I did not know Rachel; however, as of yesterday I wear a silver bracelet with her name, rank, date she was KIA, and her state of WI. I found her name on a bracelet in a group that was available from some friends of mine. I wear it every day and will continue to do so. Please know your daughter is not forgotten, nor will she be as long as I have this bracelet, as I will think of her every day as I wear it. God bless.

I never met you Rachael though I remember your face in one of the Laundry mats in Camp Taji, Iraq dedicated to you. I was moved by your face and your story. Thank you for the ultimate sacrifice that you and your dear family have made. I pray that you are at peace and watching over us all. May God bless us all.
Very Respectfully,
Alicia Vasquez

I remember Hugo from basic and AIT she was always smiling and had such a wonderful smile. I will always remeber her.

Almost back home

Feel free to add a military tribute video as a video response to this video, or feel free to comment on this video! According to her fellow Soldier's, Rach was outside the wire for a week prior to her last misson. She then volunteered to take the place of her Sgt who also volunteered regularly (God bless you Amy!). She then volunteered to get into the first vehicle knowing it is the first to be hit by roadside bombs. Rach and her Sgt always wanted to be there for thier Soldiers in case someone got hurt. Ju

it's sent to rach's family.i support you.it's so sad to lose somone that we love so mush.so be proud."sorry for the grammar"i talk just frensh and arabic

My wife and I thank you all for your kindness and condolences. My daughter would be humbled and honored!
Nancy, God Bless you for honoring Rachael in such a memerable way!

Dear Rachael,
Unfortunately I never met you. But I am honoring you on this Veterans Day. Today I purchased a hero bracelet with your name. I will wear it always in your honor.

It is a year later and i still miss you rach!!! you are in my thoughs and in my heart. Just know that you are with me every step of the way till we can meet agian. I miss you.

God Bless you Rachael,I send my love & prayers to you & your family too. Rest peacefully always brave soldier. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Rachael, may you be in the loving arms of Jesus. Until the day comes when we're all together, I'll keep you in my prayers. Timothy

God bless that brave & beautiful young lady ...

Bless her soul.

SPC “Combat Barbie” Hugo… What an awesome soldier!!! I too was with the unit that the 303rd replaced. I had the honor of meeting SPC Hugo and will never forget her outlook on life. She served with pride and always motivated everyone around her.

Her bravery and sacrifice will always be remembered. My prayers are with the friends and family.

and thank you!
Bless her and her family.

Thank you for your sacrifice.