We miss you and your voice!

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Whitney, My Dear, you were so beautiful! You sang with that pretty and touching voice! May you sing up in Heaven to The Angels and Jesus!
Whitney, God Bless You and i Miss You Dearly.

Watching her sing a song, watching her over and over again in "The Bodyguard", admiring her talent at whatever she did, she was definetly a "one of a kind" person and I agree with others that have written, "she should have lived forever"!! I play her music with my grandaughters who love her music (they're six and ten years old) and the one favorite of all of us is "I will always love you", we play it all the time and enjoy it each and every time as if it were the first time we were hearing it. When listening to her music as I pick them up at school my youngest one asks, papa, is this Whitney?? and it always makes me smile. I watch "The Bodyguard" every time I get the urge to watch her again, which is often, and it makes me emotional to watch her perform, knowing that she is gone from us, way too early, the world was a better place because she was here amongst us!!!! I will miss her always!!!!!

i ll always love your music

she saw light....light saw her..... light she became.....
light will always shine......in mine
light in my life....
i want to thank eveybody for supporting her to what she became. i am treasuring everything what made her.family,relatives,friends: she ment so much for so many for so long for centuries,milennia she will remembered and thanked for everything she did and everything she is.
She did so much nice, for some it becomes bad.she filled up such emptyness and for some it returnes.all around the world everybody must try to back her up and continuing her job.....in respect to her and for the sake of those who relied on her songs,lyrics her voice,laugh....this woman should have lived for ever.
as she sang she gave all hers....
i miss her so much.....and i never had a mamma......how more bad can my life be.....
what is left for me is nature, universe, animals...people i do not know...humans left the show
i pray to usa to do what is right for the world......
xander nicolaas joannes 3-12-74 europe

Ms Houston will certainly be missed, she sang with such love and passion unlike any I have ever heard, a wonderful gift from God, but she was only here on loan. She had such an angelic voice, I am sure that she was missed in the choir in heaven, so her work here is done, no more pain or suffering will she endure, as she has been called home.
May God Bless her family and touch them in their time of sorrow.
Keeping you all in my prayers.

For Cissy: I have been thinking of you non-stop. The good that your daughter
accomplished in her life can never be overcome or forgotten. Only the Good
shall remain; and surely Whitney brought us a taste of God's goodness
by showing us His power and majesty through her voice. If ever angels laughed out loud; it was reflected in the life alive in Whitney's eyes. She loved
the people she was singing too, and I believe she knew the happiness she
brought to people by sharing her gift. The beauty of her life is a gift straight from
heaven, to show us mere mortals "the music of the spheres". What a precious, precious thing your daughter revealed to us: the love of God-through
I hope that someday you find this site, and read this: that was written for you. Only one other person made such an impact on me, and that was Diana. It was obvious that Whitney was part of God's Royalty.
What an honor that God chose you to be her mother: how He must love you to
have given you such a beautiful gift for a daughter. What a tribute to your love for Him, that he chose you to remain and carry on. Comfort you He will. What a
precious, precious memory; knowing that your daughter brought HIS LOVE to
so many millions of people. What an honor for you both.
Precious in the sight of The Lord ..is the homecoming of his saints. Whitney loved The Lord, and He loved her. She was tired, Cissy, and weary. You know this. Jesus knew she had already given her all. How many shall have hope because of Whitney. Many. Many, many, thousands.
Like Jesus, Whitney's gift to the world was eternal. It will always stand. Her good, her love. Rock solid, Cissy. Just like you.
May you see the cherubim and the seraphim, and Whitney laughing up a storm playing with them. Sincerely, A Christian

it is lonely at the top....but more there is cold....even the sun gets dark.....she went true it all.....how a humans life can be.....
no one will ever know what she felt.......what some feel now.....i would give my life to bring her back.....because i cannot give what she did.....i know what she left to me....
she made me feel mother love.....
xnj noteboom apeldoorn holland europe

I remember Ms. Houston blessed me in her rendition of the national anthem and her singing in the movie, the Preacher's Wife. As a minister of the gospel, the movie spoke to me, for especially in times of discouragementHer singing of I Love the Lord in the movie still blesses me, especially during times of mediation and prayer. We will miss her but thank God for living memories via cd, dvd, and videos.
To the familyl we know that death cannot rob us of her legacy, her memories as well as the power and resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
His servant,
Asriel Gamaliel McLain

May you rest in God's hands now! I hope that in Heaven you find the Peace that you could not find here! You will be truly missed!

So many are focusing on mistakes of past. We seem to forget that we are all human and should not pay for our transgressions indefinitly.Whitmey was a beautiful being with the voice of an angel and a heart of pure gold. God was ready for Whitney to Join His Heavenly Choir and called her Home. Her angelic Voice is among the angels. Many blessings go out for peace and comfort to her family and loved ones. Rest in peace Whitney , and sing those glorious songs.

No one understands what it takes to go all the way to becoming who they want to become. I try myself and no one could ever voice YOU the way that you can I hope a family member can sing for us in the future. Your friend Janine

There are only a select number of people that leave Footprints In Our Hearts. Words alone cannot express my sympathy on the untimely death of beloved Whitney Houston . “Death leaves a heartache no one can heal, love leaves a memory no one can steal. We' ll always cherish your music, voice, and personality. May your soul rest in peace.

Who knows your pain, who knows your sorrow? Who can promise you tomorrow?
Only God can!
Who can dry your tears and take away your fears?
Only God can!
Who can heal your mind body and soul and love you until you grow old?
Only God can!
Who can fight your battles, mend a broken heart and make sure that miracles are few and far apart?
Only God can!
Out of mouths of babes who can deliver a word that will lead a family, nation or world out of sin?
Only God can!
Who would selfishly give their Son to save a world so that we can all become one?
Only God can!
He feels me up, he gives me love, more love than I have ever seen! He is all I got, he is all I got in this world but he is all the God that I need!!!!!!!
We love you Whitney! May you rest in peace in the arms of God....

Whitney You will always be treasured and remembered as the best singer to me and the whole world I will tremendously miss seeing you on tv, and hearing you sing. May you be sheltered in the lords hands now and be in peace.

I was hoping that Whitney would somehow get better, find wholeness and happiness again. I dreamed of her spending decades out of the public eye just getting herself together, enjoying her life and her daughter and maybe some grandchildren, showing up once in a while to be an inspiration to people who are struggling with the same kinds of drug demons, and then maybe writing a book, the cover of which would be graced by her elegantly matured face adorned by a fluffy silver crown.
It hurts me so much that she never got better.
"Didn't we almost have it all..."
I hope Bobbi Kristina has a solid network of loved ones who are sober and clean and who can help her get through this. I am so heartbroken for her.
"If tomorrow were Judgment Day..."

God Bless You Whitney and God Bless You Voice.Even that You were a Troubled Soul May You finally find enternal Peace and Happiness.Rest in Pece Whitney

The X Factor 2009: International Superstar Whitney Houston graces the stage to perform her new single Million Dollar Bill. See more at http://www.itv.com/xfactor

This is from Television's Greatest Moments. It is when Whitney Houston sang the National Anthem at the Superbowl. This was during the time period of the Persian Gulf War.

This is like a nightmare. Why Whitney, why did you have to die! You had and have so much to offer for us still. Don’t think life will be the same without you. Miss you already, and am dreading the moment to listen to your music again. Thanks for adding so much happiness to my life.

There are so many happy, good and long lasting memories for me attached to songs of Whitney Houston. Don’t think that will ever be the same. Thank you so much for all these great memories Whitney. You will be sorely missed.
RIP Whitney

OMG, I cannot believe she died! Was just listening and singing along one of her songs last night. She will be so missed. Love you forever, miss you forever. Dear Whitney RIP.
Dee Dee Cakes
12 years agoWhy the heck would you post this pic of her...no one wants to see her like that...except her haters...everyone has went through tough times and this pic is not tasteful and its disrespectful....assholes