FORGIVNESS! Wow~ now that can be questionable. "Do I, Can I, Will I ?" I do, I can and I will...ONLY because I know in my heart of hearts that you would want that ! Today has been a trying day b/c you have been on my mind heavily today--this page is a great place for me to type away, it makes me feel like i am actually talking to you :) i miss you much and love you more!

Kevin was 10 yrs old when I married into the greatest role of my life, Kevin's Aunt, 2nd only to becoming a mother myself. The only word to describe Kev was "spunk"! Of all the boys he was for sure the "father figure" at times when the role was not filled, he always worried about his family and oh how we love that boy. Its hard for me to call him a "man" bc I feel he never got the chance to become a man due to a COWARD taking his life. I know it is wrong to hate people but I'm sorry I'm not forgiving that SLIME anytime soon. I love you Kev, always and forever...hope to see you again one day.

Kevin Miller Boyd born on 02/23/1983 went to heaven on 05/03/2003

its beautiful love mik

yea it is im crying because i miss kevin and mikey

i remember the day you were born, holding you for the first time, i was just a teen at 15, but proud, only your mother could have more so! from infant to toddler pre to teen and then a young man of 20--thats as far as i would get to see you grow! i miss you more and more every day. they say time heals--they are wrong--the more time that goes by and i dont see you, dont hear your laughter, dont feel your hugs or hear you say "i love ya" the harder it gets :( i make myself imagine you resting amongst the clouds with your hands behind your head and the faint smile you so often wore! you are a true angel in the gardens of Heaven and i can only hope you are truly at peace! much love, Amy<3
Mikey a.k.a lil bro
14 years agoThis looks a lot like me when I was lil