I last saw Shawn as a small boy with his parents Lee and John at a football game at the old Eastern Suburbs Sports Ground, the home of the then Easts Roosters. Shawn was hiding behind Lee's legs but he was polite, friendly and a smiley child with big, beautiful eyes. I had known the Mackays in their days at Newtown and having a family was the icing on their wonderful relationship. Visited Lee in hopsital when Shawn was born and remember the look of excitment and love in both their eyes. I have followed Shawn's career from a distance and was so shocked and terribly sad when I heard about his death. Learning to live with grief and immense loss must be one of the hardest things a parent faces when a child leaves the earth before they do. But with a beautiful sister to support and the love and support of strong families, I hope that their love of Shawn and the beautiful memories of his life and achievements have helped them move forward. Thinking of you all. Much love Julia Sheppard and family

Ants (Apr 18, 2009)
I am a big fan of the brumbies and was deeply saddened when i heard of the news from Sth African that Shawn was fighting for his life in a Durban hospital after being senselessly run down following a night out with fellow team mates following his teams match against the shark.s.To learn of his passing at such a young age just isn't fair.I know you will be in captain of the rugby team in heaven .Your spirit will live on the hearts of the Brumbies forever.God bless you and your family

shawn we will miss your great leadership and cheeky smile we were truly proud when you became a brumbie. A truly great man and footballer greatly missed.

I last saw Shawn was as a baby in a pram at East Leagues Club. I was having lunch with his Mum Lee. Lee and I worked together, and had our babies in the same year. I watched Shawn play in the Commonwealth Games and thought how proud John and Lee must have been. I was shocked to the core when I heard about the accident in SA.
I can't begin to know how Lee & John are coping. However, they must be so very proud of the comments made about their son. He was obviously a great bloke, and fantastic team member and a loving son and brother. Lee & John - my heart goes out to you.
Sue Mitchell (now of Bribie Island)

As a brumbies supporter and a rabid rugby supporter this tradgedy came as a great shock. From the moment the accident occured I was persistently checking for news and when the signs were good I was absolutly gutted and the outcome. My thoughts go out to all the Mackay family, his partner and the brumbies.
May Shawn Mackay Rest in Peace!

R.I.P Shawn Mackay...... I am a Brumby supporter and will always be a Brumby supporter.....
Shawn Mackay Rest In Peace...

On behalf of the Hobart Harlequin Rugby Club I send our deepest sympathies to Shawn's family and team mates. We play our first game this season on Saturday and we will be honoring Shawn with black arm bands in both grades. The Brumbies are our favourite team and we are greatly saddened by this tragedy. God bless all of you.
Buster Kearney
Hobart Harlequins RUFC

Rest in Peace Shawn Mackay.
I'm a Highlanders supporter, but I will now also support the Brumbies.
Gone, but never forgotten.
You were and are still such an inspiration to all rugby players.
I'm a girl, but I will still look up to you.
Thank you for your range of talents and you will be greatly missed.

Rest in Peace Shawn Mackay.
I'm a Highlanders supporter, but I will now also support the Brumbies.
Gone, but never forgotten.
You were and are still such an inspiration to all rugby players.
I'm a girl, but I will still look up to you.
Thank you for your range of talents and you will be greatly missed.

Rest in Peace Shawn

we are deeply sorry for the lost and we will supprt the brumbies with a crusade spirit onwards to a brumbies crusade, "we are all 1 team" SANZAR IS A RUGBY NATION ITSELF!!!
Dylan Naqova
Christchurch, New Zealand

i feel for the randwick boys who have grown up with him and the club keep going boys n lift that shield for him lets do it for shawn brumbies n randwick to win it

I can't explain how traumatised I am by Shawn's death. I didn't even know him, but have had a long commitment to Rugby with many family members playing at an elite level. You just don't ever imagine that such a young and brilliant athlete's life can be suddenly taken away whilst on tour. My prayers and thought are with Shawn's family - now doubt this is the most difficult time of their lives.

I can't explain how traumatised I am by Shawn's death. I didn't even know him, but have had a long commitment to Rugby with many family members playing at an elite level. You just don't ever imagine that such a young and brilliant athlete's life can be suddenly taken away whilst on tour. My prayers and thought are with Shawn's family - now doubt this is the most difficult time of their lives.

Shawn is a great person who was a friend to all he meet -one of he tru gentleman of the world- saldy miss by all who haven known him

the brumbies fans in east africa uganda have no words SHAWN MACKAY rest in peace

growing up our parents were best friends and all the kids were similar ages so it was always me n him vs our sis vs our brothers. we used to go the sunshine coast every year and scotts head every year growing up i still think i had a better boot on him kick it 20 yards further :) i just could never tackle him not that he was big just a really long reach haha. to his parents you brought up a great guy who respected everyone on and off the feild he had a magical auroa people were attracted to him n its easy to see why be so proud that he honoured everything of a gentlemen and that of an athlete a true sportsman. to his brother n sister keep your head up know that shawn is super proud of everything u do he is watching over u now so u have 24/7 security guard hel be there for u when u need him. rip shawn the sloane family is going to miss u so much we love u and your family so much we will always have the 26yrs of memories no one can take that from us cya bud look after yourself n me from your mate for life ben sloane

Shawn has been an outstanding player for the brumbies. I sinserly hope he gets to heaven

R.I.P mate...! a true credit to the game uni prems 2008...

Shawn was a great team's man and was always there for the boys of Randwick and the Brumbies. He was a joy to watch on the field and will be a great loss to all that knew him, and loved to watch him play.
He always mad time for the little people - the ball boys at at Randwick game which was special to the boys.
Thank you Shawn for the pleasure of watching you and enjoying your talent. RIP

Although I didn't know him personally my Husband Gary worked with Shawn's Dad years ago on the Railway and we knew John really well. If Shawn was anything like his Father, and I am sure he was, he will be a great loss to all.
Our condolences to all his Family at this sorrowful time.
Diane and Gary Searston.

he was a good guy to talk too only have known him and his girlfriend a short time living in a block of units with them.. Met some of his mates from his old team Randwick. He will be missed alot. RIP Shawn thinking of you.

He was a up incoming star and 1 for the future R.I.P Shawn Mackay

Since rugby is 'the game they play in heaven' you are well prepared for what lies ahead Shawn ! RIP

He was a superb guy. Great player, kind man. RIP

Jim and I have seasons tickets to the Brumbies and we always loved to watch him play. He clearly loved the game. He will be missed. RIP Shawn.