15 years without dear Tanya Simone :-(

Happy 54th Birthday dear Tanya Simone :-(

14 years without dear Tanya Simone :-(

Happy 53rd Birthday dear Tanya Simone :-(

13 years without dear Tanya Simone :-( Tanya Simone may not be with us anymore, but our love for her will never die

Happy 52nd Birthday dear Tanya Simone :-(

12 years without dear Tanya Simone :-(

Happy 51st Birthday Tanya Simone :-(

11 years without dear Tanya Simone :-(

Happy 50th Birthday dear Tanya Simone :-( Birthday wishes sent to Heaven / From your friends and family below / We miss and love you dearly / and we wanted you to know. / Your Birthday’s not forgotten / and your memory, lives on / We celebrate the life you had / even though you’ve gone. / If we were given just one wish / one that would come true / We’d wish you back beside us / to spend this day with you. / We will always love and miss you / and we often shed a tear / Especially on your special day / year after year.

December 30, 2019 A decade without dear Tanya Simone :-( Tanya Simone is missed Each and every day For she was someone special Who meant more than words can say

December 30, 2019 A decade without dear Tanya Simone

9 years without dear Tanya Simone :-(

Happy 48th Birthday Tanya Simone :-(

8 years without Tanya Simone :-(

Happy 47th Birthday Tanya Simone :-(

Seven years without Tanya Simone :-( Everyday in some small way Memories of you come our way . Though absent , you are always near Still missed , loved and always dear .

On this very special day You are always on our mind Just as the day you went away We have emotions of every kind We can not let this day go by Without marking it in some way So as each year since you died We are standing here today We place our flowers on your grave And hope that you can see We try to smile and be brave Just as you would want us to be So Tanya Simone dear please look down here Look and see how we have done We are sending 46th Happy Birthday cheers And hope you are having birthday fun

Six years without Tanya Simone . She is missed more than ever :-(

I wish you were here today even for just a little while so I could say Happy 45th Birthday Tanya Simone and see your beautiful smile . The only gifts today will be the gifts you left behind ; The laughter , joy and happiness ... precious memories...the best kind . I'll sit quietly and look at your pictures thinkning of you with love ; hoping you're doing ok in Heaven up above . May the angels hold you close and sing you a happy song ... and I'll be sending wishes to you today and all year long .

Respectance tribute for Tanya's father Peter Barry Shilson http://respectance.com/tribute/Peter-Barry-Shilson/

Five years without dear Tanya Simone :-(

All Is Well (Death Is Nothing At All) - Henry Scott-Holland poem was read at Tanya's funeral :-( Death is nothing at all . I have only slipped away into the next room . I am I , and you are you . Whatever we were to each other , that we are still . Call me by my old familiar name , Speak to me in the easy way which you always used . Put no difference in your tone , Wear no forced air of solemnity or sorrow . Laugh as we always laughed at the little jokes we enjoyed together . Play , smile , think of me , pray for me , Let my name be ever the household word that it always was , Let it be spoken without effect , Without the ghost of a shadow on it . Life means all that it ever meant . It is the same as it ever was ; There is absolutely unbroken continuty . What is death but a negligible accident ? Why should I be out of mind because I am out of sight ? I am waiting for you , For the interval , Somewhere very near , Just around the corner , All is well .

Do Not Stand At My Grave And Weep - Mary Elizabeth Frye poem was read at Tanya's funeral :-( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jynpGNaSAMA . An early version : Do not stand at my grave and weep ; I am not there . I do not sleep . I am a thousand winds that blow . I am a diamond glints on snow . I am the sunlight on ripened grain . I am the gentle autumn rain . When you awaken in the morning's hush I am the swift uplifting rush Of quiet birds in circled flight . I am the soft stars that shine at night . Do not stand at my grave and cry ; I am not there . I did not die . A later version : Do not stand at my grave and weep , I am not there , I do not sleep I am in a thousand winds that blow , I am the softly falling snow . I am the gentle showers of rain , I am the fields of ripening grain . I am in the morning hush , I am in the graceful rush Of beautiful birds in circling flight , I am the starshine of the night . I am the flowers that bloom , I am in a quiet room . I am in the birds that sing , I am in each lovely thing . Do not stand at my grave and cry , I am not there - I do not die .

Eric Clapton - Tears In Heaven song was played at Tanya's funeral :-( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JxPj3GAYYZ0

Elton John - Candle In The Wind song was played at Tanya's funeral :-( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NoOhnrjdYOc

Art Garfunkel - Bright Eyes song was played at Tanya's funeral :-( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a502RejLz8s

Tanya Simone Shilson Facebook Memory Page : https://www.facebook.com/tanyasimoneshilsonmemorypage

Guest Book for Tanya Simone Shilson - Online Guest Book by Herald Sun and Legacy : http://www.legacy.com/guestbook/heraldsun-au/guestbook.aspx?n=tanya-shilson&pid=138258453

Tanya's Myspace profile : http://www.myspace.com/tanyasimone . That's how Tanya Simone described herself on her Myspace profile : About me : "I am 30 something Gemini Girl from Melbourne , Australia . It is one of the major cities of Australia . I love many different styles of music , good movies , reading and seeing my friends . I am a HAPPY and KIND person who hates shallow morons like Paris Hilton . Well , I've never met her but if a picture paints a thousand words ... I LOVE to travel and meet different people from all over the world . That is when I'm in my happiest . I love London , Toronto , and LA (in small doses)...but I also love the natural beauty of Colorado". Who I'd love to meet : "TO THOSE NEW FRIENDS WHO EMAIL ME PLEASE REALISE THAT BECAUSE I GET SO MANY EMAILS IT IS VERY DIFFICULT TO REPLY TO EVERYONE . I STILL ENJOY READING THEM THOUGH ... Anyone out there who loves good conversation . I especially love cute blue eyed guys who are funny . Also for friendship guys , girls , goths , punks , 80s fans or anyone who has interesting stuff to say!". General : "Music , movies , hanging with friends , true crime , conspiracies , reading , travelling..and my cat". Music :"Early 80's music is my favourite really...but I enjoy discovering new artists . So in this joyous (lol!) millenium it is mainly independent artists I like . At the moment my faves are CHICKS ON SPEED and NEW YOUNG PONY CLUB". Films : "The Virgin Suicides , Elephant , The Breakfast Club , Butterfly Effect , Basic Instinct and many more . Too many to list!". Television : "The Simpsons , Medium , Desperate Housewives , true crime shows and doco's". Books : "Biographies and true crime books". Heroes : "Lisa Simpson".

Tanya's Twitter profile : http://www.twitter.com/legendarysimone

Tanya's Amazon profile : http://www.amazon.com/gp/pdp/profile/ANJW8LL98I8RX

Tanya's Facebook profile : http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=698499383

Tanya's Justice Fot Anna Nicole Smith Myspace page : http://www.myspace.com/justice4anna . Tanya Simone believed that Anna Nicole Smith was murdered and opened "Justice For Anna Nicole Page" on Myspace .

Questions & Answers on the old Respectance website : Tanya's family : Mother - Margaret Creen . Father - Peter Barry Shilson , passed away less than 6 months after Tanya's passing . Sister - Suzie , adopted Tanya's beloved cat Baby after her passing . Grandma - Tanya Simone loved her grandma on her mother's side very much . I first met Tanya Simone in 2002 , weeks after her grandma's passing . Tanya Simone talked about her a lot . One of the reasons Tanya Simone bought a house in Camberwell was the fact that her beloved grandma used to live there . During my 2009 Melbourne visit we saw Melbourne from a shopping centre in Camberwell and it reminded Tanya Simone how her beloved grandma used to say :"you can see the city from Camberwell".

Questions & Answers section on the old Respectance website : Passions - Did Tanya Simone Shilson have a philosophy on life ? Something she always said ? Tanya Simone had a different and unique philosophy of life . She believed in many conspiracy theories . She was sure that Bush administration is behind September 11 , 2001 events , that U.S.A. faked the 1968 moon landing and many more conspiracy theories like these . What were Tanya Simone Shilson religious or spiritual beliefs ? Tanya Simone liked to learn about religions , but wasn't religious . She loved astrology very much . Was Tanya Simone Shilson athletic ? Attend sport games ? Tanya Simone wasn't a sport fan , but she liked Hawthorn FC Richmond FC AFL clubs . Did Tanya Simone Shilson enjoy the arts - painting , writing , music ? Tanya Simone loved 1980's music and had a huge collection of cd's , dvd's , lp's and 1980's music magazines .

Questions & Answers section on the old Respectance website : Travel - What were Tanya Simone Shilson favorite travel destinations ? U.S.A. Canada , Great Britain , Europe . Did Tanya Simone Shilson feel at home in another country ? Tanya Simone loved being in U.S.A. She felt good there , but never felt home in another country . When she traveled abroad or inside Australia she always missed Melbourne . In what country could you imagine Tanya Simone Shilson living ? U.S.A.

Questions & Answers section on the old Respectance website : Education , High School : Parkdale Secondary College , Mordialloc East , Victoria , Australia .

Tanya Simone Shilson Meets Olivia Newton-John 2002 - Dailymotion video : http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xygf54_tanya-simone-shilson-meets-olivia-newton-john-2002_music

Tanya Simone Shilson On Deal Or No Deal 2005 - Dailymotion video : http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xygifx_tanya-simone-shilson-on-deal-or-no-deal-2005_videogames

Tanya Simone Shilson Meets Olivia Newton-John 2002

Tanya's question to Olivia Newton-John wasn't included on the t.v. show , but she asked the t.v. channel to give her a copy of it . Tanya Simone is wearing one of her closest friend's top .

Tanya Simone Shilson On Deal Or No Deal 2005

Tanya Simone Shilson Meets Olivia Newton-John 2002

Tanya's question to Olivia Newton-John wasn't included on the t.v. show , but she asked the t.v. channel to give her a copy of it . Tanya Simone is wearing one of her closest friend's top .

Tanya Simone Shilson On Deal Or No Deal 2005 Part 1

Tanya Simone Shilson On Deal Or No Deal 2005 Part 2

Tanya Simone Shilson On Deal Or No Deal 2005 Part 3

Tanya Simone Shilson On Deal Or No Deal 2005 Part 4

Slava Yachnin
10 years agoTanya's question to Olivia Newton-John wasn't included on the t.v. show , but she asked the t.v. channel to give her a copy of it . Tanya Simone is wearing one of her closest friend's top .