i loved tj so much i had him over nite

Thomas was such a surprise hen i found out i nwas going to be a mum. Thomas had such a short life and we all miss him very much. When i brought T homas home from the hospital i was so releieved to be home with him. Thomas didnt like his baths at first but it got to the stage where he cried if i took him out. I once put him in his baby bouncer whilst i was puting away his clothes and he was following my movements with his eyes. He used to like laying on a mat on the floor staring up at a play gym he had at my mums he used to try reaching out to touch the toys. Thomas was a very healthy baby and only cried when he wanted a bottle i tried giving him a dummy but he just kept spitting it back out. Thomas was 6 pound 9 oz wen he was born and measured at 51cm.

this my little angel