eternity with the angels.

In a world filled with vanity, my dearest Uncle Salah taught me the meaning of "dignity" and it was done with not a single word but in "silence"...This is the meaning of being a man..I'll carry this lesson to my grave........
May he now enjoy the company of his siblings whom he (must have) longed for so much, Sit Alnisa, Ma'roufa, Abuzeid and Afaf, and may I be blessed here while we still live with all their children...May God bless me in all of them....
Eternal Rest Grant The Soul of Uncle Salah Dear Lord.....Accept him into your kingdom O Lord, and forgive any and all of his sins....

Sister Lula,
I'm very sorry to learn about another loss in your family. Loss of someone so dear to you. Please take courage and give thanks to god that he granted you an opportunity to be among the few that witnessed his life and know him in special way. Your visit to Sudan was for many reasons and this was one of them.
Take time to write down all the memories, words, advices that your uncle left you. Rejoice that God has taken him to a better place. We ask God for his mercy and blessing that he will rest his soul in eternal peace.

We pray the love of God enfolds you during your difficult times and he helps you heal with the passage of time.
Dr. Milton and Monica Kikezos

Dear Lula and Family, May the Lord our creator strength you all at these difficult times. Uncle is in a better place with his maker and thus he wanted him home dearly. Take courage and be assured that even in times of mourning, pain and loneliness, God is our comforter and lifter. I prayed for your family and will continue to do so. Psalm 46:1-2 God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear, though the earth give way and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea. I am grieving with you............Harriet Dumba

Dear Lula and Family, I pray that God Almighty will always fill the emptiness in your hearts and replace the memories of Beloved Salah Hussien AbuZeid with joy and exciting times you shared with him. May God grant him peace and eternal life. I give Him glory and praise for Beloved Salah’s life and contribution to this world.
With great sympathy!
Agnes Oswaha

Greensleeves Gospel Choir www.ggcgospel.com

God has chosen you to be by His side. We grieve and mourn your departure because it is hard for us as human being to get separated forever. I ask you Almighty God to be with the family and close relatives, give them the caurage and strength to endure this lost. May You rest his soul in Eternal Peace, Amen.

March 23, 2009 was the last day I saw my uncle alive. While I was in Khartoum I have been accompanying my uncle in and out of the Hospital for his liver cirrhosis. Being a nurse helped in checking his ultrasounds, administration of his IV medications and other medical checkups. I was his advocates for his doctors and the spokesperson to update our family members via e-mails since they are all over the world. As a result, we got quite close together because he used to always share his life stories and gave me advices on how to deal with life challenges.
On May 31st, 2009 my causing Lawrence called, informing me that my uncle was admitted back to ER in Khartoum Hospital. This is the 4th time over 6 months. I thought it’s just another coma episode that he used to have and he should be okay, but I was wrong. I called Lawrence and he told me, my uncle cannot open his eyes but he seems to be listening. There were few minutes of silent and I asked Lawrence, how was it look like. He said, I do not want to scare you but whatever it is I will take care of it, I just want you to focus on your study and don't think of coming to Sudan at this time.
It was 1:00 am, Mountain Time Thursday of June 4th, I was in my room but could not sleep, I was restless I woke up very sad but didn’t know why. I listened to my audio Bible in an attempted to calm myself down and indeed I was able to sleep. I woke in the morning to open the family website and there it was. My nephew’s e-mail “Grandpa is in Haven”. I'm glad to have this chance of knowing him so well over the nine months I spend in Sudan. He was a good man with a tough front but a soft heart. His was always positive when I called to check on him,” I am doing fine, thank God” he told me in a very soft voice over the phone a week before his death, A good man left and I thank God that he left peacefully.
Apal Parek
15 years agoSister Lula, I'm very sorry to learn about another loss in your family. Loss of someone so dear to you. Please take courage and give thanks to god that he granted you an opportunity to be among the few that witnessed his life and know him in special way. Your visit to Sudan was for many reasons and this was one of them. Take time to write down all the memories, words, advices that your uncle left you. Rejoice that God has taken him to a better place. We ask God for his mercy and blessing that he will rest his soul in eternal peace. luv, Apal