Meemeecan yew make it where I'm logged on all the time I dunno wat happened I logged off but I don't have an email anymore so I put it wrks all the time!

Hey meemee did yew put the pics on yet! By the way who's doing Thanx givin this year??!! Plus tell Grannie I miss and love her sooooo much<3

Hey meemee you should listen to a song by Whitney whouston call I will always love you! I really like it

Hey traci... Don't worry bout me I can handle! Kayy well sorry I haven't talked on here for a while. Dad took my laptop cause I made a myspace and I was going to give yew guys our address on here!!! I still can but dad hasnt pissed me off yet! So yea!! Traci I love you very much and consider you part of our family! And I got a tatoo it's the hatchet guy frm insane clown possie ! It's on my hip somewhere dad wouldn't expect! It didn't hurt as bad as I thot! Well gota run
Always. £ forever mikey

I know you are a big boy now! You will always be my baby brother though : ) Cool tattoo! I have one too, on my lower back with Kevins initials and the year he was born and the year he passed. He would have been so proud of you! I am so proud of you! Stay out of trouble Mikey, I mean it!! Love you always, Traci

Well yer my big Sid and always will be!! Me stay outa trouble... It's me yer tlkin bout!! I have kevins initials behind my left ear wit his b day and day of death;( so yea I'm doing fine I really miss yew... Haha member when I had a rash on mug ass and yew and Kevin took me to see yer mom.! 0mg! Lmao . Well the most important thing is I'm not doing drugs! Those ate sooo bad fee yer skin! Well I love ya Sis <3

Mikey- Not one day passes that I don't think of you. I was worried not hearing from you. Glad everything is ok. Remember what I told you.. No matter what, I will see you again and sooner rather than later. Maggie- Hard to believe you are 11. You probably don't even remember me. Kevin talked about you ALL the time, he loved you and all of your brothers very much. When ever you feel uncomfortable think of him.... He is always by yourside. I love all of you guys.

Who the he'll is Alicia !! It's buggin me to know!! Someone tell me. Oh and sorry if things are not spelled right it's iuss I'm using tiffanys iPod touch and it's not easy all I know is that I can delete history and she won't know!!! Haha my lil brain goooooo!!!!

I'm really not sure! maybe someone else can answer that.

Heyy mee mee longtime no tlk ! Well I miss yew guys teriblely! Well tell everyone merry Christmas and happy thanksgiving! I'm doing fine...... Staying out of trouble kinda. How's everyone?!?!! Can yew put pics of all yew guys on here so I can see yew cuz it's been a while:) well I love yew and miss yew very much! Always& forever <3 mikey

yes Mikey I will post pic this evening. I'll make a video of everyone's pics. *MUAH*

Thanx meemee! I will chec get those later!!! I love yew

love you Mikey. Sorry I didn't get them up tonight. I will get it finished tomorrow :)

Huss to let anyone know the stuff I wrote is 90 50 percent true I was just venting! Zoo don't take it the wrong wayy!

luv you Mikey <3

And one last thing... Mom is a liar one he'll of a good one too! She's the one where I get my lying, manipulating , thief , and the ability to mentally hurt people from! Which I'm not proud of! Who am I kidding I am! I tried every trick in the book to get dad to send me back! I tried lying stealing manipulation between him and Tiffany I tried doing bad in school I tried making him feel like crap taking me away from at a lil age! Nohing works! But fom the crap dad told me mom lied about to get me to stay with her! Ugh she's my idol I love her! She's the bomb! So I might sound like a bad person but I'm only that way towards my dad and his mean uglywife! Which she never stops complaining !

Maggie yew Tom like yer very sophisticated .... And the story behind Kevin is this this... I was in bed one night in the house we used th live wit Dale in when all of a sudden I here mad screaming coming from mom! I run in asking wat happened and she told me to get patrick and that were goon to grannies! We get in the car and go over to grannies and grannie goes wit mom to the hospitable! Grannie told me kevins hurt bad! and to pray for him... So the hole time theyre gone I pray to god that big bro is ok and if Kevin needs it to have my last breath! The reason Kevin died was because of a man named David hall! Kevins best frend! It's happened one night when Kevin and gator went to get mom ciggerets and hey drove past the chuch when kevin saw David with a girl kevin really liked. So Kevin got out the car and approached David gator yelled get back in the car Kevin! But he ignored him. The David and Kevin got into it and David pulled out a knife! And started stabbing our brouther and Kevin kept fighting it! But before the medics could get him to he hospital kevin lost too much blood! Ask me how I know this... Gator told me when I was at the funeral... That's wats happened...

Who is this Alicia person!!! Maggie don't feel weird around the family Katy sweetie! Maggie member when we usedto live in the town house and me and yew tried to jump into a picture cuz we just watched marypoppins 24 freakin times! Hahaha I miss that. Don't forget I always think abot yew. Hers a tip. If yew ever feel uncomfortable around someone make it known. If the person doesnt understand think of the most happiest thing that ever happened to yew and hold on tight of that thot ! I love and miss yew so much! And next time yer on the computer go on YouTube and look up the video called change it by dolly pardon! It helped me come out to dad! It's an amazing and inspiring video! Always and forever Michael! Oh and Alicia who ever yew are If I here yew are a bad person like david hall so god help yew!!! And David hall if yew read this... Someday somewhere I will find yew and ask ... Why did yew dew that to my brother yew heartless bastard!!!

thats a wonderful song. "come out" to dad? I think I know what that means. I'm PROUD of you MIkey. *HUGS TO YOU*

Ugh mom I love yew. Nothing will ever change that . I have no mom her yew are my only mom. I wish I can be with yew rigt this second but the courts won't let me. Dad doesn't deserve me yew do yew always did.! If Kevin was here he wouldn't be putting up Wit this crap!! He would come bring me back home. I am miserable here I have no brothers and a bitchie step mom who never shuts the he'll up and needs to get knocked the fuc out! And I know if yew were here yew would dew it ! I really wanna come back home, my REAL HOME!!!! I love yew all! Alwas and for ever Michael .

I love you I miss you belive what you want to belive I can't change what you belive I miss you so much I knew when you went away I would never see you again just know I have sent you presentst tha have been sent back, called and no answere you can hate me with every breathe you take it is ok as much as i am mad at Kevin for where he went and what he did I still love him always have and always will and what you think of me its ok I still love you and always will and nobody can ever fix my heart I am sorry I wasnt the mom that you have now I love you with all my heart and Kevin I am your Mom God knows I would trade places right now everyday I would trade places with you and wish I could you went to young I lived my life everday I wish you had my life instead of yiours Love you MOM

With every breath I take I would give my life for each and everyone of you no one knows how much the bull crap that has been said I know in my heart one day I will be with all of you again. I have nothing to say bad about anyone One day all the ngeativiy that anyone has to say will come back and bite you where it hurts the most. Carma come around and goes around To all of my childfren who read this I Love you with all my heart belive what you want to belive when ever any of you ask me a question I have told you the truth Kevin I still to this day want to trade places with you and for my other children I would do the same. I love you with all my heart and every breathe I take MOM

no one knows how much i miss you and that i wouild give my life for you and your siblings every day of my life and every breath i takeno ones how my life has changed since you and your dad are gone people talk i must be interesting or they wouldnt i miss you so much u went to young i wish it was me not you i love you so much i guess i will see you soon i cant take the lies or the crap you were so easy to talk to not judgemental you have a good heart someone got apart of it and your eyes i miss you so much i love you it hurts more than you can imagine everyone misses you everyone feels the pain but not like the pain i feel daily wanting to trade places with you you had alot to offer this world you were taken to soon i wish it was me you are still needed and not forgotten and never will be your brothers and sister miss you and need you i will see you soon i love you mom

go backwards through time with kevin then he will bring u forward

if u backwards in time dont forget to come forward again because if you dont we will never see you after that

You can't bring bac the afterlife lil Sis yew can only join them when it's yer time!

i feel like kevin died because of me. before i knew the whole story i felt like i killed kevin because when he was going home he stoped at my house when i was going to sleep to say goodnight then on his way home he was killed then i learned that he was skicking up for a girl but it was still after he left my house so it makesme feel like i killed him. i am a shy indepentant 11 year old girl and i also stay away from alot of people and im not very...comfortible around family (no offense) but i think if kevin was here i might not be as shy or be uncomfortible around family. kevin helped us stay strong no matter what.not only was he anawsome brother to me but he was also an amazing friend to me (you rock kevin!)
love your little sis (who isnt so little anymore) Maggie
P.S. meemee, and patrik i love u tell lisa i said hi and all her kids. and mikey i will allways love u no matter what and i wish u were here my. cell phone # is 843-926-5555 call me if u ever can cause itwould be amazing to talk to u miss u wish u could visit love u with ALL my heart wish u were here cause you are also an amazing brother but also an awsome friend
love you all maggie

micky i understand how u feel but mom doesnt lie to us she wouldnt she knows she not perfect and im heartbroken and about to cry with what your saying i love and miss u so does mom and we really want u back

this is a MEMORIAL page NOT a he said/she said he did/she did page! i have deleted the comment made by Alicia and one made by Maggie. Alicia- you have NO CLUE what was being discussed here nor do you know what the REAL situation is, so kindly mind your own business. Maggie- Mikey comes on this site every now and then and leaves his feelings because he is not allowed to have ANY other contact with this family. be nice or I will DELETE !!!!

ok meemee im sorry and i be nice i was just sad by wat was said and i really miss mikey

I understand Maggie, I really do. Don't be sad, and you should never be uncomfortable around your family. we all love you very much...always know that!

i do know and i will always know that and i have never spent enough time with family other than mama and daddy so i dont know what anyone likes or how they act

we are never aloud to spend time with you and I'm not sure why your parents keep you so secluded. I guess when your old enough and can make decisions for yourself you may choose to spend time with some of us and get to know us better. it's sad it's like this but it's not by my choice, I'd love to spend time with you.

ok when im older i will spend time with you

Your mother loves you. If you think she didn't try to keep you, didn't care, choose someone else over you or anything else. You're wrong.

patrick i love you with all my heart but dont talk about something you dont know anything about...mmkay

how bout let's not talk about all that....I love you both & think your both growing into fine young men..reguardless about the past, it is what it is, and none of us can change it..let's move forward, talk positive, and know that you both are loved by an entire family who want nothing but the best for y'all.... (((HUGS))) Amy <3

thax meemee bout patrick only listens to what mom says and shes putting lies into his head im serious he knows only what mom tells him so he knows nothing!!!

Mikey - What is done is done.... No one is perfect, we all make mistakes. Truth be told no one knows the entire story. Patrik has been hearing things from your mom, and you have been hearing things from your dad. All that matters now is that you guys have each other. Learn from not only your mistakes, but others mistakes as well. Your mother does love you both even if sometimes it doesn't seem that way. I am always here for both of you guys. ALWAYS. Patrik - I am a phone call away, if EVER you need anything 843-330-1376. Mikey - I take great comfort in knowing I will see you again, and I thank God, and Kevin everyday for giving us a way to communicate with you. I love you guys. Traci

here is my number as well should you ever need me....(843)478-6597

ugh patrick you dont understand... dad is mostly yer dad too, who was there to help suppoert YOU,he was and where was yer dad,not even close to yew and all that mean and hatefull stuff mom told yew to tel him that day when we lived in the house with dale,i remember its was by the computer,dad always loved yew he would of done anything for you but yew hurt him in the worst way possible,breaking his heart and love he had for yew,he still loves yew and wishes he can give yew the life hes giving me right now!!!<3 he still loves yew soo much that sometimes he cries... just remember all the good things he did for yew nxt time yew think yew hate him

i don't think "hate" is a good word.

i think hate is the word cause patrick doesnt like dad... but i am right about dad being there fer patrick am i right or wrong cause i know im right

micky mom does love sheloves all of us she even loves my friends (even the ones she doesnt know)

traci i need yew soo much right now i need someone i can trust im crying right now read my last message and yew will understand!

Mikey - I know how you must be feeling but mee mee is right. All you can do right now is concentrate and continue to do well in school. The past is the past, and everyone makes mistakes. I know that your mom loves you, but you were much better off growing up where you are. I know that is hard to hear, but your dad has done what he though was best for you. I am bit pissed too, cause I don't have any contact with your family here anymore and yet I can't have any kind of contact with you outside of this! But hey, it just goes to show you that this site was Kevin's doings.... Even in heaven he working, watching, and protecting all of us. I am grateful to at least have this, and be able to know that you are ok. Just remember Mikey that school is number one! Who knows what the future will bring... The only thing I am sure of is that I will see you again even if I have to fly there! Have you thought about college? Or what you wanna be? You can do anything you set your mind to... Missing you always ♥ you tons Traci Patrik- I have a facebook... look up my email

oh my god im trying to get dad to let me come visit but he doesnt trust yew guys... i tried to get him to let me stay with jimmy but he said he will think about it... i want to visit for 3 weeks but he said he already thought about it... i REALLY want to visit so bad it hurts he thinks yew guys will lie just to get him in trouble... if mom didnt start the crap she started it wouldnt be this way... i blame her and all her freaken lies for ALL of this i love her with all my heart ... but now she must weep what she sowed im pissed right now its not even funny ... if kevin was here he would of came with me ... hes probaly crying right now from the crap hes seeing.... if mom didnt date dale then it wouldnt be this bad and im soooo mad i want to hurt someone ... but i know 2 wrongs doesnt make a right but mom doesnt seem to understand that AT ALL... and granny if yew read this i love yew sooo much yew dont even know... love mikey

Pondering in the past achieves nothing, there is no point in doing so. You have been living with your father for years now. All you know is what ever he tells you. So you only know half of it, if even that. Blaming people for past events when someone hardly knows anything with certainty is also a waste of time and achieves nothing as well. Concentrate on now and the future, crying about the past is not worth while.

Mikey, we all love you and NOTHING will ever change that. You ARE a part of this family and ARE missed terribly. We will see you again one day, but until then, just know that you have a family that cares about you and would never want anything but good things for you. I understand your Dad's thinking to a point and although I don't think it's fair that this space I created to remember Kevin is the only means of contact I have with you, but, I am grateful that we can chat here. As for getting Tino into trouble, I really don't understand what he could be talking about, but I guess he has his reasons. You continue to do what you have been doing, good grades ect., education is important and your on the right track with that. Continue to leave your messages for us, keep us informed on how your doing in school, life, ect. .. your progressing well and I'm proud of you Mikey <3

meemee i need help i tried to put my relationship and i messed up my laptop froze and i picked husband i ment brother

you should be able to fix it. try under settings. let me know.

i would love to give yew that info but i cant cause dad doesnt trust my faamily... sorrie i love yew sooo much... yew were like my sister...;]

I sent you a friend request on here. -Patrik

I will always be your sister.... Yours too Patrik. I would love to see you both! But Mikey I am not your real sister.... which makes me not actual family. So I am included in the no contact even though I don't have contact with your family here? I guess I can wait a couple more years.... and when that day comes don't worry about a ticket, I will send you one. ♥ you guys always Traci

hey patrick i miss yew... how yeew been? taken care of mom... i hope so... so yer 17... wow yer still older than me! still in school...i hope... well i cant think of anything else to write but i love and miss yew, member how we would always fight over the little things... goood timez always&forever yer lil bro mikey

Do you have a Myspace or Facebook?

no i dont sorrie dad wont let me... plus im not supposed to be on here but he dosnt know... i wish yew were here... i need family here instead of dad and his stupid wife tiffany,god i hate her shes mean... i know if yew were here yew wouldnt put up with her

i talk to kevin too.. like all the time i tell him stuff that know one else knows... and ill just sit there and some one plas with my hair just like the way kevin used too but theres never anyone there i cry cause i know its kevin.. the funniest memory i member is when kevin,joey,and stevin would buy roman candles and shhot each other at the park by daves house.. and i member my bro patrick was the one who taught me how to tie my shoes and how to ride a bike.. thanx bro... i love you and wish i can hug you but you never liked my hugs i member the last day i saw yew yew gave me a giant hug and told me,''i will love you nomatter how far you are... ;[

Yes Mikey, it is really me.. Traci. I love you too, and I would give anything for one of your hugs right now! I can send you some pictures. My email address is, send me your address please. I also have something of your brothers that has been very special to me over the past 7 years... You are 16 now and I know he would want you to have it. I am so glad you are happy and things are great for you! Keep up the good grades too!

mom this is for you it took me three weeks to work on in english 1... here it goes... when i was a baby,you and i were one.we often stayed up all night long and shared the morning sun.then as i got older i didnt need you so.we spent less time together and the distance seemed to that i am older i didnt need you so.we spent less time together and the distance seemed to that im a teenager im always on the fly,rushing through the busy day,theres barely time for hi.but now i want to slow it down,sit with you and say,''lets spend some time together ,momto celebrate yur day

Mikey thats beautiful writing. I know your Mom would think so too.

that is beautful

im crying right now... traci is that really you... i miss you terriblely i wish i was there and i love you sooooooo much you were going to be part of the family im sorry you had to find out the hard way i left... and meemee i miss you soo much i wish i had a pictuer of you guys before i left but i dont i have memories and i cherish them ... i want to come back but i cant but i have a good life here and im happy... tell lisa i miss her soooooooooo much and that shes my favorite cause she always stood by my side nomatter what ... lisa i love you i member the last time i saw you was at mcdonalds where you used to work... i still have the note you wrote me... love and miss yew ... mikey aka michael

Mikey, we love you and would love to see you and give you big hugs. I am so HAPPY to hear you say you have a good life there. Although I miss you terribly I respect your Dad for what he did for you, I just wish I had more contact with you. I can tell by your writings that you are an intelligent, caring, mature young man. Keep up the good work in school and on life's path you amaze me. I love reading the notes you leave..feel free to use this space to update me on whatever you like, school, life, ect.....I LOVE YOU Mikey <3

My memories of and with Kevin are priceless to me. I find myself replaying his laugh in my head cause I am scared one day I won't remember how it sounded. I use to throw rocks at his window everyday to wake him up.. The one day he handed me a key and said just come in and knock on my door cause I only sleep in my draaaws! I remember I was very sick one day and was home alone. I called Kevin and he rode his bike all the way to my house to get my car and take me to the hospital. He got so mad at me one night he put his fist straight through my windshield.... I didn't even make it out the apartment complex before he had called me 4 times, so sorry ,he was in tears. He even called my mother to apologize. I remember all the trips to Aunt Amy's for a haircut, and all the cigarettes he "borrowed". I got a taser gun to keep in my car for protection and I use to beg him to let me "try" it on him... We laughed so hard that day. Needless to say he never let me : ) He would hug me so tight sometimes that I lost my breath because he knew it aggravated me... I wish I could have just one more. He use to do this funny this with his arms and his legs he called it "ding ding" I can see him doing it now. It was so funny. I could go on and on with memories. I was lucky to have him in my life... He was my best friend nothing more, nothing less though sometimes I wonder what might have been... Kevin and I took care of each other. The last words we spoke to one another was I love you and we hung up the phone. I am grateful that was the last thing I got to say to him while he was alive. I talk to him all the time, and I know he hears me. He sends me the craziest signs, ones only I would understand... sometimes they make me laugh, and sometimes they make me cry. Kevin was a great guy. He loved his family more than anything in the world.. Lucky for me I was a part of that family too. I love and miss you always best friend.
♥ Traci

i juss wanted to let you all know im sixteen.. im a tenth grader and i got good grades and i miss and love you guys sooo much... steven joey patrick maggie if you read this i miss you guys terriblely... sometime i cry my self to sleep juss thinking of you and i miss you guys soooo much especially kevin... ;[
forever and always mikey aka michael little bro

We all miss you too Mikey. Congrats on making it to the 10th grade. I will pass your message along to everyone. We love you, never forget that, and with a hope and a prayer we WILL see you again. you ARE and always will be a part of this family. I LOVE YOU <3 ......your Aunt MeeMee :)

MIKEY! Holy cow you are 16!! You have no idea how many times I have thought of you over the years. I hope you are enjoying life to the fullest and doing great! Kevin would have been so proud of you and your good grades!! I am sure of that... I am proud too. I am so sorry your mom and I didn't get along in the time right before you moved... I wish I could have said goodbye. He loved you so much Mikey I hope you know that. Take care of yourself Mikey I hope to see you again soon. ♥ Traci

today is Jimmy's birthday and I'm sure you'd have something "silly" in mind, just another one of the things I miss!!

Hi sweetheart! I always find myself wondering what could have been? But I knew what could have been the day I met you. So many things have happened since you have been gone and I would give anything for you to have been here with me through everything, I know you were here you always are, but to have feel your comforting arms is what I long for. Just wanted to tell you that I love you and miss you so very much!!

who is this??

My name is Trishia, I am an ex girlfriend of Kevins and very dear friend. If you would like to email me to chat, that would be great. I think I met you when I was younger, but really can't remember its been so long. My email address is I would really like to chat with you.

oh, ok, already told me who you were! you can message me on Facebook if you like.

I was playing around on the internet tonight and tonight something made me think of you so I randomly typed your name into the google search engine just to see what would come up. And this memorial page comes up, I spent the first 20 minutes staring at your picture crying. So many memories came flooding back just looking at you. I had no idea that it would still be this hard 7 years later. I still kick myself everytime I think about the last conversation we had, I would take everything back if I knew that I would never see you again. God how I miss you!!! I have a picture of us on my nightstand you were 16, I was 15 and mikey is in the picture he was like 4 I think, maybe 5 cannot remember. That is a picture cherished forever!! I know you are watching everyone from up there, and I know that we will meet again!!! I love you always will!! Miss you so much

Hi, not sure who you are, you didn't leave a name.. I am Kevin's Aunt Amy... If you'd like to add the picture your taking about to this site just your more then welcome to.

Hi Amy, my name is Trishia, I dated Kevin off and on for a few years. I will definitely try to post the picture. If I can't figure it out, I will make a copy if you would like one.

thank you. that would be great! I take all the pictures I can get, seeing that's all we have besides memories!

Please email me at and I will give you my phone number. I believe I may have met you when Kevin and I were together, but not too sure, its been a really long time. But I would like to meet you again. And if it isn't too much to ask, could I have a few copies of pictures of him. The one I have is the only one and I miss him dearly. Thank you so much.

I remember when I was little and I slept overs kevins house...I got up in the middle of the night to snoop in kevins room. But then I heard someone tlking a d it was Kevin . I was soo scared but he was sleep tlking. Haha that was a good time........
Love and miss ya bro mikey

I will never forget my birth day may fifth 2005that was the day I had to bury my big bro...I will never forget that... All I want to know is why it happened I always thought it was be ause of a girl but I never know... But all I do know is when I get older I'm going to cind David hall that monster that took my brothers life and ask why...

it was 2003...The viewing was on your birthday and he was buried on the 6th. Kevin is still with us, just in a different way then we would like...Memories are a precious gift ~ Hold them close to your heart always~

It will never be the same .. although, I have ALOT to be thankful for, Leesa and her 3 beautiful daughters- Kyleigh who is 5, Aleigha whis is 2 and Emaleigh who is 1 week old, Justin and his beautiful daughter- Teighan who is 5 months old, ALL of my nephews and my neice....I LOVE all of my family and miss those who are not here!

Hey mee mee I miss yew and love yew very much I wanted to tell yew something cause I miss yew guys soooooo much tell mom happy mothers day fer me and that I love and miss her Always and forever love mikey

Hey mee mee I miss yew and love yew very much I wanted to tell yew something cause I miss yew guys soooooo much tell mom happy mothers day fer me and that I love and miss her Always and forever love mikey

hey kevin hows heaven? well i just wanted to tell you merry christmas cause i know you can read this from waaaaay up there.dont worry ill join you soon
love mikey

wonderful memeories!

I remember at christmas time 2002 kevin dressed up as santaclause! i was really happy cause i thought it was the real thingbut then kevin took the beard off!
it was the happest time of my life!

kevin i really iss you!you were the best big bro ive ever had and you still are but stronger than any one can realize because in my eyes you are still here!!!!
love your little bro mikey

Homies music video from the Wraith Shangrila fo all you Juggalos and Juggalettes.

for you bro love mik

I want ALL of my Nephews to know that I love them dearly and for those who are far away I miss them every heart is with them no matter where they are & not a day goes by that they are not on my mind <3
Forever Love

and I WILL see you again one day........

when i was little my big bro kevin took very good care of me no matter what, he was the bestest brother i have ever had until that jerk took his life but he is still with us no matter what
I love you bro

i will always love you..dont cry- i miss you .....

that is very thought full

dear mee mee i always love you cause you were always there for me i love you for ever and always with a millon tons of love, mikey

ima really miss you kevin your little bro

it is the beginning of summer and gosh i sure do have some great memories...i was thinking about the time you took me fishing off the bridge behind dominion hills and i could not understand why you needed a hammer...i sure found neglected to tell me that the only thing i would catch was an EEL! ok it was a scary situation for me! thanks for taking care of it for me...hence the hammer! (so ya had to be there) lol!!

on my mind and in my heart!

again the holiday season happened upon us without you as always there was an empty feeling! i can only hope you with us in spirit and did not miss a are so loved and so very sadly missed!
Dolly Parton is the original artist of that song. BEAUTIFUL.
14 years agoI like Whitney whoustion better! Dolly pardon is a good one tew!<3